The fabulous fulminating frogman
Here is the new must-read post-election essay. In this case it’s a rant of the highest order.
Continue reading →Here is the new must-read post-election essay. In this case it’s a rant of the highest order.
Continue reading →I keep writing that if you only read one article on what happened in this election, and how Republicans can learn from it and go on to do a lot better next time, read this one. And then this one … Continue reading →
Liberals fear that the right will legislate (or appoint justices who will dictate) what used to be known as conventional morality, in the bedroom and regarding reproductive rights. Conservatives are afraid that the left will legislate (or appoint justices who … Continue reading →
I originally published this post on November 10, 2008. It remains very apropos today, so here it is again, with just a few words changed for clarity. An excellent observation from Baldilocks: Losers find it almost impossible to act like … Continue reading →
…from Bookworm. [ADDENDUM: Here’s another.]
Continue reading →I’ve said before that even had Mitt Romney won this election, unless it was by a landslide, we’d still be in big trouble. It would only have bought us a little time. Or maybe it would have just given us … Continue reading →
[NOTE: I copied these graphs last night but neglected to note the site they came from. Now I can’t seem to find it, so I apologize for not offering it.] If voting had been limited to people 30 years old … Continue reading →
I had been dreading yesterday for weeks, and I felt that dread especially keenly in the week leading up to the election. The arguments on the right that the polls were rigged never made sense to me. When I researched … Continue reading →
And that the current Chair is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Two sleazy party hacks. If you don’t believe me, take a look at this abominable video of Dean from today: So despite the polls that find a race that’s too close … Continue reading →
Commenter “Susanamantha” quotes a libertarian friend of hers who refuses to vote for Romney this year and will be voting for Gary Johnson: Not a single Republican IN MY LIFETIME has reduced the national debt; in fact, excepting Ford, they … Continue reading →
The other day I came across some statistics that reminded me that electoral-vote-heavy California, one of the most reliably Democrat states these days in presidential elections, didn’t used to swing that way. The change came rather recently. Take a look: … Continue reading →
Commenter “kolnai” makes some interesting points about the media and asks some interesting questions: What I’m questioning, however, is this statistic I’ve seen Caddell and others throwing around stating that only 8% of the public has a favorable view of … Continue reading →