The IDF in Rafah; what’s going on with Egypt?
Here’s information you probably won’t get elsewhere. Well worth listening to, especially the part about Egypt’s motives and actions (that section begins around minute 29):
Continue reading →Here’s information you probably won’t get elsewhere. Well worth listening to, especially the part about Egypt’s motives and actions (that section begins around minute 29):
Continue reading →Here’s another informative video that offers in-depth commentary it’s hard to find elsewhere. If you’re impatient with podcasts, just go to “settings” and listen at higher speed: And then there’s this (hat tip: commenter “miguel cervantes”): Day Before Biden Admin … Continue reading →
Biden’s betrayal of Israel has so many dimensions, so many heinous ill effects, that’s it’s hard to contemplate them without falling into fury. One of the many aspects of it is his own naked ambition and lack of principle, which … Continue reading →
Over thirty years ago, Allan Bloom used the phrase “dancing bears” to describe the capitulation of university professors to student threats of violence and the occupation of buildings. His original quote from The Closing of the American Mind involved the … Continue reading →
The other day I wrote about Northwestern University’s craven capitulation to its hate-filled pro-Hamas pro-Palestine anti-Israel anti-Jewish demonstrators. So I’m very much in favor of this move by the Equal Protection Project: On April 29, 2024, Northwestern University struck a … Continue reading →
I happened across an old post of mine (2006) about the Palestinian terrorist hijacking of a cruise ship in 1985, during which they murdered a disabled elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, named Leon Klinghoffer. The post was also … Continue reading →
Jordan participated in the defense against Iran’s strike on Israel, saying it did so to protect its own citizens. But was that the only reason? As I wrote in this post nearly a week ago, the government of Jordan and … Continue reading →
Here are some recent developments in the Arab world [emphasis mine]: The intensive protests in Jordan against the war in Gaza are a source of concern for the Gulf states, which regard them as an attempt by Hamas, the Muslim … Continue reading →
[Hat tip: Scott Johnson at Powerline.] From Danielle Pletka: The question of Joe Biden’s age, recently vaulted onto front pages by the devastating Hur report on the President’s retention of classified material, has become a political football. Montages of Biden’s … Continue reading →
There was quite a bit of discussion of this Tablet article (author Justine El-Khazen) yesterday in the comments here. So I decided to take a look at it. It begins this way: My mother died on Dec. 4 of last … Continue reading →
Fortunately, Netanyahu et al in Israel aren’t listening to anyone who tells them it’s time to lose: Addressing American Jewish leaders Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argued that the Israeli army was going to unprecedented lengths to protect civilians in … Continue reading →
In no surprise whatsoever, ISIS has claimed “credit” for the blast in Iran: ISIS claims responsibility for a pair of explosions that killed at least 84 people near the grave of General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds … Continue reading →