If you read just one article on what the Republican Party should do now…
…let it be this one. And let’s get Republican leaders (whoever they may be) to read it. Maybe I should start a new blog category, “election 2016.”
Continue reading →…let it be this one. And let’s get Republican leaders (whoever they may be) to read it. Maybe I should start a new blog category, “election 2016.”
Continue reading →I originally published this post on November 10, 2008. It remains very apropos today, so here it is again, with just a few words changed for clarity. An excellent observation from Baldilocks: Losers find it almost impossible to act like … Continue reading →
The postmortems will be continuing for quite some time, as thoughts and impressions percolate. Some things that come to me right now: (1) The Obama crew are light-years ahead of the Republicans in technology, and this has to be rectified. … Continue reading →
…there’s this. Also, although this is unrelated to the above, I can’t figure out where else to put it. It’s a fascinating article about Obama’s highly sophisticated effort to reach and persuade potential supporters. The GOP seems to be bringing … Continue reading →
Here’s my theory about the missing two million (or whatever it turns out to be) McCain 2008 voters: it represents mostly blue-collar men and women who were turned off by Romney’s rich-elitist-Bain persona and decided to stay home. In that … Continue reading →
…is a losing one. I remember my sinking feeling when, during the run-in to the 2012 campaign, each person I thought had a chance to win refused to run, until all of them had been eliminated from the race. Never … Continue reading →
I’ve said before that even had Mitt Romney won this election, unless it was by a landslide, we’d still be in big trouble. It would only have bought us a little time. Or maybe it would have just given us … Continue reading →
[NOTE: I copied these graphs last night but neglected to note the site they came from. Now I can’t seem to find it, so I apologize for not offering it.] If voting had been limited to people 30 years old … Continue reading →
I’ve noticed it already, right after last night’s election was understood to be truly lost. On the message boards and the comments sections of many blogs, two types of commenters started to proliferate: those on the right who were lashing … Continue reading →
I had been dreading yesterday for weeks, and I felt that dread especially keenly in the week leading up to the election. The arguments on the right that the polls were rigged never made sense to me. When I researched … Continue reading →
In my most recent update to the previous post I mentioned how similar tonight is looking to 2004. Bush won in 2004, of course. It looks like Romney won’t, although it is still within the realm of possibility that he … Continue reading →
…for a new Election Night thread. I haven’t yet turned my TV on. Nerves. Talk amongst yourselves. UPDATE (9:31 PM EST) I said I wasn’t watching TV, and I haven’t been. But every now and then I’ve looked at blogs, … Continue reading →