Mitt sez…
…that a lot of people want to be on the dole, and they won’t vote for him anyway. Mitt sez the Palestinians don’t want peace. This is scandalous? This is news? Ah, but the media can make a statement that … Continue reading →
…that a lot of people want to be on the dole, and they won’t vote for him anyway. Mitt sez the Palestinians don’t want peace. This is scandalous? This is news? Ah, but the media can make a statement that … Continue reading →
From Datechguy, on the all-important question of party affiliation and turnout.
Continue reading →Let’s talk about something other than the embassy riots for a change. The other day a Rasmussen poll asked the question “Who do you trust more on job creation?” The results were 47 Obama to 45 Romney Sounds crazy, but … Continue reading →
…and I’m not an Orwellian girl. Apologies to Madonna, but it seems that in terms of disinformation and propaganda, we are living in an Orwellian world (or at least a Pravda-esque world). And if the American people aren’t sharp enough … Continue reading →
Obama’s recent uptick doesn’t seem to be among likely voters. I’m always puzzled by this “likely voter” thing. Why would people take the trouble to answer a telephone survey about the election, and yet say they are unlikely to vote? … Continue reading →
The good news is that Jewish voters are abandoning Obama in higher percentages than any other demographic group: …[O]ne of the surveys showing [Obama] with a lead in a tight race over Mitt Romney also provides a breakdown of the … Continue reading →
I’m surprised that so many people are falling for the meme du jour, which is that Romney/Ryan have already lost the election. I often get nervous about this election, because I think the stakes are so high. But unless my … Continue reading →
I don’t get this Stanley Kurtz column at NRO. It seems to me he’s making an awful lot of assumptions without illustrating them, and assuming we share them. He says that those who dismiss the Democratic convention as “relatively meaningless” … Continue reading →
I’ve got a new article up at PJ entitled “Reagan’s children: new Republican leaders hail from blue states.” Enjoy.
Continue reading →It seemed to me Obama’s basic message last night was, You really can’t expect me to have figured this out in a mere four years, can you? I mean well (as opposed to the Republicans, who are just mean). So … Continue reading →
…feel free to discuss them here. I’ve listened to a few minutes of Biden, and it’s a few minutes too many for me. It’s really a cult of personality, isn’t it? What a hero, what a rescuer, that Barack Obama … Continue reading →
Although I didn’t plan to watch the Democratic Convention, I ended up overhearing a large portion of Bill Clinton’s speech last night. I was at the home of some Democrats; the TV was on in the background, and of course … Continue reading →