It’s Grande Conservative Blogress Diva time again
Please help me defend my title and vote early, vote often. [NOTE: Bumped up. Last day! Don’t give up—there’s still time to pull it out.]
Continue reading →Please help me defend my title and vote early, vote often. [NOTE: Bumped up. Last day! Don’t give up—there’s still time to pull it out.]
Continue reading →On Christmas Day—blog? I’d rather have grog, Or maybe eggnog, Then go walk the dog. Or watch a Yule Log, And eat like a hog, Then go for a jog. Blogging’s a bog. My mind’s in a fog, Or maybe … Continue reading →
Comedian bot: Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, ”˜Where have I gone wrong?’ Then a voice says to me, ”˜This is going to take more than one night.’
Continue reading →It’s getting late, but not too late. There’s still time to use the handy Amazon widgets on my right sidebar to click-though to Amazon and order gifts for all the loved ones, friends, relatives, and business acquaintances on your list. … Continue reading →
Accountable and alliterative bot: Superb blog post, I accept book apparent this internet website so alluringly I’ll see abundant added on this accountable in the accountable future!
Continue reading →In the last few days I’ve gotten perhaps fifty or more of this babbling bot: Compassionate for the huge retrieve, but I’m really uxorious the new Zune, and expectation this, as fortunate as the reviews opposite grouping jazz statute, will … Continue reading →
The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! And what better way to give the gifts that keep on giving than to use neo-neocon as the portal for your Amazon purchases. If you click on any of the widgets in … Continue reading →
Cryptic spambot: disastrous recliner is the top among the top when it comes to conference choosing base I think it scans much better as a poem: disastrous recliner is the top among the top when it comes to conference choosing … Continue reading →
Hyperbolic spambot: This post is so amazing, I almost spontaneously conceived a child just from reading it. Just incredible.
Continue reading →Remember those Amazon widgets on the ride sidebar (four—count ’em, four)? Please use any of them to click through and buy your holiday gifts. Or use them any time you want to purchase books or any of the other gazillion … Continue reading →
Sexually- and otherwise-confused spambot: It’s sad that todays production movies unregenerate the beauty movies had in earlier life. Although it’s fun to bonk ultra postgraduate school effects, I avoid the categorise that movies were prefabricated sanction then
Continue reading →Helpful spambot: spam blockers are necessity these days with constant spam coming from the internet~’, Preach it, brother, preach it!
Continue reading →