Thomas Sowell: predictions, 2008
Pretty great interview with the brilliant Dr. Sowell:
Continue reading →Pretty great interview with the brilliant Dr. Sowell:
Continue reading →National Journal‘s Ron Fournier (who used to be Washington bureau chief at the AP), is puzzled and perturbed by the disconnect between his preferred vision and the recent news: I like government. I don’t like what the fallout from these … Continue reading →
Ann Althouse wonders whether the result of the recent tsunami of scandals will be that “Everyone becomes cynical and dismissive and won’t even listen to the explanations or pay attention to any specific facts and answers that might emerge.” But … Continue reading →
Peggy Noonan is coming along: Because people think the IRS has always, in various past cases, been used as a political tool, they think we’ll glide through this scandal too. We’ll muddle through, we’ll investigate, the IRS will right itself, … Continue reading →
Since the IRS scandal broke, you see it almost everywhere: statements that Nixon used the IRS to target enemies, often coupled with a claim that what he did was worse than what the IRS has been up to lately. In … Continue reading →
Here’s a little gem I came across the other day. First, though, if you’re not familiar with Thomas Sowell, please hie yourself to YouTube, do a search for his name, and start watching. You’ll find scads of clips of Sowell … Continue reading →
Brad Woodhouse is the Democratic National Committee’s communications director. As such, you’d think he’d understand communications. And so we can assume that when he says something, he means to say it–such as, for example, this message: POTUS asked AG to … Continue reading →
Obama plans to get cracking on nominating some federal judges of the liberal persuasion. And he’s using one of his favorite tactics, forcing the Republicans to play whack-a-mole: In trying to fill the three vacancies on the 11-member United States … Continue reading →
You know, I feel I need to thank the left for one thing. For much of my life, I’ve studied history but wondered how it was that certain things happened. How could people be so stupid, so gullible, so shortsighted, … Continue reading →
Here’s why. Please read it, and send it out to other people you think should read it. Don’t forget your liberal friends, if they are at all amenable to actually reading something you might send them (I’ve worn out my … Continue reading →
The last week or so has been filled with so much news that I can hardly keep up despite spending a ton of time reading and listening and thinking. You probably feel the same way. And yet I know—I am … Continue reading →
Gallup headline: “Americans’ Attention to IRS, Benghazi Stories Below Average.” Ho-hum, says America. Or does it? When I looked at the actual figures, they weren’t quite as bad as I had originally thought from reading the headline. In fact, slight … Continue reading →