More on liberty
This ties into an earlier post of mine today on liberty. Funny stuff, but grim: While we’re at it, I’ll add this interview with Sidney Powell. Not funny, but insightful:
Continue reading →This ties into an earlier post of mine today on liberty. Funny stuff, but grim: While we’re at it, I’ll add this interview with Sidney Powell. Not funny, but insightful:
Continue reading →Liberals may be into freedom in the sense of throwing off what they consider the shackles of tradition in sexual, cultural, and religious matters, but they don’t seem to be into liberty anymore, and haven’t been for quite some time. … Continue reading →
This is extremely encouraging: We were told that states ending their lockdowns and freeing the people were going to see widespread infections and increased deaths. We were told that bringing quarantines to an end would bring doom. We were told … Continue reading →
Those of you who were alive at the time probably remember the phrase, as I do. And that’s just about all I remember about it. I was no child, either; I was in college, going about my business, and my … Continue reading →
I have gotten to the point where I no longer put any trust in the prognostications of scientists about COVID-19 and the comparison of various social policy tactics for dealing with it. These people have lost credibility – and I … Continue reading →
From Richard Fernandez: If all this Chinese espionage, hacking and secrets theft is so widespread, how come it never came to prominence before? It's like it sprang fully formed from Zeus' forehead. If it is real the scandal is why … Continue reading →
[Hat tip: American Digest.] Actually, they could arrest them all, if they called in enough police, and wanted to. But they don’t really want to at this point. One of the most interesting things to me in the video is … Continue reading →
Governor Cuomo of New York has announced the following, and asks some questions I’d like answered: With everything we’ve done – closed schools, closed businesses, everybody shelter at home, all the precautions about where a mask, where gloves, etc. – … Continue reading →
…and frees Shelley Luther. Throwing Texans in jail whose biz's shut down through no fault of their own is wrong. I am eliminating jail for violating an order, retroactive to April 2, superseding local orders. Criminals shouldn’t be released to … Continue reading →
I sometimes agree with Prager, but not here: But for those open to reading thoughts they may differ with, here is the case for why the worldwide lockdown is not only a mistake but also, possibly, the worst mistake the … Continue reading →
It’s hard to believe New Yorkers not only elected, but re-elected, this man: Mayor Bill de Blasio said some hospitalized patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus should still return to their nursing homes — even though they risk … Continue reading →
There has been an explosion of stories about the Chinese coverup of COVID-19. Rather than offer my own, I’m just going to link to a few. I will add, however, that this is mostly old news to those who have … Continue reading →