As part of a previous discussion about UFOs, commenter “huxley” wrote: I must say, if one sees a UFO and takes it seriously, it’s a crisis. One asks, or at least I did, what is reality, how do we know … Continue reading →
As part of a previous discussion about UFOs, commenter “huxley” wrote: I must say, if one sees a UFO and takes it seriously, it’s a crisis. One asks, or at least I did, what is reality, how do we know … Continue reading →
This is a long and very chilling report on how legalized euthanasia operates in the Netherlands. I’ve read about the phenomenon before, but not in as much depth. The suffering that can occur, particularly at the end of life, can … Continue reading →
And not the “illegal alien” kind—the extraterrestrial kind. Avi Loeb, chair of Harvard’s astronomy department, thinks it just might have been: On October 19, 2017, astronomers at the University of Hawaii spotted a strange object travelling through our solar system, … Continue reading →
Did you ever notice that young people sometimes write and/or perform as though they’re old? Some do it very successfully; the best example that comes to mind is T. S. Eliot—who perhaps was born old—who began writing his masterpiece “The … Continue reading →
This: Time is happening in the mind’s eye. It is related to the number of mental images the brain encounters and organizes and the state of our brains as we age. When we get older, the rate at which changes … Continue reading →
I think I may have first heard the word “charisma” in connection with JFK. He had it. I could tell. I recognized it and I even felt it. But of course back then I was a kid. Have I ever … Continue reading →
The name of Yuval Noah Harari came up recently in a conversation I had over the holidays. He seems to have become some sort of guru to a lot of people, and yet I know practically nothing about him or … Continue reading →
Commenter “CatoRenasci” writes: Consider that urban areas have been more ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ or ‘radical’ (pick an adjective) since time immemorial – at least as far as we have any sort of reliable history: classical writers, both Greek and (especially) … Continue reading →
John Hawkins has a piece at PJ Media entitled “The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older.” It caught my eye for obvious reasons, but as with many such articles I started chuckling right at the start on learning that Hawkins … Continue reading →
A color-blind one, that is. And one picture is worth 1,000 words: Here’s the website for the glasses. Most of the color-blind people in the videos who put on the glasses are overwhelmed. At first they usually pause (it often … Continue reading →
This sort of thing is why Lindsey Graham felt so betrayed at the Kavanaugh attacks. It’s Graham’s statement in 2010, explaining his vote for Elana Kagan: We lost. President Obama won. I’ve got a lot of opportunity to disagree, but … Continue reading →
But the real question is—did he throw ice in anybody’s face as an “excuse to brawl”? By the way, Obama graduated from high school four years before Kavanaugh, so he’s roughly the same age although a bit older. A similar … Continue reading →