Fisking the Obama “apology”
I don’t have to spend a lot of time at it, since John at Powerline has already done a fine job. But I would like to add just a little tidbit concerning the following sentence of Obama’s: And I could … Continue reading →
I don’t have to spend a lot of time at it, since John at Powerline has already done a fine job. But I would like to add just a little tidbit concerning the following sentence of Obama’s: And I could … Continue reading →
Gerard Vanderleun has made Sirius’s slogan into a bumper sticker you can print out and put on your car. Enjoy!
Continue reading →I was otherwise engaged for most of Obama’s presser yesterday, but I happened to watch the last few minutes of it on CNN. The very first thing I heard in the wrap-up was their political correspondent (a woman; I didn’t … Continue reading →
What we do know is that this man is dangerous, and that if his predecessor George Bush had tried a stunt like this, he would have been widely excoriated. What am I talking about? You may recall that Investor’s Business … Continue reading →
Obama is acting as though he won a mandate. And why not? His election margin of victory was approximately six points, and the post-2008 election Congress is more strongly Democratic than Congress has been since the 1970s—which means very strongly … Continue reading →
Yesterday blogger Ann Althouse, who voted for Obama, declared that he’s lost her. Although Althouse’s post was very brief, I applaud her for having the courage to change her mind and to go public with it. I hope that the … Continue reading →
Our president hasn’t given up on overturning the rule of law in Honduras, as well as subverting the autonomy of the people in that supposedly sovereign state. And Hugo Chavez obviously sees Obama as his ally in this endeavor: Mr. … Continue reading →
Anyone who really believed Obama’s campaign rhetoric that he would govern in a bipartisan manner wasn’t paying attention to anything but his lofty words. Unfortunately, far too many of the voters fit that description. I didn’t believe Obama, but I … Continue reading →
Here’s an especially trenchant description of President Obama in a comment on a Victor Davis Hanson article at PJ: Americans, vdh and others talking about debt, no debt, the value or negative value of debt or any BHO issue is … Continue reading →
Ben Smith of Politico seems to think Obama’s getting rattled, and that this has caused a change in the persona he’s showing to the country and the world. But everything the article describes as new behavior was already in evidence … Continue reading →
Spiegel reports quite a bit of German dissatisfaction with the Obama administration’s economic policy: It is an unsettling situation. The prosperity and well-being of ordinary people are more threatened than they have been in a long time, and yet Germany … Continue reading →
Ted Van Dyk doesn’t get it. In his new WSJ piece he’s addressing an Obama that doesn’t exist—a reasonable guy who’s just a bit overwhelmed and misguided, one who’s ceded his program to others and who just needs to “get … Continue reading →