When the older lie is exposed…
…cover it up with a new one. After all, there’s a sucker born every minute.
Continue reading →…cover it up with a new one. After all, there’s a sucker born every minute.
Continue reading →And there are no unicorns involved, either. I’m sorry that Obamacare supporter Cathy Wagner’s premiums have risen so much. But what did she think would happen, if pre-existing conditions were now required to be covered, and extras like maternity benefits … Continue reading →
America heard Obama promise unequivocally, with no caveats or qualifications, that if you liked your health plan you could keep it, if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor. Period. So why would he say something as absurd … Continue reading →
Well, well, well. Another case of needing to pass the bill to find out what nuggets were hidden in its deep recesses: If an exchange plan’s performance varies in either direction by more than 3 percent, it either collects a … Continue reading →
…may just be whether you believe health care insurance is redistributive justice, or whether you believe it’s, you know, health care insurance. A lot of Obamacare opponents have said, “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining.” I … Continue reading →
Ever since the Obamacare rollout I’ve been studying more of the details of Obamacare, including how subsidies will actually work. There’s so much information out there, so much of it shocking, that my posts just can’t keep up with my … Continue reading →
All is now explained. When President Obama said, “”If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period” he actually meant to say “periods,” plural. As in “…”, otherwise known as the ellipsis: … Continue reading →
It’s clear: It’s not easy to get a lie into a presidential speech. Every draft address is circulated to the White House senior staff and key Cabinet officials in something called the “staffing process.” Every line is reviewed by dozens … Continue reading →
David Cutler wrote this memo on health reform implementation in May of 2010, about six weeks after Obamacare was passed. I suggest you read the whole thing, and remember as you read it that Cutler was a supporter of the … Continue reading →
…with their junk policies before Obamacare came along and fixed it for you. From an article in the WSJ by Edie Sundby, who suffers from gallbladder cancer and yet has outlived her original dire prognosis by years: Since March 2007 … Continue reading →
I’ve got a new piece up at PJ. It’s about MIT economist Jonathan Gruber’s claim that only 3% of the population will be hurt financially by premium changes as a result of Obamacare, a statistic that’s currently being trumpeted by … Continue reading →
The inspiration is Bob Dylan’s “Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again” (you can find Dylan’s original lyrics here). The singer for this version is Obama, of course. And I didn’t even have to change the lyrics all … Continue reading →