Non-citizen voters
There may be quite a few non-citizen voters, and they may even decide elections in close races. Why not? It may all be part of the plan. And it may be harder to control than you might think, even if … Continue reading →
There may be quite a few non-citizen voters, and they may even decide elections in close races. Why not? It may all be part of the plan. And it may be harder to control than you might think, even if … Continue reading →
Leaks from the grand jury testimony indicate that Darren Wilson was probably well within his rights to shoot Michael Brown in self-defense. See this in the WaPo, of all places: …[M]ore than a half-dozen unnamed black witnesses have provided testimony … Continue reading →
This caper by James O’Keefe doesn’t prove voter fraud exists, of course. But it certainly proves how easy it would be in a state like Colorado, and that there are plenty of people willing and eager to commit it. So, … Continue reading →
This sort of testimony from Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown in an altercation in Ferguson, Missouri, is more or less what many of us expected would be his report when he finally testified as … Continue reading →
…grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine. Another story of a person falsely convicted of murder on flimsy evidence (in this case, testimony about a confession) that should never have been considered credible. What an awful story. Here are some … Continue reading →
This is one of the ways in which Democrats in power perpetuate more Democrats in power; the judge deciding this case was appointed by Barack Obama in 2011: Less than a month before Election Day, a federal judge from Corpus … Continue reading →
Which is also a decision, because the trend in the lower courts is to declare its ban unconstitutional: Jonathan Adler writes that the Supreme Court might still take a case in the future, but I don’t see how that is … Continue reading →
Here’s some new information which, if true, would further implicate the Dallas hospital that sent Thomas Eric Duncan home the first time he came to the ER there. The story comes from Duncan’s nephew Joe Weeks, who seems to be … Continue reading →
The axis of evil strikes: A 37-year-old man has been executed in Iran after being found guilty of heresy and insulting prophet Jonah, according to human rights activists. Mohsen Amir-Aslani was arrested nine years ago for his activities which the … Continue reading →
Why did it take so long for this story to come out?: An armed man who jumped the White House fence this month made it far deeper into the mansion than previously disclosed, overpowering a Secret Service agent inside the … Continue reading →
On the one hand, the fact that almost none of the tens of thousands of illegal arrivals during the last few months showed up for their scheduled immigration hearings is not news at all. It was so predictable as to … Continue reading →
Finally: Attorney General Eric Holder plans to announce Thursday that he is resigning from the Obama administration, a Justice Department official confirmed to Fox News. That’s certainly a consummation devoutly to be wished. However, not so fast: The official said … Continue reading →