This would explain a lot
Funny stuff: White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase Or maybe not so funny after all. [Hat tip: commenter “ms”]
Continue reading →Funny stuff: White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase Or maybe not so funny after all. [Hat tip: commenter “ms”]
Continue reading →I found this pithy and trenchant description of the Obama administration at Ace’s: All the ethical integrity of the Clinton administration combined with the economic acumen of the Carter administration and rounded off with the domestic policy and war-fighting expertise … Continue reading →
Obama was always a fluid if vapid speechmaker, although his off-the-cuff statements featured a lot of hemming and hawing. But I’ve noticed something that seems new: hesitancy even when he speaks from a prepared text. Obama now seems to go … Continue reading →
The NY Times readership is really really angry—at Janet Napolitano. Take a look at the comments section for this article; here’s a typical sentiment, one of the more moderate of the bunch: On Sunday—even as a supporter of President Obama, … Continue reading →
Now that it’s nearly a year into Obama’s presidency, I find myself having a recurrent experience: I’ll go back and read something from the past, but now with the perspective provided by the passage of time I experience an “aha!” … Continue reading →
Iran is in turmoil, with major demonstrations against the government and a major and violent crackdown on demonstrators by the government, and President Obama is silent once again. Boy, when that man takes a vacation, it’s really a vacation. “Ah, … Continue reading →
President Obama is vacationing in Hawaii, and hasn’t yet deigned to address the nation on the subject of the Flight 253 terrorist. Instead, he has left that task in the very unsteady hands of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who … Continue reading →
Found here, the following: And this one:
Continue reading →NOT. Here’s our President, making one of his oft-reiterated promises on the subject, way back in August: As Joe Wilson would say: you lie. And here’s law professor Richard Epstein back in September, explaining the House bill and Obama’s lies: … Continue reading →
If an incident at Copenhagen described in a recent Die Welt article (translation here) is true, things are even worse than we previously thought with Obama. And that was already bad enough. Here’s what’s alleged to have occurred: According to … Continue reading →
NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin offers his Obama mea culpas: I am afraid — actually, certain — we are losing the heart and soul that made America unique in human history. Yes, we have enemies, but the greatest danger comes … Continue reading →
Freud spent a lot of time wondering, “what do women want?” And on this blog we’ve also spent a great deal of time—and no small number of posts and comments—on the modern-day version: what does Obama want? There are other … Continue reading →