Prospective Republican presidential candidates…
…would do well to heed Kyle-Ann Shiver’s advice.
Continue reading →…would do well to heed Kyle-Ann Shiver’s advice.
Continue reading →…they’re all Republicans. Somehow I don’t think that’s a good approach for Obama to take in his re-election campaign. After all, most polls indicate that a generic Republican does better against Obama than any of the individual candidates we actually … Continue reading →
My article about the theme of societal and economic “fairness” in Obama’s Kansas speech is up at PJ. Join the comments either there or here. Or both, if you’re feeling especially talkative.
Continue reading →It’s often noted that incumbents have an advantage over their opponents. It’s usually assumed that’s because incumbents have an inherent gravitas, familiarity, and seeming inevitability. But it’s also because incumbents ordinarily don’t have to duke it out anymore with anyone … Continue reading →
Pelosi threatens. Newt responds.
Continue reading →I wasn’t going to write anymore about this. After all, Cain’s out of the race, so what’s the point? But this Daily Beast interview with Ginger White seduced me (as it were) into reading more, and then writing more. It’s … Continue reading →
In an announcement that can come as no surprise, Herman Cain drops out of the presidential race. Does this mean the charges against him are true? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s certainly no admission of guilt on his part. I certainly … Continue reading →
Why is it that so many people seem to care less about Newt Gingrich’s serial infidelities than those (alleged or real) of other politicians? Is it because it’s old news? Is it because no one can imagine having sex with … Continue reading →
They seem to be the frontrunners right now. I agree with Charles Krauthammer that they may be the ones to ultimately duke it out for the nomination, and I very much agree with Krauthammer when he writes this: My own … Continue reading →
(#1) He’s likely to be the last man standing except for Romney—and Republican voters just don’t like Romney. But they don’t like Gingrich either; so why might he win? That brings us to: (#2) He’s not afraid to confront Obama. … Continue reading →
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad: George Stephanopoulos gives us the earth-shattering news that Cain’s latest accuser, that well-known political commentator Ginger White, is of the opinion that Herman Cain would not make a good president. This … Continue reading →