Jewish birth boom?
Are Israel’s projected demographics changing? And the Israeli Jewish baby boom doesn’t seem to be confined to the religious, either.
Continue reading →Are Israel’s projected demographics changing? And the Israeli Jewish baby boom doesn’t seem to be confined to the religious, either.
Continue reading →…while remaining healthy: have the right genes. The study in the article was on exceedingly old Ashkenazi Jews. But that particular group is no more likely to live past 100 than other groups. It was just a convenient population for … Continue reading →
This article at PJ by Abraham H. Miller concludes that not only is anti-Semitism on the rise, but that it is pushing US Jews to the political right. I’m not at all sure about the second, but I have observed … Continue reading →
The day after the special election to replace Rep. Weiner was won by the Republican Turner over the Democrat Weprin, a few things are clear: (1) A district that is ordinarily 3-1 Democrat went strongly for a Republican candidate, giving … Continue reading →
…here. The race is a close one. Republicans have framed this as a referendum on Obama, and although the Democratic candidate Welpin would ordinarily be highly favored to win, polls have shown him falling behind. Israel is a particular issue … Continue reading →
Here’s another story of political change, this time from Rima Greene, a Jewish leftist feminist lesbian (yep, all four) in San Francisco who woke up to a few realizations [emphasis mine]: When I was part of the Left, I thought … Continue reading →
Today’s Politico has an article that suggests that maybe, just maybe, many of Obama’s Jewish supporters are realizing that he’s not quite what they’d thought he’d be, at least on the subject of Israel. They’re getting into arguments about Obama … Continue reading →
Zombie illustrates that an anti-Semitic cartoon has been pressed into service in the San Francisco fight to ban circumcision. It was only a matter of time. And, lest you think this is some sort of fake, the San Francisco Chronicle … Continue reading →
Obama’s Middle East speech (full text here) pays lip service to Assad of Syria needing to reform or quit, support for more rights for the Iranian people, and giving Egypt a financial break. I can’t quite imagine either Assad or … Continue reading →
The news that Judge Richard Goldstone of South Africa has recanted on the issue of Israel and war crimes is stunning. He now absolves the country, in contrast to his accusations in the so-called Goldstone Report, issued in 2009. Not … Continue reading →
No, not really; she’s the interview. And we all know everybody reads Playboy for the interviews. In Playboy Thomas repeats and defends her historically ignorant and deeply offensive charge that the Jews of Israel should go “home” to Poland and … Continue reading →
Yesterday I attended the first day of a conference in Boston held by CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (see this for the list of speakers). The usual crew of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian demonstrators was there, … Continue reading →