Don’t have a snowball fight in Wausau…
…or you might get arrested.
Continue reading →…or you might get arrested.
Continue reading →As far as I can see (I haven’t read it; it’s very long), the gist is as expected: The IG found justification to investigate the Russia investigation and did not find any “intentional misconduct or political bias.” However, the investigators … Continue reading →
If this turns out to be true, wow: The Trayvon Martin case was built on a fraud, with a key witness being swapped out with an imposter when the real witness wouldn’t testify, George Zimmerman said in a lawsuit Wednesday. … Continue reading →
Apparently Ann Althouse has a stronger stomach than I do, because she was able to watch today’s impeachment hearing: I thought…the idea would be for the 3 law professors called by the Democrats to provide cover for the Democrats by … Continue reading →
…to the House’s fishing expedition attempt to subpoena Trump’s financial records from before he was president. You can read about it here. It’s a temporary stay, pending a full appeal.
Continue reading →This is good news: On October 28, 2019, we reported on a stunning development in Nicholas Sandmann’s previously dismissed lawsuit against The Washington Post, Judge Reopens Nicholas Sandmann lawsuit against Washington Post. The same judge has ruled in similar cases … Continue reading →
Lawfare against Netanyahu has gotten to the point of this indictment: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced Thursday, prolonging the country’s political uncertainty as … Continue reading →
Here’s today’s rumor about IG Horowitz’s report: Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s much anticipated report on his investigation into the FBI’s probe into President Trump’s campaign is expected to be made public before Thanksgiving and the outcome is … Continue reading →
It’s not as though any of the choices for San Francisco DA were conservatives or even close to it. But of all the far leftist candidates for San Francisco DA, winner Chesa Boudin was the most leftist of them all, … Continue reading →
…seems to be running the show in Mexico.
Continue reading →This Atlantic article describes how home surveillance cameras have helped catch thieves who steal packages – predominantly Amazon packages – from porches. The attitude of the author is somewhat ambiguous, but as best I can determine she seems to lean … Continue reading →
As soon as I heard that Sidney Powell was on the Flynn appeal I figured she’d sink her formidable teeth into it. And she has: Powell’s most explosive charge is that the FBI falsified the Form 302 that recorded the … Continue reading →