Mitt sez…
…that a lot of people want to be on the dole, and they won’t vote for him anyway. Mitt sez the Palestinians don’t want peace. This is scandalous? This is news? Ah, but the media can make a statement that … Continue reading →
…that a lot of people want to be on the dole, and they won’t vote for him anyway. Mitt sez the Palestinians don’t want peace. This is scandalous? This is news? Ah, but the media can make a statement that … Continue reading →
A reader alerted me to the following, written by someone who purports to have had a long career as a US Foreign Service Officer. If correct, it sheds some light on certain questions that have come up in recent discussions … Continue reading →
…but I repeat myself. Via Breitbart: I’d actually rather he was bullsh**ting us than that he actually believed this sort of naive, arrogant claptrap.
Continue reading →[Hat tip: commenter “Teri Pittman.”] I have no idea whether the facts as related in this Reuter’s article are true. I’m a bit suspicious because (1) there have been so many different sources on the embassy story, each with a … Continue reading →
…and I’m not an Orwellian girl. Apologies to Madonna, but it seems that in terms of disinformation and propaganda, we are living in an Orwellian world (or at least a Pravda-esque world). And if the American people aren’t sharp enough … Continue reading →
Ace writes about the deplorable lack of security at the Benghazi consulate. I can’t find a link in Ace’s post, but the information seems to come from this Politico article: The Benghazi consulate had “lock-and-key” security, not the same level … Continue reading →
Here’s the text of Obama’s statement on the murder of Ambassador Stevens. Some excerpts: The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We’re working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I’ve also … Continue reading →
Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A privately produced and amateurish anti-Islam film made by expat Coptic Christians in the US and distributed on YouTube is said to spark violent protests in Cairo. The US Embassy there apologies … Continue reading →
The Muslim Brotherhood is tightening its control over Egypt, and there doesn’t seem to be much anyone can do about it. Dennis Ross seems to believe, though, that Obama could arrest the slide with some toughlove: Egypt’s president and people … Continue reading →
…whether this article, which I found at Drudge, is reporting the truth. If it is, however, that would be a very ominous sign in Egypt. On the other hand, ye olde blood libel is alive and well and living in … Continue reading →
Richard Landes, blogger at the Augean Stables and creator of the site Second Draft, has written a very fine opinion piece at the WSJ, criticizing the criticism of Romney’s “culture” remarks in Israel. Landes is uniquely positioned to make the … Continue reading →
So, does the highlighted statement [emphasis mine] disqualify Romney for the presidency?: So far the roughest moment on the Republican presidential candidate’s road trip came after he said that some things about the Olympics were “disconcerting.” That angered Brits, including … Continue reading →