A graph to ponder
Familiarity breeds disapproval.
Continue reading →Familiarity breeds disapproval.
Continue reading →That’s the question. And the answer given here is “Maybe. A little bit, anyway:” …[Coast Guard commander] Allen has repeatedly pointed out that it is BP, not the federal government, that has all the equipment and expertise to deal with … Continue reading →
…because it knows it can. I don’t know if there might be any fire behind the mild amount of smoke generated so far by Sestak’s allegations that he was offered a job by the Obama administration in exchange for not … Continue reading →
It seems like a long, long, time ago that Daniel Pearl was kidnapped, held hostage, and then beheaded by jihadists in early 2002. At the time, it was a profoundly shocking event, and part of the horror was the fact … Continue reading →
Here’s an excellent analysis by Jay Cost. And John Podhoretz has some observations (surprisingly, Joe Trippi says much the same thing): The era of political stability for incumbents and veteran political players has truly reached its end. The point is … Continue reading →
…to the fact that we appear to be betraying you. I wonder if the reassurance will work.
Continue reading →President Obama has announced the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. I can’t say it surprises me in any way, nor should it—this was telegraphed for quite some time—and I don’t think that this nominaton (or any other … Continue reading →
The Times Square bomb was a dud as terrorist bombs go. But police say it might have had a significant death toll if it had not been spotted so early and rendered harmless. So there’s no reason to be lulled … Continue reading →
Remember Barack Obama, Joe the Plumber, and “spreading the wealth?” It seemed a surprising revelation at the time. But Obama’s income redistributive tendencies have become an old and familiar story, if hardly a ho-hum one. Now Obama has done it … Continue reading →
Used to be that when the leaders of Congress said they would move on a certain bill (or not move on a certain bill), you could kinda sorta believe them. Now trying to figure out what’s really happening is like … Continue reading →
When I saw the title of this Politico story—“Why reporters are down on President Obama”—I thought it would be about the press’s disillusionment with Obama’s policies as president. Not at all; silly me. It’s about the press’s disillusionment with Obama’s … Continue reading →
The new Arizona immigration law is described in nearly every MSM article as “controversial.” And I suppose it is, if by “controversial” you mean the usual definition of arousing “strong disagreement.” The word also fits the bill, however, if you … Continue reading →