Blacks cannot be racist, and whites cannot not be racist
I think that’s how the narrative goes, right?
I seem to remember hearing as much way way back, many decades ago. Therefore I’m with Christopher Rufo when he tweets that “Whoopi Goldberg said on television what critical race theorists have been saying in print for years.”
Of course. Not everyone was paying attention to this twaddle, but it’s been out there attempting to warp minds for decades. There’s this summary of the train of thought, for example:
. Over the past twenty years or so, in American scholarship on racism, with ever growing intensity, it has become fashionable and even mainstream to assert that Jews are white, that is, that they belong to the dominant majority. This means, that as a collective, due to embedded racialized structures in society, they benefit from their dominant position and are complicit in oppression…
Critical Whiteness Studies have been promoted as an activist scholarship; according to its self-definition, its task is questioning, and de-essentializing whiteness. It seeks to question whiteness being the default color, as “neutral”, contrasted to people of color. The intention, according to Ruth Frankenberg, is to “displace the ‘unmarked marker’ status of whiteness, a continued inability to ‘color’ the seemingly transparent white positionings.” Even in previous critical analyses of racism, she claims, “whiteness remains unexamined—unqualified, essential, homogenous, seemingly self-fashioned, and apparently unmarked by history and practice” (Frankenberg 1997, p. 1).
It wasn’t enough to talk about black people’s oppression. White people – all of them, every single one – had to be demonized. And it couldn’t matter that some individual white people had even joined in the historic struggle against discrimination of blacks. They were oppressors too.
The root of much of this is the Marxist idea that people are marked solely by their membership in certain groups, that the individual actions don’t really matter to that designation because it’s all about groups, and that there is always an oppressor group (or groups) and always a victim group (or groups), and that the former are bad and the latter good no matter what they actually do, either as individuals or together. Nowadays instead of class those groups are racial for the most part, with all “whites” on one side and all “people of color” on another. There are hierarchies within each broad category, of course, and there are also some sexual categories (women in general, and gay or trans versus straight) as well. But race reigns supreme.
If the American people don’t buy this, too bad. It’s what Democrats wish to put into practice, both in thought and deed. Pick a SCOTUS justice for her fit into one – preferably two or more – of the preferred categories. Are too many “people of color” being arrested and put in prison? Change the laws so more are released. Are too many black children doing poorly in school? Blame evil “meritocracy.”
And on and on and on.
Back when I first heard about the first faint glimmerings of this sort of thing it wasn’t so very widespread. Now it’s the default position of most of the talking heads and all of the gazillions of people who have read (and taken to heart) those “anti-racism” books or taken courses in learning how white people should say continual mea culpas.
As has been pointed out many times before (after all, it is Groundhog Day), this has now leaped from academia to mainstream. And yet, somehow, so far Americans don’t think much of it when it’s put into practice:
Per ABC News: “Just over three-quarters of Americans (76 percent) want Biden to consider ‘all possible nominees.’ Just 23% want him to automatically follow through on his history-making commitment that the White House seems keen on seeing through.”…
The poll also found that no demographic – not even racial minorities or Democrats – want Biden to consider only black women for the vacancy.
I think that last sentence in the quote is especially important. Why is this being rejected? Perhaps it’s because most people still retain common sense. Or perhaps we can sum it up with that old thought: it’s profoundly un-American to make decisions on such a basis.
White Americans are and will continue to be, according to the demented theology of “wokeism” (deriving ultimately from the Leninist Who/Whom, from Gramsci, and from the toxic nonsense of the various members of the Frankfurt School, who hated this country despite having been offered sanctuary here), deemed “racist’ whether or not they admit it (in a Kafka-trap), so that many, especially those who have been brainwashed at university and by the MSM, will happily submit to this insanity because it is currently fashionable, because one will certainly be ostracized for opposing it, because it enables one to feel morally superior, and because (this being far more true for blacks than for whites), race-baiting is a lucrative racket, with race-hustling grifters commanding astonishing and truly outrageous hourly speaking fees, thanks to the stupidity of the academic world and of corporate America.
“The root of much of this is the Marxist idea that people are marked solely by their membership in certain groups, that the individual actions don’t really matter to that designation because it’s all about groups, and that there is always an oppressor group (or groups) and always a victim group (or groups), and that the former are bad and the latter good no matter what they actually do, either as individuals or together.” neo
There is an additional factor in that proposition. It is that white majority societies possess the power to discriminate against nonwhites due to their being in the majority.
However, acceptance of that proposition necessarily implies a further consequence. Namely, that any racial or ethnic majority makes of it, an oppressor. Whether asian, african or ‘hispanic’… a group being in a majority makes of them an oppressor group because the status of being in the majority gives them the power to oppress.
Obviously, a minority can be in a position of power but every race exists in a majority in many nations. So every race is an oppressor.
Rejection of that implicit condition then demonstrates the racism of the denier. So, every society in which a majority racial group exists… is a racist society.
Who knew? The entire world is racist. Thus, the only just society that can exist is one in which there is no racial majority. For that to be the case, the percentages of a society’s racial composition must be precisely equal.
A long time ago I read the autobiography of Clarence Thomas, “My Grandfather’s Son – A Memoir.”
I recall him mentioning how other, lighter skinned blacks, would make fun of him or look down on him, because his skin was darker than most blacks. His skin is darker than most blacks because his ancestors belonged to a tribe that had darker skin than most other tribes.
So, was he being subjected to racism by other blacks?
A real long time ago a good friend of mine – a white guy – was dating a black gal.
One day a bunch of us were walking to a movie theater in Manhattan, when walking down the street towards us was a bunch of tough looking , young black guys.
As soon as they passed us by, my friend’s black girlfriend referred to them as
That was the first time I ever heard a black person refer to other blacks as **gg**rs
and it simply floored me; I couldn’t believe my ears. Who knew that blacks would refer to other blacks using the N word?
Was she being racist?
By the way, the Clarence Thomas book is really worth a read. How he overcame the hardships he endured is really incredible.
People hate / resent other people for all sorts of reasons. Once the hate sets in, then any and every attribute of the disliked individual or disliked class of people becomes the rationale, the excuse, to hate/resent them.
First, you come up with the answer or an opinion, then you find ways to affirm your answer/opinion.
(Sort of like those “company analysis” opinion articles one reads in Seeking Alpha).
What’s wrong with being ‘Racist’ anyway?
Might as well try to outlaw breathing.
The big thing is to temper it with targeted tolerance and humour.
Anything beyond that is merely millenarian madness.
Lets not talk about Hispanics. Are they “white” or “brown” or what? A good number of people do not realize that the people who live in Spain, the Spainard, are “Caucasian”, in other words “white”. What about Native American? “Hispanics” in the US, Central America and South America are a mixture Spanish and Native American, What a mess it all is.
I think for once I mostly agree with Zaphod.
Eric Hoffer summed it up perfectly: “There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently. We still have to prove our worth anew each day: we have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday. But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything we are fixed, so to speak, for life.”
Doesn’t this insight accurately describe the army of grievance-mongering and race-hustling blacks? Confronted by endemic black pathologies such as sky-high murder rates, family dissolution, and perpetual educational failure, they and their white liberal enablers take refuge in blaming everyone but themselves for their shortcomings. This is a recipe for disaster.
JohnTyler- I read Clarence Thomas’ autobiography “My Grandfather’s Son” as well and can’t recommend it enough.
It says a lot about our current culture when you look at how he and other blacks with backgrounds like Ben Carson are treated compared to frauds like Obama, Sharpton, Ta-Nehisi Oates, etc.
Marxism is very white. A white intellectual in a London library thought it up.
Marxism is racist, then.
Oppression, slavery, racism, bigotry, on the other hand, were and are of all races, skin colors, time epochs. No one is a victim, because everyone, if we go by CRT’s notion of the sins of the father, is automatically the oppressor, the slave owner, the bigot, etc.
Today, we have open air slave markets in northern Africa, run and served by blacks. During the slave trade, whites were taken as slaves by northern Africans, blacks, hello Barbary.
Yet, none of this matters because it’s truly about using whatever leverage these hucksters can, in this case, assumed guilt, to gain power and money.
Their calculus is older than calculus.
Yes, Whoopi was only repeating the leftist line, in which black people cannot be racist, and only whites can be, and she’s shocked to discover, at least temporarily, that lots of Americans think otherwise.
Regarding skin hues, ask a Puerto Rican what they think about Mexicans. Ask a Mexican of Spaniard descent, who might be blond and blue eyed, about Mexicans of Aztecan descent. On and on it goes.
If only whites can be racists, and if all whites are racists, then “racist” is just another ethnic slur like “honky” or “cracker” or “redneck”.
Babylon Bee: Biden quietly withdraws Whoopi Goldberg SCOTUS nomination
“What’s wrong with being ‘Racist’ anyway?
Might as well try to outlaw breathing.
The big thing is to temper it with targeted tolerance and humour.
Anything beyond that is merely millenarian madness.”
You know, as do we all. Racism denies the humanity of the pre-judged. When we judge based on the content of the individual’s character, there is no need for “targeted tolerance”. Nor is it madness in any form to extend to people simple civility, unless and until they prove themselves unworthy of it.
The goal is to see in everyone whatever degree of goodness resides in them. While recognizing that our human flaws result in whatever sinfulness may reside in us.
How do you have time to post here if you have to check the content of the character of every individual you encounter? 🙂
I didn’t say be uncivil or unkind to people (even of other races) by default.
My default position is human fallibility and observable group differences (including myself in these)… I look for *exceptions*. And I don’t look too hard. The exceptional exceptions will show themselves. Not everyone is a special unique flower except in the Eyes of God. And we are most assuredly not gods and should not get too far above ourselves.
Look up Leonard Jeffries
and learn all about “ice people” and “sun people” and who are born racist and who can never be racist, taught by a professor at CUNY decades ago. He also taught that Jews financed the slave trade.
On a closely related subject, something I wrote in 2016, “‘White Privilege’: One Of The Stupidest Ideas Of Our Time”:
And while I’m at it, a couple of points about “white supremacy” that I cadged from
commenters at PowerLine and PJMedia:
“I have been saying for years that taking the progressives at their word — everything wrong with the world is caused by straight, white males — indicates that 3% of the world can oppress the other 97% even if the other 97% know it, and the best that the 97% can do is ask the straight, white males to stop.
“If that isn’t an argument for white supremacy I don’t know what is.
“I don’t buy it but the progressives do.”
“The POCs obviously assume whites are superior. Why else would they constantly complain about ‘White Supremacy?’ The irony is hilarious.”
You know, as do we all. Racism denies the humanity of the pre-judged.
Geoffrey Britain, Zaphod:
I think there’s a motte-and-bailey fallacy underlying the racism discussion as the Left would have it, and the two of you are tugging at the different sides.
As I see it, Geoffrey Britain is taking the Motte position (easily defended castle). Racism, as in hard cruel prejudice which means treating another race as subhuman, denying its members equal rights and worse. This racism is just wrong. Let us call this Racism.
Zaphod is taking the Bailey position (hard to defend land area). We are humans and we are innately more attracted and trustful of those who look like us and are related to us and less so of others. This should not be mysterious nor a matter for terrible handwringing. Zaphod is willing to call this a kind of racism, but to temper it with “tolerance and humor.”
(I’m assuming Zaphod doesn’t mean it’s OK to pack the Other off into camps as long as it’s done with tolerance and humor.)
The Motte-and-Bailey trick the Left is pulling is to attack innate racial tendencies and when criticized, retreat to the position that they are only attacking Racism.
I don’t favour packing any ethnic group off into a camp with tolerance and humour or without.
Fair to say that in my dream polity I’d be drawing some Singapore style lines in the sand regarding minimum expected good behaviour for anyone wishing to remain at large. If certain ethnic groups had more or less trouble conforming… well then… tough cookies.
For the rest, very keen on Freedom of Association. I should be allowed to form a bowling club which excludes homosexuals, blacks, Jews, Mongolian Hermaphrodites, people named Huxley, and so on. And turnabout is fair.
Following on from the Singapore Model the one that absolutely must be curtailed is for *any* race to foment discontent against another. Personal discrimination can be done sub-Rosa and activism to bust open clubs, societies, etc… must not be tolerated. The idea is to keep the peace without forcing an artificial hothouse flower harmony which will explode into chaos at the first sign of any societal stress.
*the one freedom that absolutely must be curtailed…
We must also thank Whoopi Goldberg for “outing” the glaring, politicized perversity of the ADL, which is now visible for all to see, i.e., all who WANT to see…(actually, it’s been visible for quite a while, now):
“In Midst of Whoopi Goldberg Controversy, Anti-Defamation League Quietly Changes Its Definition of ‘Racism’”—
…Though to be fair to the ADL, if the “Biden” cabal can change the definition of “vaccine” and “violence” and “insurrection” and “racism” and “human rights” and “education” (and anything and everything else), then why shouldn’t the ADL—currently joined at the hip to “Biden”—be able to do the same???
The ADL: just another purported Human Rights(TM) org. that has seriously lost its way…
The aim, after all, is to *introduce* systemic racism – to match all the previous accusations.
On a related issue, reparations, I’m thinking if they are ever imposed that a class action subrogation lawsuit should be filed against African nations. African tribal leaders sold off an estimated 29 million of their own people to Arab slave traders between 1400-1900. Less than 2% of those slaves ended up in what is now the USA.
Since African leaders were the original enslavers and reparations argues we are all guilty of sins of previous generations of people of our skin color residing where we live, shouldn’t we have a subrogation claim against them?
Yes, tongue in cheek. Sort of.
“The aim, after all, is to *introduce* systemic racism – to match all the previous accusations.”
Precisely so. And it’s Stalinist to its core.
One could label this tactic “Operation Create Backlash” (sometimes referred to as “Suck ’em in methodology”—AKA the “Entrapment gambit”—responded to invariably, by the “Righteously Indignant”(TM) with a don’t-worry-about-collater-damage “Shriek-to-High-Heavens counterstrike”. And worse…)
Exhibit A: CRT
– Push CRT in the schools HARD, but surreptitiously, while adamantly denying that you’re doing it…or—even better!—claiming that CRT is “merely” a means of “raising awareness” about racism so as to reduce and eliminate it(!)…AND if you should dare object to such a “worthy” aim/curriculum, then you are OBVIOUSLY racist…
– Wait for the backlash from concerned parents (that is, parents, particularly mixed-race parents, who are extremely angry that their kids are being taught such absolute trash)
– Then, “simply” call the parents “RACISTS”, along with any group that dares to express support for them. (Or rather, shout it out from the rooftops.)
Exhibit B: Stolen 2020 Election
– Exploit a crisis to create the proper environment to pervert election results via massive electoral fraud (making sure that the right people are entrenched in the right positions at the right time).
– When legitimate questions are raised about the election, and audits are demanded, then instead of transparently going about proving that the election results were fair and honest, engage (using “Alinsky” rules) in a massive campaign to target those doubters and skeptics as “anti-democratic”, “fascist” scum who wish to overturn elections, subvert(!) democracy and overturn a “legitimately elected president”.
– Amplify this as loudly, as much and as long as you can (absolutely no problem since the international media is in complete support) so as to fan the flames of the “24/7 hate” as effectively as possible.
– Add the RACIST element since if those “anti-democratic”, “fascist” scum claim to want to ensure what they call “fair” and “untainted” election, this can ONLY MEAN that they want to quash the People-Of-Color vote, make it as difficult as possible for POC to vote, and needless to say put Blacks “back in chains” while returning the US to the era of “Jim Crow”. That is, those scummy skeptics are pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes because their reasonable-sounding protestations are actually only MOTIVATED by out-and-out RACISM.
Exhibit C: The Trump “Insurrection”
– After successfully stealing an election, portray any and all skepticism regarding the election as anti-democratic, treasonous and racist (see Exhibit B) and ensure that any demonstrations are relentlessly trampled.
– Should a demonstration be planned and take place in the area of the Capitol, then remove fencing meant to prevent demonstrators from “trespassing” onto the Capitol grounds and into the building itself, while making sure to infiltrate the demonstrators with government agents and provacateurs.
– Direct, encourage and invite demonstrators into the Capitol building.
– Once enough of them are in the Capitol, get the government provocateurs to foment violence, rioting and mayhem while making sure that thechaos that was contrived and fomented is copiously filmed (and then making sure to broadcast the footage non-stop and repetitively, 9/11-style).
– Call the demonstration that “evolved” into violence a “Trump-inspired INSURRECTION” and imprison any and all participants on a variety of charges (including “trespassing”—see above) while removing any and all of their rights under US law, essentially abusing them and treating them as political prisoners.
– Make sure not to prosecute any of the secret agents or provocateurs.
– Label anyone who supports the demonstrators (or who demands they be treated lawfully) as, likewise, anti-democratic, insurrectionist scum; and encourage everyone else to treat these “enemies of the people” accordingly (once again, not a problem since the media is hyping the hysteria against them non-stop)
– Characterize (that is, mischaracterize) the “Insurrection” as simply the most egregious event to beset America since the Civil War. (See “media”, above.)
Exhibit D: The COVID-19 “Crisis”
This was a comprehensive series of intricate and elaborate lies from the get-go, precisely to hogtie a sitting president (Trump) and to set up the conditions to ensure that he couldn’t win re-election (see “Exhibit B” and also “media”, above) to a second term in office.
Since the threat was ostensibly to the health of the nation and since the need to “protect” the people from this used was used as a cudgel to keep them in line (IOW dazed, confused, doubtful, disoriented and depressed—both psychologically and financially), any reaction to it was put down fairly easily…until it eventually became clear to an increasing number of citizens that the whole thing was a sham that was exploited to keep them in line and to enable the Democrats (who had used the sham to steal an election) to grab as much power as they possibly could.
Though a backlash has been occurring throughout—in drips and drabs, we are currently witnessing the beginnings of a massive backlash as the truth has been slowly emerging of the criminal nature of the policies implemented to exploit the virus for political—and financial—advantage.
Exhibit E: Russiagate.
That Trump was “proven” to be Putin’s poodle—for many people he still is!…and will always be—was a fiction concocted—if most cunningly—out of thin air by Hillary Clinton and her friends, and fortified (the same word used by Democratis to describe how they supposedly “won” the 2020 election) by Obama and the agencies he successfully coopted to break American law.
Anyone trying to show—prove—that Trump was the victim of a vast and elaborate conspiracy was—is—labeled a “conspiracy theorist” (in all the pejorative meaning of the term).
Exhibit F:
I mentioned above that “it’s Stalinist to its core”…but it’s also “Palestinian Rules”.
In short
1. Threaten to destroy your opponent.
2. Fail to do so and get pounded for your efforts.
3. Complain vociferously that you’ve been treated terribly and that your Human Rights(TM) have been violated time and time again.
4. Return to #1, above…until you succeed in destroying your opponent.
“…. And worse.”
should be—
“…as they stomp on that backlash with all the power at their disposal (which was the whole point of provoking the backlash).”
I am white- blue eyed, blond hair as a child. However, I tan easily and to a dark hue. When my wife was on city council, our black mayor asked her why she married such a dark-skinned man!
A fascinating “blast from the past” noticed (and resurrected) by Ed Driscoll (on Instapundit)—
“Biden blocked the first Black woman from the Supreme Court….”
Key graf:
“…Democrats’ commitment to diversity is a ruse. Biden was willing to destroy the careers of an accomplished Latino lawyer and a respected Black female judge, and stop Republicans from putting either on the Supreme Court. For Democrats, it’s all about identity politics.”
N.B. For Driscoll, “identity politics” is not only one’s race (or relative position in the “victim” pecking order) but one’s political stance—with the latter taking precedence over the former. (I’m not sure that this is clear from his last sentence.)
The Oxford English Dictionary dates the word racism to 1935, and defines it thus: “The theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race.” Unless you believe the blank slate theory, what’s to disagree with?
I have never seen The View- probably like most here – and become conscious of it only when one of the hens pecks at someone or something in a way that spreads to the news media in general.
Does anyone have a bullet point presentation of the Goldberg remarks quoted in text? I saw “quotes” in a link here, but don’t trust that the quotes were meant as verbatim quotes …
So apt are people nowadays to characterize another person’s mental processes with imaginary snippets of internal dialog framed with quotation marks, that it is hard to know what is what unless they clue you as to exactly what they are doing.
It is a practice I too am to some degree guilty; but I try to make it a point that the mockery is textually offset by additional font markers and verbiage, is made clear as a parodic exemplar, and never refers to a supposed utterance of a particular person.
I’m not sure what she actually said insofar as the supposedly amplifying, ‘you alls’ and ‘amongst yourselves’ went.
Goldberg’s exegesis on Heidegger’s “The Question Concerning Technology” is must reading.
Unless you believe the blank slate theory, what’s to disagree with?
Well, start with the term ‘determined’.
I haven’t watched it although I’ve read lengthy excerpts, but is this it?
One of the things people aren’t talking about is how the View women mischaracterized what the school district did vis a vis Maus. Apparently they didn’t ban it totally for all students, they just said it wasn’t recommended anymore for junior high students in the curriculum because they were too young for it. I think one of the reasons given, though, that they thought it inappropriate, was that there was nudity in it, which is an absurd reason IMHO. The nudity (I’m doing this from memory because I’m in a hurry) was of course in a drawing since the entire thing is drawings, but I believe it was from the section of the book which actually does draw a person – his mother. Whether it’s that part or not, I don’t think it was prurient nudity at all.
Apparently they didn’t ban it, they just said it wasn’t recommended for junior high students because they were too young for it.
How about not recommended because you have other things to do with the time and other (more concise) materials to read? A survey course on European history has to budget it’s time. You’ve got to cover 800 AD to 1970 or thereabouts, and then some. You’ve got about 175 lectures in which to do it.
Along with “birthing people” & “menstruators” the latest word garbage from the left seems to be “white adjacent” to describe minorities (East Asian/South Asian) who somehow avoid the systemic racism inherent in the US to reach high levels of success. The effort to “fundamentally transform” America continues.
Regarding budgeting time when teaching European history, ……. wait for it, …., nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
But then the Holocaust was just a little bit out of the ordinary in the history of Europe. Might warrant some examination?
But to the mistresses or madames (working girls) of the View, the Maus story was just a tool to bash conservatives.
Don’t play catch with hand grenades is the take away, Whoopi.
Regarding budgeting time when teaching European history, ……. wait for it, …., nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
But then the Holocaust was just a little bit out of the ordinary in the history of Europe. Might warrant some examination?
But to the mistresses or madames (working girls) of the View, the Maus story was just a tool to bash conservatives.
Don’t play catch with hand grenades is the take away, Whoopi and the View.
Pingback:‘Complicit in Oppression’ : The Other McCain
The key to me is Nazi Carl Schmitt’s idea that the political is the friend enemy distinction. Curtis Yarvin simply says “there is no politics without an enemy.”
All this CRT and race stuff is merely the fact that if you wanna play politics you gotta have an enemy. There has to be an Evil One.
Curtis Yarvin simply says “there is no politics without an enemy.”
Has Curtis Yarvin ever done any canvassing? Attended a meeting of a public commission?
But then the Holocaust was just a little bit out of the ordinary in the history of Europe. Might warrant some examination?
It was covered in textbooks as an aspect of the discussion of the 2d World War; I had an American history textbook and a European history textbook which had discussions of it. We also were shown documentary films. Anne Frank’s diary was also assigned, though never to me. (IIRC, it was assigned in English classes). And, yes, the American history textbooks had discussions of slavery and the post-bellum Jim Crow South. You did not have much on the post-war situation generally because the history teachers ran out of time. The CRT pushers, some of them contemporaries of mine and people a half-generation older, know perfectly well these subjects have not been swept under the rug. Some textbooks do a better job than others, of course.
I follow an Ohio blogger named David Griffey. One of his hobbies is collecting early 20th c textbooks. I’ve been hoping he’d do a survey post on how different episodes of American history have been addressed over time.
In that case I must read it.
But I suspect you are actually referring to his festschrift lecture ” On Time and Being”.
It is the shortest publication I have seen by him; and as it is in part charming reminiscence, probably even accessible to her. At least insofar as she might find it, ready- to-hand, so to speak.
Yeah apparently that’s it. A big nothing burger.
Of course, tit-for-tat authorizes conservatives to stand by and cheer the progs on as they tear each other to shreds. And I have only minimal problems with that: A shrug as Frere Jacques Hebert is dragged shrieking hysterically to the guillotine too, being perfectly appropriate.
But basically I saw nothing to get het about, and even some relatively rational exchange, until that is, one of them started jabbering about teaching children empathy by making the innocent suffer … as if we are all one big interconnected morally yoked species of termites or Borg or something.
At that point I hit the electronic kill switch, and the annoying she-oaf and all her babbling companions simply winked out into blackness.
To say that the Holocaust wasn’t racist is profoundly stupid and profoundly ignorant. But stupider and more ignorant things – as well as more evil things – are said everyday, and by people with a lot more clout than Whoopi Goldberg.
I don’t really give an F anymore. I am so sick of this race thing. I am a member of a multi race and multi religious extended family. Hey, ya, we have both Democrats and Republicans in our family as well.
Blue collar and white collar workers; gasp,
Could you all just stop speculating. My family and I are doing just fine.
Why don’t you all and our country come together as my family has.