Home » Biden AWOL…


Biden AWOL… — 27 Comments

  1. Maybe they forgot to reanimate him. Or maybe AOC informed him that honoring the Grand Old Army of the Republic, the Doughboys, and Chester Nimitz is Verboten.

    She will no doubt lead a movement to have Arlington torn up and re-purposed. After all it started off with one bad man, who another group of just as bad men replaced; so now it is perhaps time to build a museum to native American culture or something, there. Perhaps a monument to the transgender Afro-Carribs who invented the square of opposition.

    BTW: So what’s the London betting on how long before Hunter offs himself? Will he make it through the big guy’s presidency, assuming the big guy himself lasts long enough to even get there?

  2. BTW: So what’s the London betting on how long before Hunter offs himself?

    Do you mean go out like Phillip Seymour Hoffman or go out like Robin Williams?

  3. Neo,

    I know you hate the NY Times but they do report news of such things. I found through a Google search.

    …President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. made a 15-minute visit to the Philadelphia Korean War Memorial, a morning of somber reflection…

    “For many years, I have said that we as a nation have many obligations, but we have only one truly sacred obligation: to prepare and equip our troops we send into harm’s way, and to care for them and their families when they return home,” Mr. Biden said in the statement. “Fulfilling our promises to our veterans and military families, caregivers and survivors is critical to our national security, because it is how we will ensure that future generations continue to volunteer to serve.”


    The fact that he didn’t give a speech should be of no concern since he is not technically president yet.

  4. He didn’t do much to fix the VA when he was VP.

    Sponsored 43 pieces of legislation while in the Senate. Not a one concerned the armed services or the VA.

  5. Well Neo made a mistake that I’m sure wasn’t intentional and corrected it.

    Don’t ya’ll wish our elected officials (both sides) would do that … fat chance!

    Run Neo Run!

  6. What has Biden been up to in general? It seems he gave one speech about healing and now a 15-minute visit to Arlington.

    He may not be President or President-Elect, but he’s a coin flip away. Grateful citizens would like to know if he can put in a full working day.

    Or does the lid still come down at 10 am?

    Trump — he’s a worker and a fighter!

  7. I am tempted to make a long excerpt of this editorial on the election from the Daily Telegraph, Australia (Sydney): “Dems get a rigging on…”

    It is about as complete and brief account of The Biden Campaign (censored by media), Leftist hate in US for the coup against us (from the start, November, 2016), and a quick look at the massive vote irregularities that hugely point to Democrat-Biden fraud.

    (It is paywalled but posted in full at FreeRepublic.)

    But I’ll restrain my self and simply say highly recommended; brief and complete. Please share, share and share.

  8. Gracious healer.
    # ; ^ )

    Montage: With or without ascii emoji, this isn’t the audience for Biden as gracious or a healer.

    I grant he’s not as obvious a bastard as Trump, but he’s plenty bastard enough, e.g. his 2008 debate with Paul Ryan or his boasts of getting that Ukraine official fired.

    And healing? What examples do you have in mind?

    I get that he’s not Trump and that’s good enough for you.

  9. “Art+Deco on November 11, 2020 at 6:40 pm said:

    BTW: So what’s the London betting on how long before Hunter offs himself?

    Do you mean go out like Phillip Seymour Hoffman or go out like Robin Williams?”

    Yeah, LOL. Some of both.

    People have falsely, in my opinion, formulated the proposition that “liberalism is a disease” or “liberalism is a mental disorder”. Close but not quite there.

    Modern political liberalism as we know it as a movement, is in significant measure the sociopolitical manifestation of those already mentally disordered people who cluster together under a political rubric they wish to brandish as their own. It is a matter of like seeking like, and their banding together in order to extract from the unlike what they can.

    The literature both serious and not so serious is voluminous …

    This famously, from 2007: https://news.gallup.com/poll/102943/republicans-report-much-better-mental-health-than-others.aspx

    Conservatives are happier than liberals, but why? Political ideology, personality, and life satisfaction, 2011

    and newer, an Australian researcher’s work

    Are Conservatives Healthier Than Liberals? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/201902/are-conservatives-healthier-liberals

    and older,

    and newer again

    and, [PDF]

    “It has been claimed that left-wingers or liberals (US sense) tend to more often suffer from mental illness than right-wingers or conservatives. This potential link was investigated using the General Social Survey cumulative cross-sectional dataset (1972-2018). A search of the available variables resulted in 5 items measuring one’s own mental illness (e.g., ”Do you have any emotional or mental disability?”). All of these items were weakly associated with left-wing political ideology as measured by self-report, with especially high rates seen for the
    “extremely liberal” group. These results mostly held up in regressions that adjusted for age, sex, and race. For the variable with the most data (n = 11,338), the difference in the mental illness measure between “extremely liberal” and “extremely conservative” was 0.39 d. Temporal analysis showed that the relationship between mental illness, happiness, and political ideology has existed in the GSS data since the 1970s and still existed in the 2010s.
    Within-study meta-analysis of all the results found that extreme liberals had a 150% increased rate of mental illness compared to moderates. The finding of increased mental illness among left-wingers is congruent with numerous findings based on related constructs, such as positive relationships between conservatism, religiousness and health in general …” bolding added


  10. EXCELLENT share, DNW.
    I’m saving your post. We’re getting off topic. But.

    I’m somewhat familiar with this because I used to track this, research it, and follow it.

    To reiterate, liberals are often mentally disordered people who collectively band together. It “is a matter of like seeking like, and their banding together in order to extract from the unlike what they can. The literature both serious and not so serious is voluminous…”

    Have you or anyone else followed Dr John Ray? He is an Aussie in Brisbane who has maintained at least two text based blogs, greeniewatch (on the environment) and a political one…name I forget. PoliticalWatch? (My links saved to a laptop PC in storage.) But almost daily updates, and prodigious output.

    John Ray is expert on political psychology, his specialty. His interests are wide. His opinions worth knowing.

    (I believe that he is also either bipolar or maybe ADHD — his spleen venting persona and hyperactive commentary fits with folks and friends I know. But this is simply my suspicion, not even acquaintance.)

    To summarise, John Ray is a rare political psychologist who was successful at two or three Uni’s Down Under. And who’s research interests leaned Right.

    Then he rose up through the ranks of academe, but through interest and skill with statistic, accumulated wealth enough from real estate and stock investing, he took early retirement.

    And from Northeast Australia, he became a political blogger.

    Getting back on to topic: the new T-Shirt reads

  11. I have to say they are about as self-aggrandizing and mean-spirited as expected, and he doesn’t fail to slyly hint at one of the lies he repeated during his campaign, that Trump dissed the troops:

    He doesn’t write his own lines, and needs a TelePrompTer to remember them. This is the issue of the social nexus around him. Here’s your problem: at the apex and center of the Democratic Party you have a mess of people who make their living as staff to elected officials. And they’re the sort of people who fancy its apposite to write something like that. (They’ll also produce copy where they have their boss prattle about ‘decency’). What we’re learning is that when you make it more ‘comfortable’ for people by doing away with categorical imperatives and conventional (fixed) standards of conduct and a regard for appearances, what you get are an ample population of junk human beings. We really don’t know where the bottom is in regard to common standards of behavior. Have a gander at Hunter Biden, and maybe you get the idea.

  12. Let’s remember 9/11.
    Ambassador Stevens in Libya.

    In September 2012, Chris Stevens, the American ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans were killed when a mob armed with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades overwhelmed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and set fire to it. Ambassador Stevens died in the attack, becoming the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.

    Shortly afterwards, the Lebanese news site Tayyar.org reproduced an Agence France Presse (AFP) account of the attack and included a paragraph stating that Ambassador Stevens had been raped and killed by gunmen and his body has been dragged through the streets:

    Obama & VP Biden failed to protect the embassy then. In fact they lied about it claiming it was not a terrorist attack.

    There is no evidence of Biden helping any in the military.

  13. DNW,

    “People have falsely, in my opinion, formulated the proposition that “liberalism is a disease” or “liberalism is a mental disorder”.

    I agree that most liberals are not mentally disordered.

    I think you accurately describe some people on the left, especially younger people.

    But I find your explication of liberalism incomplete. As you do not offer an explanation for why some people are attracted to liberal tenets, while other people see the inherent flaws and reject liberal tenets.

    I think its a case of arrested development. Invariably, liberal’s premises rest upon fairness. At base, all liberal objections reduce to the juvenile protest, “that’s not fair!”.

    They’ve simply never grown up.

    We’re not dealing with adults, we’re dealing with “useful idiots”, those who seek power above all else and those who fully qualify for “The Lord of the Flies”.

  14. “we don’t even know where Obama was, much less what he was doing, during the Benghazi attack”

    More important than where or what he was doing, is that he very quickly knew of the attack and was the only one with “cross border authorization”. Obama was the only person who could authorize US Troops to cross over the border in a rescue attempt and he directed the relevant command authorities to stand down.

    So Obama is the one directly responsible for throwing those men to the Islamic wolves. And he did it solely for political gain.

  15. What has Biden been up to in general?

    He’s the titular head of the non-existent “Office of the President-Elect”.

    Just checked the CNN site – they’ll claiming that “a dejected Trump is considering giving up his challenges”. I’m not buying that.

    If CNN told me it was raining, I’d step outside before believing it.

  16. CNN’s continued survival is strictly due to the fact that many people want to be lied to… as long as the lies support their biases.

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