Apparently that 3 A.M. call came…
…and both Obama and Hillary failed to pick up the phone. What difference does it make? Perhaps some day we’ll find out.
Continue reading →…and both Obama and Hillary failed to pick up the phone. What difference does it make? Perhaps some day we’ll find out.
Continue reading →Here’s a story for you: Last year when liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was robbed, the New York Post editorial page used it to recall one of the late Ed Koch’s favorite anecdotes: Back when he was first running … Continue reading →
Lindsay Graham does: We have not heard from the people who went through this debacle who were there on the ground. I guarantee if this had been a good news story we would have heard from them the next day. … Continue reading →
Vali Nasr has written a book, a portion of which has been excerpted in Foreign Policy. His piece represents another curious effort to discredit Obama from the left, and is far more hard-hitting than Bill Keller’s. Nasr is a Tehran-born … Continue reading →
Shocking. But we are not the least bit shocked any more, are we? Maybe ambassadors should start hiring their own security. And speaking of shocking, I have to say that I have retained the capacity to be shocked by this: … Continue reading →
Remember that one of the big objections to Mubarak’s rule was the fact that, during his entire time as president—which began right after the 1981 assassination of his predecessor Sadat and ended almost two years ago (almost exactly two years … Continue reading →
The more I think about Hillary Clinton’s question yesterday—“what difference does it make?”—the more important it becomes; a sort of leitmotif, not only for this administration, but for our times in general. For the moment, let’s not talk about Benghazi … Continue reading →
Well, we do, of course. But we cared about Benghazi and this administration’s role in it even before Hillary Clinton testified, which finally happened today. I submit that most people care in certain ways. Those who like Clinton probably see … Continue reading →
…is neither conventional nor wise. But it seems to be running the show lately. Case in point: you mean the Muslim Brotherhood’s not a reasonable and moderate group? Who woulda thunk it? Everyone who thought about it and did a … Continue reading →
…that his previous positions on the Middle East had no meaning, earning Schumer’s vote for his confirmation. Was there ever any doubt that this would happen?: Schumer said that his support was sown up after Hagel ”” whom Obama formally … Continue reading →
Here’s a riddle for you: How is Obama like Eisenhower? My answer would be: they both love[d] to play golf. David Ignatius sees a great many more similarities. Seriously, he does. I repeat: he is serious. After I wrote the … Continue reading →
…a case to follow with interest.
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