Who was minding the DOJ store?
Nobody seems to have been at home at the Department of Justice when the AP subpoenas were issued. Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.
Continue reading →Nobody seems to have been at home at the Department of Justice when the AP subpoenas were issued. Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.
Continue reading →…from the decision about the AP phone records, but he can’t remember when. Or how. And he didn’t do it in writing, which is exceedingly odd (meaning “suspicious”). Will Holder finally get his well-deserved place under that bus? And if … Continue reading →
Jack Dunphy has a piece at PJ about Ariel Castro and how ordinary he must have seemed to his neighbors and acquaintances, and how it would have been very difficult to perceive the evil that lurked within. Although I understand … Continue reading →
I was watching CNN last night, and learned some more things about the gothic horror show that was Ariel Castro: his deceased ex-wife Grimilda Figueroa had filed very serious physical abuse charges against him, allegations of violent and multiple beatings … Continue reading →
It certainly seems that way. Neighbors report having called police numerous times with complaints of suspicious goings-on around that house, and the police did nothing. What’s more, the police visited the house once because Castro had left a child on … Continue reading →
After the fact? And how much did they know before? And how many people would try to protect a friend who was the Boston bomber?
Continue reading →Dzhohkar Tsarnaev didn’t just blow up hundreds of people in Boston. He also revived support for the death penalty (at least for himself), with 70% of Americans polling in favor of it in his particular case. Republicans are most in … Continue reading →
The Pigford case and the extensive fraud it almost certainly has spawned in its wake have been the topics of a great many posts on the blogospheric right for years. But now the New York Times has (very surprisingly) taken … Continue reading →
It turns out that in 2008 Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s names were placed on the Indiana presidential primary ballot through fraudulent petition signatures: Former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy … Continue reading →
Surprised that the Tsarnaevs of Massachusetts received welfare benefits?: The Tsarnaevs’ parents are former recipients of transitional assistance benefits, and both Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev received benefits through their parents when they were younger. Separately, Tamerlan and his family received … Continue reading →
…this might have something to do with the fact that there’s not a whole lot of upset about the failure of the gun bill. Nothing concentrates the mind on the subject so much as a spectacle in which America watches … Continue reading →