Weather: housebound
We’re having one of those wretched winter storms in the far northeast, giving those of you who are not living here the opportunity to crow and tell me how much nicer it is where you are. Be my guest. I … Continue reading →
We’re having one of those wretched winter storms in the far northeast, giving those of you who are not living here the opportunity to crow and tell me how much nicer it is where you are. Be my guest. I … Continue reading →
It’s autumn in New England. No surprise there. And calendar-worthy fall scenes are a dime a dozen here–have camera, point, and shoot. But not always. All too often, my own photos turn out to be pedestrian shots of brightly-colored leaves, … Continue reading →
Last night was the first night in I don’t know how long that it wasn’t beastly hot. I’m one of those people–not all that rare in New England–who doesn’t have air conditioning, so believe me, these things get my attention. … Continue reading →
I think I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping up with this blog, considering I’m on vacation. But of course my concentration hasn’t been focused on it like a laser. I’ve got a few more days here–returning in midweek … Continue reading →
Last night, as I was driving home at 7 PM in the dark and the cold, I saw some lights up ahead where there hadn’t been any lights for a while. It took a moment for it to penetrate my … Continue reading →
Today has been one of those days when the weather intervenes and dictates things: snow and more snow, all up and down New England. It’s one of the largest accumulations of this year, a season in which snowfall has been … Continue reading →
What’s happening in this photo? Actually, it’s a photo of me, walking in the woods on a chilly day in early spring—that’s why I’m wearing a fairly bulky jacket. The place? The grounds of the Robert Frost Farm in Derry, … Continue reading →
In other seasons, it’s just a pond. A small and nondescript one at that, subject to some sort of algae-like scum in summer, and with a row of ducks on the side. It’s located in the park where I frequently … Continue reading →
No, it wasn’t technically the first snow. We’d had a few flurries earlier this fall. Once, a tiny bit had even remained on the ground for a few hours, before melting. But yesterday was the first true snowstorm, signalling the … Continue reading →
I always used to wonder about it, whenever I’d pass the sign on the highway near Newburyport, Massachusetts that said Governor Dummer Academy. What was it like for the students when people asked them where they attended school? What endless … Continue reading →
It’s coming; I can feel it. A week or two ago it suddenly turned quite cold, and the grass, so recently green, is starting to show brown in patches. The autumn colors have become even more autumnal and muted. But … Continue reading →
Fall is ordinarily my favorite season. I love it when the air starts getting that snappy crispness. Then some time in late September I see the first few patches of startling red in the maples. Each day after that a … Continue reading →