Obama off-script: not exactly making sense here
Oh, but it depends what the meaning of “work” is. I’m beginning to think he’s never going to finish his waffle.
Continue reading →Oh, but it depends what the meaning of “work” is. I’m beginning to think he’s never going to finish his waffle.
Continue reading →In closing his victory speech last Tuesday Obama intimated that his victory will mark the beginning of the time when we “came together to remake this great nation.” I wasn’t aware that greatness needed such extensive renovation. Fine-tuning, yes. But … Continue reading →
From a comment at Real Clear Politics after Hillary gave her speech in support of Obama: mccain will carry 10 states or less after we get 5 months of seeing a 6’3″ hip, young, charismatic, black man who voted against … Continue reading →
The two nominees-to-be are in some ways diametric opposites. There’s policy: a conservative (despite the fact that many conservatives don’t think so) vs. a liberal. Stay the course vs. pull out. A Republican vs. a Democrat. The electorate is probably … Continue reading →
Maybe it’s come down to this: choosing a President is now mostly about style rather than substance. Obama is cool. That’s the real link with Kennedy, who was exceptionally cool but in a very sophisticated way. Bill Clinton was sort … Continue reading →
Peter Wehner does a wonderful job of fisking Obama’s recent speech on Iraq in which the candidate combined masterful oratory, abysmal ignorance, denial, and lawyerly circumlocutions in his signature manner to show exactly why he should never be elected President … Continue reading →
It’s time to rewrite the lyrics of the Irish pacifist folk tune “Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye” to fit Barack Obama’s gift for sizing up character.
Continue reading →Obama won enough delegates yesterday to almost certainly become the 2008 Democratic Presidential nominee. A number of articles about that fact make use of the word “historic.” Indeed, it is. Of course, if Hillary Clinton had won the nomination instead, … Continue reading →
Even a decisive win for Hillary today in both South Dakota and Montana—which is unlikely, but which could cause the superdelegates to think twice about Obama—might not save her Presidential aspirations. Hillary’s goose appears to be cooked. The fat lady … Continue reading →
Yesterday’s WaPo editorial, “The Iraqi Upturn,” is an indication that improvements in Iraq have gotten so noticeable that even the MSM is having trouble maintaining its denial of that fact. The subtitle of the piece acknowledges as much when it … Continue reading →
Obama’s fast becoming nearly as famous for gaffes as Yogi Berra. But Berra’s often made sense; Obama’s never do. That said, not all of Obama’s errors are created equal. Some fall into the category of slips of the tongue—after all, … Continue reading →
Jack Kelly (and others) has noted that Obama is giving a mixed and contradictory message on Hugo Chavez and whether to isolate him or to negotiate with him. But that’s not a unique situation for Obama; for example, he’s got … Continue reading →