Sure wish Scott Walker was showing some of Fiorina’s foreign policy smarts. She wouldn’t be on record, for instance, as saying Reagan’s busting the air traffic controllers’ strike was “the most significant foreign policy decision in my lifetime”, which is what Walker said yesterday at a meeting of the Club for Growth.
Walker explained. It’s actually an interesting idea.
Walker can hire enough foreign policy experts and advisers to fill a “war room”.
What we need is someone who can lead, make tough decisions, and fight back.
By the way, Reagan’s response to the Air Traffic Controllers sent a very strong message around the world.
I typed before I read the link that Neo posted; so the opinion I expressed was my own. That action, so early in his Administration, telegraphed to the world that Reagan would not flinch in the face of tough decisions.
Not surprising that Huffy-puffy Post chose the explanation as another excuse to attack Walker.
Re-enforces my first comment. The GOP will need a candidate who can take mud, or worse, from every direction, and not flinch.
Yeah, I saw the explanation. Interesting, but not sure I buy it. In any case, it’s just one more less-than-felicitous sound-bite that’s going to dog him.
Oh, and I like what I see from Fiorina. I hope that she will have some role on the national stage. Would love to see her replace one of my Senators; i.e., Boxer or Feinstein, although I believe she has wiped the dust of California from her shoes. Maybe in a Cabinet position (which by definition means a GOP President).
Peggy Noonan has a good blog post on this here, and supports Walker’s contention that it was a foreign policy big deal with quite a bit of detailed history. But she also offers two caveats:
So was Scott Walker right about the importance of Reagan and Patco?
But two caveats. One is that Ronald Reagan himself would never suggest, on the way to the presidency, that all you need to understand foreign policy is a good gut and leadership abilities. You need knowledge, sophistication, grasp. He’d been studying foreign affairs all his adult life. He walked into the Oval Office with a policy: We win, the Soviets lose. A talent for leadership doesn’t tell you where to go, it helps you get there. Wisdom tells you where to go.
Second, in January Walker said that documents released by the Soviet Union proved the Soviets treated the U.S. differently after the strike. I have never heard of such documents. No one I spoke to for the book referred to them. The Washington Post has quoted former Reagan ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock, saying “There is no evidence of that whatsoever.” I suspect that is correct.
If Walker got it wrong, he should say so. Though I’m not sure it matters in any deep way. Of course the Soviets saw and understood what had happened with Reagan and the union. Of course they would factor it in. They had eyes. They didn’t have to write it down.
Muslims in general, by virtue of the teachings, history, and the ideology of Islam, live in a very different intellectual landscape and moral universe than we “unbelievers” live in, and they play an entirely different game than we do, one with different rules that enable Muslims to easily deceive us generally clueless and unknowledgeable “unbelievers.”
Working by an entirely different set of rules and expectations than we are, quite often Muslims are playing chess, while we are just playing checkers, because deceiving us is just so easy.
Anybody ever heard of, or aware of Islam’s “Holy Deceptions,” “Takiyya” first among them?
I urge everybody to take the time to read this extraordinarily important article in the Middle East Quarterly by Raymond Ibrahim, an expert on Islam and author of the “Al-Quaeda Reader,” which will change your entire conception and understanding of the Jihad that Islam is prosecuting against all unbelievers in this era (see
More startling to me than anything were the responses on HuffPost to Walker’s comments.
This country only remotely resembles the one I was born and reared in.
Personal accountability? A two word term most Americans would fail at if asked to define.
And none of those pathetic posters had even a whiff of a clue about leading from a position of strength.
They believe that Obama’s style of “leadership” (loosely termed) is effective. Is having productive results.
I’m sorry I had children. Sorry that I brought into this world those who will continue to face the vast numbers of ignoramuses who suck the oxygen, and strength, from this once-great country.
“She criticized the Obama administration for having a “wrong-headed policy” on Syrian refugees. The Obama administration is reportedly planning to increase the number of refugees allowed in the United States. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-Texas) said admitting thousands of refugees is a very dangerous and reckless policy.
“ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and United States. And we need to stop that,” he said.
Fiorina holds the same position as McCaul, arguing that ISIS is trying to “exploit” the problems with the U.S. legal immigration system that exists today.
Ann, I would discount anything that Peggy Noonan has to say about RR; particularly if it has to do with comparing anyone else to him. She is simply deranged on the subject.
Who knew that Reagan had been studying foreign affairs all of his life? All those years in Hollywood, burning the midnight oil? Noonan knew.
But, Peggy, why did we send 240+ Marines to their deaths in Beirut, with no real mission but to be sitting targets? Then cut and run when they were blown up? Why did we conduct embarrassingly ill conceived, token bombing attacks in response–despite the advice of the of the Admiral on the scene to plan and execute a more effective campaign, by the way? What message did those decisions send to the predators in the middle east? Reagan was good, even great, in many respects. But, let’s not rewrite history; he made his share of mistakes.
“Ronald Reagan himself would never suggest, on the way to the presidency, that all you need to understand foreign policy is a good gut and leadership abilities. You need knowledge, sophistication, grasp. He’d been studying foreign affairs all his adult life. He walked into the Oval Office with a policy: We win, the Soviets lose. A talent for leadership doesn’t tell you where to go, it helps you get there. Wisdom tells you where to go.” Peggy Noonan
Typical muddled thinking from Noonan. What pray tell is knowledgeable, sophisticated and grasping of nuance and the essentials about a policy consisting of, “We win, they lose”? Answer; nothing… which in no way disparages Reagan. He set the goal, stated that failure was not an option, that we would win and assembled a team of ‘doers’ to make it happen.
Nor does wisdom come from “knowledge and sophistication” as Noonan believes. Were those the operative factors conveying wisdom our ‘higher’ institutions of learning would not consist of the ‘idiot savants’ that currently occupy academia.
“Nor does wisdom come from “knowledge and sophistication” as Noonan believes.”
I fail to see where she makes that statement. It appears, rather, that she makes a distinction of these different elements, characteristics. It seems you put words in her mouth.
I’m no Peggy Noonan cheerleader. However, you might consider a fair critique.
What pray tell is knowledgeable, sophisticated and grasping of nuance.”
Once again, she did not phrase it that way. Hers was a reference to each of these QUALITIES that a president should have in his/her possession to tackle foreign affairs. “Nuance”? Where did she include that?
Go ahead and trash Noonan. Do it without making stuff up.
I completely agree with these essential characteristics—those any good negotiator needs when engaging, whether it be with an adversary or ally or partner.
Obama studied NOTHING about foreign policy before he took his oath.
Obama remains ignorant on issues of economics.
Obama is NOT sophisticated—-well, except for that time he gifted to the British Prime Minister a complete dvd set of Baraka’s fave movies, ever, on the planet earth.
And removing the bust of Winston Churchill? Sending it back across the pond. Yeah, sophisticated.
As for “knowledge”? Well, Baraka did believe that “AUSTRIAN” was the official language of Austria. He’s got that going for him.
And “grasp”? You ever see his clutching of a baseball? Oh…different grasp.
His grasp of Russia was to send Hillary there with a Office Depot “reset” button that had something written on it akin to, “THAT’S A LOW PRICE!!!” Or, something like that…(sarc. off)
And his grasp of what it means to get out the red paint to draw a line in the sand? Classic.
And his grasp of what it means to acquiesce to Iran while telling Israel to, “bend over”. Yowza.
And his grasp of just how to assess ISSA? Jayvee Squad?
My personal favorite: “The Cambridge Police Department acted stupidly”. Now that represents a true grasp of just how to jump in with both feet bereft of any facts.
Noonan’s knowledge and sophistication worked great in electing Hussein O, didn’t it.
Yep, I cannot think of one thing that Hillary has accomplished. She is remarkable for her incompetence and arrogance.
Noonan lost all credibility in 2008 by her enthusiasm for Obama. I’m embarrassed enough that it took me until 2004 to stop voting for Dems but at least by the time Obama ran I saw right through him. Noonan actually worked for *Reagan* for crying out loud and fell for the Obama hype hook, line and sinker.
I can’t get too enthused about Fiorina. I worked at Hewlett-Packard for a long time though I left several years before she took over. I know a lot of longtime employees grew to really dislike her.
I’m sympathetic to a certain extent because I think she got blamed for a lot of stuff that was not really her fault. But her leadership of HP is her primary career credential and it’s hard to say she did a stellar job.
Speaking of HP – her old outfit — I just updated some software — as I am running on a Pavilion.
Lo and behold… the folks at HP opened my machine up to FACEBOOK — and the both of them raped my digital personna: Now they know who my attorney is.
Indeed, they have duplicated ALL of my active files and links — while purportedly just updating a photograph polishing program!!
Did you get a load of the Feds raiding a peaceable political assembly in Texas?
The meta-message: don’t even THINK about collective action.
Further, while they can’t stop jihadis from pouring over the border/ landing at every international airport, they are jack-boot on the spot to stop seasoned citizens – irate that the US Constitution no longer constitutes even a suggestion to D.C.
Do note the commentary from Boner.
Good grief.
I’m reminded of how the NAZIS got EVERY other party to fold into it — using a combination of grease, pressure, threats, and propaganda.
It was this ‘unity government’ that made turning away from the insanities of Adolf politically impossible.
He’d left no-one left standing — with standing.
THIS is where Barry Soetoro is headed.
It does NOT take a massive FEMA concentration kamp scheme to enact tyrany in our digitally mapped age.
After my digital strip search — I feel digitally indentured — the compensation being a puff of digital cheese — at the cost of my digital profile and soul.
As to Fiorina, I’d like to know her PRINCIPLES.
Margaret had principle and ovaries of iron.
Once she got the corporate brass ring Fiorina didn’t do much with it and now, she’s playing another man’s game …
Hello, I am Peggy Noonan,
I once helped write parts of one of President Reagan’s speeches.
Conservatives thought I was one of them.
Then I saw my dreamboat Obama, so I quit all my Conservative pretenses and started pumping out weepy, dreamy and mindless “He’s the man” articles about him.
And, the more my inner leftist self emerged, the more leftist elite attention I got, plus all those invitations to their fabulous Washington D.C. parties came pouring in.
So enjoy my latest article designed to distort the truth of, divert attention from, and plaster over, the monstrous lies and failures of “My Man” Obama.
Later! I’m off to another party.
She is a joke just like shrillary is…
both are leftist affirmative action socialist hacks…
blert Says:
March 2nd, 2015 at 9:49 am
Did you get a load of the Feds raiding a peaceable political assembly in Texas?
Yes: Here, real and personal
“Lara, forgotten as a nameless number on a list which was later mislaid, in one of the innumerable mixed or women’s concentration camps in the north.”
or think, cattle cars, sheep, meek …
What has Mrs. Clinton accomplished? Made herself famous and rich. That’s it.
I like Cara Carleton a lot, but she was CEO at HP and before that at Lucent. Expect major hit pieces about everything she ever did.
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Yep, a very good question.
Sure wish Scott Walker was showing some of Fiorina’s foreign policy smarts. She wouldn’t be on record, for instance, as saying Reagan’s busting the air traffic controllers’ strike was “the most significant foreign policy decision in my lifetime”, which is what Walker said yesterday at a meeting of the Club for Growth.
Walker explained. It’s actually an interesting idea.
Walker can hire enough foreign policy experts and advisers to fill a “war room”.
What we need is someone who can lead, make tough decisions, and fight back.
By the way, Reagan’s response to the Air Traffic Controllers sent a very strong message around the world.
I typed before I read the link that Neo posted; so the opinion I expressed was my own. That action, so early in his Administration, telegraphed to the world that Reagan would not flinch in the face of tough decisions.
Not surprising that Huffy-puffy Post chose the explanation as another excuse to attack Walker.
Re-enforces my first comment. The GOP will need a candidate who can take mud, or worse, from every direction, and not flinch.
Yeah, I saw the explanation. Interesting, but not sure I buy it. In any case, it’s just one more less-than-felicitous sound-bite that’s going to dog him.
Oh, and I like what I see from Fiorina. I hope that she will have some role on the national stage. Would love to see her replace one of my Senators; i.e., Boxer or Feinstein, although I believe she has wiped the dust of California from her shoes. Maybe in a Cabinet position (which by definition means a GOP President).
Peggy Noonan has a good blog post on this here, and supports Walker’s contention that it was a foreign policy big deal with quite a bit of detailed history. But she also offers two caveats:
Muslims in general, by virtue of the teachings, history, and the ideology of Islam, live in a very different intellectual landscape and moral universe than we “unbelievers” live in, and they play an entirely different game than we do, one with different rules that enable Muslims to easily deceive us generally clueless and unknowledgeable “unbelievers.”
Working by an entirely different set of rules and expectations than we are, quite often Muslims are playing chess, while we are just playing checkers, because deceiving us is just so easy.
Anybody ever heard of, or aware of Islam’s “Holy Deceptions,” “Takiyya” first among them?
I urge everybody to take the time to read this extraordinarily important article in the Middle East Quarterly by Raymond Ibrahim, an expert on Islam and author of the “Al-Quaeda Reader,” which will change your entire conception and understanding of the Jihad that Islam is prosecuting against all unbelievers in this era (see
More startling to me than anything were the responses on HuffPost to Walker’s comments.
This country only remotely resembles the one I was born and reared in.
Personal accountability? A two word term most Americans would fail at if asked to define.
And none of those pathetic posters had even a whiff of a clue about leading from a position of strength.
They believe that Obama’s style of “leadership” (loosely termed) is effective. Is having productive results.
I’m sorry I had children. Sorry that I brought into this world those who will continue to face the vast numbers of ignoramuses who suck the oxygen, and strength, from this once-great country.
“She criticized the Obama administration for having a “wrong-headed policy” on Syrian refugees. The Obama administration is reportedly planning to increase the number of refugees allowed in the United States. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-Texas) said admitting thousands of refugees is a very dangerous and reckless policy.
“ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and United States. And we need to stop that,” he said.
Fiorina holds the same position as McCaul, arguing that ISIS is trying to “exploit” the problems with the U.S. legal immigration system that exists today.
Ann, I would discount anything that Peggy Noonan has to say about RR; particularly if it has to do with comparing anyone else to him. She is simply deranged on the subject.
Who knew that Reagan had been studying foreign affairs all of his life? All those years in Hollywood, burning the midnight oil? Noonan knew.
But, Peggy, why did we send 240+ Marines to their deaths in Beirut, with no real mission but to be sitting targets? Then cut and run when they were blown up? Why did we conduct embarrassingly ill conceived, token bombing attacks in response–despite the advice of the of the Admiral on the scene to plan and execute a more effective campaign, by the way? What message did those decisions send to the predators in the middle east? Reagan was good, even great, in many respects. But, let’s not rewrite history; he made his share of mistakes.
“Ronald Reagan himself would never suggest, on the way to the presidency, that all you need to understand foreign policy is a good gut and leadership abilities. You need knowledge, sophistication, grasp. He’d been studying foreign affairs all his adult life. He walked into the Oval Office with a policy: We win, the Soviets lose. A talent for leadership doesn’t tell you where to go, it helps you get there. Wisdom tells you where to go.” Peggy Noonan
Typical muddled thinking from Noonan. What pray tell is knowledgeable, sophisticated and grasping of nuance and the essentials about a policy consisting of, “We win, they lose”? Answer; nothing… which in no way disparages Reagan. He set the goal, stated that failure was not an option, that we would win and assembled a team of ‘doers’ to make it happen.
Nor does wisdom come from “knowledge and sophistication” as Noonan believes. Were those the operative factors conveying wisdom our ‘higher’ institutions of learning would not consist of the ‘idiot savants’ that currently occupy academia.
“Nor does wisdom come from “knowledge and sophistication” as Noonan believes.”
I fail to see where she makes that statement. It appears, rather, that she makes a distinction of these different elements, characteristics. It seems you put words in her mouth.
I’m no Peggy Noonan cheerleader. However, you might consider a fair critique.
What pray tell is knowledgeable, sophisticated and grasping of nuance.”
Once again, she did not phrase it that way. Hers was a reference to each of these QUALITIES that a president should have in his/her possession to tackle foreign affairs. “Nuance”? Where did she include that?
Go ahead and trash Noonan. Do it without making stuff up.
I completely agree with these essential characteristics—those any good negotiator needs when engaging, whether it be with an adversary or ally or partner.
Obama studied NOTHING about foreign policy before he took his oath.
Obama remains ignorant on issues of economics.
Obama is NOT sophisticated—-well, except for that time he gifted to the British Prime Minister a complete dvd set of Baraka’s fave movies, ever, on the planet earth.
And removing the bust of Winston Churchill? Sending it back across the pond. Yeah, sophisticated.
As for “knowledge”? Well, Baraka did believe that “AUSTRIAN” was the official language of Austria. He’s got that going for him.
And “grasp”? You ever see his clutching of a baseball? Oh…different grasp.
His grasp of Russia was to send Hillary there with a Office Depot “reset” button that had something written on it akin to, “THAT’S A LOW PRICE!!!” Or, something like that…(sarc. off)
And his grasp of what it means to get out the red paint to draw a line in the sand? Classic.
And his grasp of what it means to acquiesce to Iran while telling Israel to, “bend over”. Yowza.
And his grasp of just how to assess ISSA? Jayvee Squad?
My personal favorite: “The Cambridge Police Department acted stupidly”. Now that represents a true grasp of just how to jump in with both feet bereft of any facts.
Noonan’s knowledge and sophistication worked great in electing Hussein O, didn’t it.
Yep, I cannot think of one thing that Hillary has accomplished. She is remarkable for her incompetence and arrogance.
Noonan lost all credibility in 2008 by her enthusiasm for Obama. I’m embarrassed enough that it took me until 2004 to stop voting for Dems but at least by the time Obama ran I saw right through him. Noonan actually worked for *Reagan* for crying out loud and fell for the Obama hype hook, line and sinker.
I can’t get too enthused about Fiorina. I worked at Hewlett-Packard for a long time though I left several years before she took over. I know a lot of longtime employees grew to really dislike her.
I’m sympathetic to a certain extent because I think she got blamed for a lot of stuff that was not really her fault. But her leadership of HP is her primary career credential and it’s hard to say she did a stellar job.
That Fiorina is up against …
Speaking of HP – her old outfit — I just updated some software — as I am running on a Pavilion.
Lo and behold… the folks at HP opened my machine up to FACEBOOK — and the both of them raped my digital personna: Now they know who my attorney is.
Indeed, they have duplicated ALL of my active files and links — while purportedly just updating a photograph polishing program!!
Did you get a load of the Feds raiding a peaceable political assembly in Texas?
The meta-message: don’t even THINK about collective action.
Further, while they can’t stop jihadis from pouring over the border/ landing at every international airport, they are jack-boot on the spot to stop seasoned citizens – irate that the US Constitution no longer constitutes even a suggestion to D.C.
Do note the commentary from Boner.
Good grief.
I’m reminded of how the NAZIS got EVERY other party to fold into it — using a combination of grease, pressure, threats, and propaganda.
It was this ‘unity government’ that made turning away from the insanities of Adolf politically impossible.
He’d left no-one left standing — with standing.
THIS is where Barry Soetoro is headed.
It does NOT take a massive FEMA concentration kamp scheme to enact tyrany in our digitally mapped age.
After my digital strip search — I feel digitally indentured — the compensation being a puff of digital cheese — at the cost of my digital profile and soul.
As to Fiorina, I’d like to know her PRINCIPLES.
Margaret had principle and ovaries of iron.
Once she got the corporate brass ring Fiorina didn’t do much with it and now, she’s playing another man’s game …
Hello, I am Peggy Noonan,
I once helped write parts of one of President Reagan’s speeches.
Conservatives thought I was one of them.
Then I saw my dreamboat Obama, so I quit all my Conservative pretenses and started pumping out weepy, dreamy and mindless “He’s the man” articles about him.
And, the more my inner leftist self emerged, the more leftist elite attention I got, plus all those invitations to their fabulous Washington D.C. parties came pouring in.
So enjoy my latest article designed to distort the truth of, divert attention from, and plaster over, the monstrous lies and failures of “My Man” Obama.
Later! I’m off to another party.
She is a joke just like shrillary is…
both are leftist affirmative action socialist hacks…
blert Says:
March 2nd, 2015 at 9:49 am
Did you get a load of the Feds raiding a peaceable political assembly in Texas?
Here, real and personal
“Lara, forgotten as a nameless number on a list which was later mislaid, in one of the innumerable mixed or women’s concentration camps in the north.”
or think, cattle cars, sheep, meek …
What has Mrs. Clinton accomplished? Made herself famous and rich. That’s it.
I like Cara Carleton a lot, but she was CEO at HP and before that at Lucent. Expect major hit pieces about everything she ever did.