So Mr. Whittle,…
…tell us what you really think:
Continue reading →…tell us what you really think:
Continue reading →First read this by the inimitable Mark Steyn. And then take a look at this. I think you’ll see the similarities.
Continue reading →Since we exist here in somewhat of a bubble on the blogospheric right, it can be easy to lose sight of how widespread and influential opposition propaganda about Republicans has been, and how certain Republican positions—largely misunderstood—feed right into it. … Continue reading →
Very interesting stuff here. [Hat tip: Scott Johnson at Powerline.]
Continue reading →By now you’re probably heartily sick of these “what went wrong for Republicans in the 2012 election and what we should do about it” articles. But Podhoretz has a somewhat different take on the whole thing, and it’s worth reading … Continue reading →
There might just be something to this. Commenter “Bob from Virginia” writes: Bernard Goldberg just pointed [out that] the normal conditions of “you fail you get fired” don’t apply to this President, because his appeal is emotional. Which ties in … Continue reading →
…did not make the difference in this election, although they may have mattered in a few states such as New Mexico, Florida, Nevada and Colorado. Nor do Hispanic voters adhere to conservative values, fiscal or social. The article doesn’t say … Continue reading →
To add to this post I wrote on Saturday, Romney’s “missing” McCain-vote total is now down to approximately 250,000 votes. As Gabriel Malor at Ace’s points out, Romney got more votes than McCain (and more votes than George Bush) in … Continue reading →
Remember that in the 2012 presidential election Romney was supposed to be missing 2 million or more votes from the total cast for McCain in 2008? Remember when I wrote the following two days after the election?: The latest figures … Continue reading →
…but don’t worry, says supervisor of elections Dr. Brenda Snipes, “this happens all the time.” How very reassuring.
Continue reading →Here is the new must-read post-election essay. In this case it’s a rant of the highest order.
Continue reading →I keep writing that if you only read one article on what happened in this election, and how Republicans can learn from it and go on to do a lot better next time, read this one. And then this one … Continue reading →