Joking verboten
Viva Frei discusses the MSM doxxing of the man who dared to say “Let’s go Brandon” to Biden: We are getting closer and closer to this, are we not? And we don’t even need government or laws against it, people … Continue reading →
Viva Frei discusses the MSM doxxing of the man who dared to say “Let’s go Brandon” to Biden: We are getting closer and closer to this, are we not? And we don’t even need government or laws against it, people … Continue reading →
…before you think this is great news, take a look at the reasons. For “some,” it’s because he hasn’t been quick enough or thorough enough in implementing the full leftist wishlist: According to YouGov/The Economist polling, support for President Biden … Continue reading →
Yesterday I happened across this article by Alex Wagner that appeared on March 24, 2020 in The Atlantic. It’s entitled “Stay Alive, Joe Biden,” and the subtitle is this revealing sentiment: “Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal … Continue reading →
First of all, because everything Biden touches turns to garbage, so why should this be any different? And why would anyone think Biden could handle such a situation – even when he was functioning a lot better? His supposed skill … Continue reading →
With his – and/or his speechwriters’ and handlers’ – uncanny knack for understanding the plight of the little guy, Joe Biden tells America, in a voice oozing with compassion and concern: Indeed, I remember. Confession: I was one of those … Continue reading →
Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection wades through the cesspool of the left’s reaction to the Rittenhouse verdict so you don’t have to. Their reaction is what you might have suspected. They also have a personal dog in this race, since … Continue reading →
I find it hard to believe that a lot of people were actually fooled during the 2020 campaign into thinking that Joe Biden was not sliding towards dementia. But apparently they were. I suppose it could be the result of … Continue reading →
Down they go for the Democrats: A year before the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans hold a clear lead on the congressional ballot as President Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to a new low of 38%. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, … Continue reading →
Or some person or persons in the administration have a brilliant idea – let’s shut down a pipeline!: The Biden administration is reportedly weighing the potential market consequences of shutting down an oil pipeline in Michigan, drawing criticism from opponents… … Continue reading →
Door number one: he’s lying. Door number two: he forgot. Door number three: he was never told. Any of those could be the case with Biden at any point on any subject. But in this case I think it was … Continue reading →
I haven’t written about Biden’s recent performance in Europe with the Pope and elsewhere, such as at the G20 meeting or the climate conference. There’s plenty of coverage of these events on almost every blog or news site you might … Continue reading →
This news should be impossible to believe. But unfortunately, we know it’s very possible: The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people … Continue reading →