Chris Rock on how to not get your ass kicked by the police
Commenter “Beverly” alerted me to this Chris Rock routine:
Continue reading →Commenter “Beverly” alerted me to this Chris Rock routine:
Continue reading →Here’s another shooting of a black man who turned out to be unarmed, but was actively resisting arrest by fighting with the officer: According to Sgt. Trent Crump, the officer responded Tuesday to reports of someone selling drugs out of … Continue reading →
This assessment of the Eric Garner case seems just about right to me. As does this one. The death of Eric Garner was a sad sequence of events, with unintentional overkill (literally) by the police. There is no evidence there … Continue reading →
I noticed an argument in the comments section between the pro-impeachment and the con-impeachment forces. For example, from “Truth Unites…and Divides,” we have: Refusal to [impeach Obama] speaks to cowardice. Cowardice wildly breeds disgust, disdain, cynicism, and apathy towards the … Continue reading →
And that’s saying a lot. Hanson’s not a flowery writer who dazzles with his technique, but he has a knack for diving straight to the heart of the matter without wasting words. Here he tackles a very basic rot that … Continue reading →
John McWhorter is an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. In a Time essay on Ferguson, he demonstrates his graceful way with words, and his struggle to fight the truth about Ferguson. It’s a struggle that … Continue reading →
Murder charges against Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak have been dropped: In addition to dismissing murder charges against the former president, his interior minister, Habib Al Adly, and six aides on Saturday, the judge announced that Mr. Mubarak and his two sons, … Continue reading →
Here’s a good summary article of some of the legal questions involved in Obama’s immigration executive order, and how the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel got it wrong. The basic points: First, the OLC justified the policy as a prioritization … Continue reading →
Now the University of Massachusetts has decided to rid itself of its association with Bill Cosby which goes back decades: A university spokesman told the Boston Globe on Wednesday university officials had asked Cosby to step down as an honorary … Continue reading →
This is an extraordinary article urging more sweeping executive action from Obama on immigration. It’s extraordinary in that it completely ignores the constitutional questions involved in what Obama has done. It’s written by Robert Morganthau, a New York lawyer and … Continue reading →
Wouldn’t it be nice if the media would take this advice from Robert Tracinski to heart?: 1. It’s not a story until there are facts (and claims aren’t facts)… 2. Forensics is a science… 3. People are individuals, not symbols… … Continue reading →
I was going to write a lengthy article describing how the media has distorted the facts of the Brown/Wilson case, purposely encouraging misperceptions that have led to outrage and destructive rioting. I was planning to list a whole bunch of … Continue reading →