Prospective Republican presidential candidates…
…would do well to heed Kyle-Ann Shiver’s advice.
Continue reading →…would do well to heed Kyle-Ann Shiver’s advice.
Continue reading →The two mainstream political parties in America have grown more bitter and more extreme. Oh, I know there have been even more divisive times in American history. After all, I hear tell there was a Civil War a while back. … Continue reading →
It’s no secret that Romney is not the conservatives’ choice for the Republican nomination. He’s not mine either. But my choices aren’t running, so I’m taking a look at Romney, just as I am at all the other candidates. I … Continue reading →
I’ve seen quite a few remarks, both here and elsewhere, to the effect of “why do Republicans keep having debates in mostly liberal venues with mostly liberal moderators?” Why do they let themselves be set up that way? One answer … Continue reading →
I took this test of political orientation (hat tip: Althouse) and the results were no surprise: somewhat to the right, somewhat libertarian. Here were my actual figures, and where I stand on the grid: Economic Left/Right: 1.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92 … Continue reading →
Joel Bakan, Canadian* law professor, wants to protect children from the predatory rampages of corporate greed: By the early 20th century…[m]ost modern states embraced the general idea that government had a duty to protect the health, education and welfare of … Continue reading →
I’ve noticed a few articles and posts lately from people on the left containing the meme “we know exactly what to do to fix the economy, and the mean and destructive politicians just won’t do it.” Here’s a good example … Continue reading →
This piece by Seumas Milne in the Guardian is typical of the way the left looks at the riots and their causes: …[W]here exactly did the rioters get the idea that there is no higher value than acquiring individual wealth, … Continue reading →
William Kristol is absolutely correct: To govern is to choose. To vote is to choose. To vote against John Boehner on the House floor this week in the biggest showdown of the current Congress is to choose to vote with … Continue reading →
His own, that is. Chopra’s basic argument: even though you’re pissed at Obama, you must support him because otherwise evil will triumph. I especially like his first paragraph: One of the virtues of being on the liberal side of politics … Continue reading →
I’ve noticed that Obama’s base has become pretty much fed up with him by now. Although the right (and I include myself here) thinks he’s far to the left, and that any conciliatory gestures he makes are just a pose … Continue reading →
Dennis Prager asks the question. He’s got a few more things to say: For many non-leftist Democrats, it is emotionally impossible to vote Republican. I can illustrate this best with a personal example that I often use in speeches to … Continue reading →