What Kamala and Beto have in common
Neither is going to be the Democratic nominee. But they each had their day in the sun as the darling of the MSM and the person who was going to rise to the top. The media is so eager to … Continue reading →
Neither is going to be the Democratic nominee. But they each had their day in the sun as the darling of the MSM and the person who was going to rise to the top. The media is so eager to … Continue reading →
…we hardly knew ya [typos corrected in the following quote]: Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race, according to a report by the New York Times. The Times is reporting that O’Rourke had planned … Continue reading →
Will it happen or won’t it? Steny Hoyer, the House Majority whip, refused to commit to an actual vote on the matter, even though Mrs. Pelosi insists that it is, in fact, happening on Thursday. “We’re going to have to … Continue reading →
Beto O’Rourke got a lot of attention when he suggested that churches opposing gay marriage should lose tax-exempt status: “There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone … that denies the full human rights and the … Continue reading →
Yesterday’s words of wisdom from our president-in-exile, Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton doesn't just predict the Russians will support Tulsi Gabbard as a third-party candidate; she also calls Jill Stein "a Russian asset — I mean totally." Full context: pic.twitter.com/a5wZeCKWsd — … Continue reading →
I wonder what the limits of propaganda are. That is, how many of the people can you fool how much of the time if your propaganda is relentless enough and complete enough? I think it depends on whether people perceive … Continue reading →
No, I didn’t watch. Actually, that’s not true. I watched – that is, I was on an airplane the whole time, and the person next to me was viewing the debate on her little TV screen, listening to it with … Continue reading →
Let me say at the outset that I don’t buy this scenario. But so many people are talking about Hillary Clinton being chosen as the 2020 Democratic nominee for president in the Democratic convention that I thought I’d explain my … Continue reading →
I don’t actually think that a procedure like this would be a deal-breaker for a candidate in and of itself: Bernie Sanders experienced chest discomfort during a campaign event Tuesday evening and had two stents inserted to address a blockage … Continue reading →
Intrepid “Cornhead” (aka Dave Begley) reports on Tom Steyer’s visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Excerpt: By all accounts Tom Steyer is a billionaire. He’s also running for President. He has no chance of winning. So why is he running? Why … Continue reading →
I continue to marvel that Beto O’Rourke almost became a senator from Texas. Of course, back then he didn’t sound quite as far-left as he does now. Prior to that, O’Rourke was a member of the House from a largely … Continue reading →
De Blasio drops out of the race, and Trump mocks him: President Trump wasted no time mocking Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday after Hizzoner announced he was ending his far-fetched bid for the presidency. “Oh no, really big political … Continue reading →