Obama’s judgment on Iraq
The worm has turned, according to an article by George Packer in the New Yorker entitled “Obama’s Iraq Problem.” Yes, Obama’s Iraq problem.
Continue reading →The worm has turned, according to an article by George Packer in the New Yorker entitled “Obama’s Iraq Problem.” Yes, Obama’s Iraq problem.
Continue reading →Email this article to some Obama supporters you know. It will be hard for them to dismiss the evidence therein because it appeared in the extremely liberal Boston Globe. But they may find a way.
Continue reading →In trying to understand what about Obama appeals so powerfully to his supporters, I’ve decided that some—perhaps even much—of it is style. He gives a good speech. He has a deep voice. He’s tall. He’s slender. He knows what a … Continue reading →
Barack Obama, the candidate who wants to end divisiveness, and who wants to run a clean and honorable campaign without negativity, said the following in a recent campaign speech at a Florida fund-raising reception: It is going to be very … Continue reading →
It would be so refreshing if only, instead of Obama’s “the dirty aggressive Republicans made me do it” announcement yesterday, he’d said something like this: Back when I took the pledge to use public financing if my opponent did, I … Continue reading →
I commented earlier, here and here, on the reasonableness of certain recent articles and editorials in the WaPo. Looks like it’s a real trend, because today the editors have published an editorial on Obama’s campaign financing reversal that contains not … Continue reading →
Yesterday Obama channeled Emily Litella and said “never mind,” taking back his earlier promise to accept public financing for his campaign if his opponent would as well. In November of 2007 he not only made this pledge, but added “I … Continue reading →
It seems clear that the Michelle Obama “whitey” tape is merely an urban rumor and does not exist, except in the fevered minds and wishful thinking of some who oppose Obama. But even if it were found to be based … Continue reading →
According to Garrison Keillor’s op-ed piece in the Chicago Tribune, he’s an Obama fan. This is hardly surprising in a man who’s as liberal as Keillor is—in his piece, he calls “recent Republicanism” a “dismal darkness.” Keillor’s fondness for alliteration … Continue reading →
The Johnson bandaid comes off. Ouch! Johnson was an atrocious, tin-eared choice on many other grounds. He’s a symbol of old Democratic elites–the Mondale Restoration!–and of Beltway business as usual. He’s gotten obscenely rich off of public service while pursuing … Continue reading →
Oh, but it depends what the meaning of “work” is. I’m beginning to think he’s never going to finish his waffle.
Continue reading →In closing his victory speech last Tuesday Obama intimated that his victory will mark the beginning of the time when we “came together to remake this great nation.” I wasn’t aware that greatness needed such extensive renovation. Fine-tuning, yes. But … Continue reading →