Hubris, nemisis, and partying like its 1773
My new article is up at PJ. Enjoy the party.
Continue reading →My new article is up at PJ. Enjoy the party.
Continue reading →I’m really getting sick of this stuff. As I wrote in my post on O’Donnell approximately an hour ago: I have noticed a trend in the MSM that goes like this: the press decides that certain candidates on the right … Continue reading →
I voted by absentee ballot yesterday. I’m not one to do that, ordinarily. I like going to the polls on voting day. I like the atmosphere of civic duty. I like the people standing around (even in the rain) with … Continue reading →
Commenter Simon Weaver, transplanted Brit, writes: Not everyone believes Obama is a Marxist. Coming from England he seems pretty right wing to me. The most radical left wing thing he has done since coming into office was merely suggesting a … Continue reading →
The NY Times interviews some couples who find themselves in mixed marriages of the political variety. Note that, in the marriages described in the article, it’s the woman who’s the liberal and the man who’s the conservative. This ties in … Continue reading →
This piece by Dennis Prager is one of the best summaries of the left’s attitude towards the right, and why it is so recalcitrant to change. It also explains why the ostracism and demonization faced by liberal to conservative “changers” … Continue reading →
So. Christine O’Donnell has won the Republican primary in Delaware, handing Mike Castle a defeat. In a way, she also handed a defeat to the Republican establishment itself, serving notice that the usual rules do not apply this year, and … Continue reading →
A new Quinnipiac poll highlights some recent trends on hot-button issues such as illegal immigration and the Ground Zero mosque. On most of the questions, there is a huge disconnect between Republicans and Democrats. This is unsurprising; it’s the stance … Continue reading →
Gerard Alexander has an article at the WaPo describing the history of the perception that Republicans are racist, based on the so-called Southern strategy: This reading of the conservative movement presents problems of logic and history, relying on assumptions that … Continue reading →
Yesterday on this comments thread there was a smattering of schadenfreude towards young people who voted for Obama and are now out of work. A number of readers felt that the high rates of unemployment among the young is a … Continue reading →
In the comments section of yesterday’s post, “ghost707” writes The reasons the Republicans rolled over is that they found out that they could fleece the public and get away with it. Democrats controlled most of the institutions in this country, … Continue reading →
The following is quite a comment, gleaned from a thread at the New Republic, and written by “12alainu.” I highlight it here because it is a good example of the persistence on the left of the reductionist racialist explanation for … Continue reading →