Obamacare and cosmic justice
I have a new post up at PJ on the topic of Obamacare and justice, winners and losers. Please comment here or comment there, or both.
Continue reading →I have a new post up at PJ on the topic of Obamacare and justice, winners and losers. Please comment here or comment there, or both.
Continue reading →The imperial president whose party is nevertheless subject to those pesky little formalities known as “elections” changes the ACA rules again in order to delay 2015 insurance enrollments until after the election. However: …[T]his misses the real risk for the … Continue reading →
Holman Jenkins has a suggestion for a Republican “fix” for Obamacare: What can be done is Congress creating a new option in the form of a national health insurance charter under which insurers could design new low-cost policies free of … Continue reading →
We keep hearing that in order to keep from going under because of ever-increasing premiums, the Obamacare exchanges must enroll a lot of healthy young people. We even hear it from the White House, according to Ezra Klein: How many … Continue reading →
…by telling the truth about it, instead of lying like the Democrats. Those dirty Republicans.
Continue reading →…manages to write an entire article on how well Obamacare enrollments are going in California without ever once mentioning: (1) what percentage of enrollees are subsidized (2) what percentage have pre-existing conditions (3) what percentage of enrollees are under 35 … Continue reading →
…but still believes in Obama. Here’s a textbook case of the liberal mindset. Jessica Sanford of western Washington state was so happy with the initial Obamacare premiums she was quoted by the state website that she sent off a grateful … Continue reading →
The insurance business is impossible without some sort of “discrimination“—as in “the ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment,” rather than ” bigotry or other arbitrary distinctions.” But the Obama administration and liberals as a whole use … Continue reading →
On one level, the events of the last few weeks have been deeply satisfying. Who wouldn’t feel a certain vindication in seeing one’s predictions come true, and watch the perpetrators running for cover? But I’m having a lot of trouble … Continue reading →
Mark Steyn is a funny guy, although his subject matter couldn’t be less funny: The most telling line, the one that encapsulates the gulf between the boundless fantasies of the faculty-lounge utopian and the messiness of reality, was this: “What … Continue reading →
…passes in the House, with 39 Democrats voting “Aye.” Bipartisan. Will Obama veto it? [ADDENDUM: And Ann Althouse completely eviscerates the NY Times for an absurd article comparing Obama and Obamacare to Bush and Hurricane Katrina.]
Continue reading →Douglas E. Schoen makes a keen observation: “I personally believe, even if it takes a change in the law, that the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they’ve got,” … Continue reading →