As you know, this blog is all about change. So, if you glance to the upper right of this page, you’ll see that there’s a new neo-neocon. Or, you might say, a neo-neo-neocon (neo cubed?)
Continue reading →As you know, this blog is all about change. So, if you glance to the upper right of this page, you’ll see that there’s a new neo-neocon. Or, you might say, a neo-neo-neocon (neo cubed?)
Continue reading →Okay, I’ll set the scene: I’m trapped in my house on a beautiful day, canceling all other plans in order to wait for the telephone repair people who may or may not come within the next three hours. In addition, … Continue reading →
I’m not exactly sure what this is all about. Or what it has to do with GE. But I know I like it.
Continue reading →Yoo hoo! Calling Dr. Sanity! Calling Shrinkwrapped! Psychiatrist sought by world leader Hugo Chavez! And, as Michael Ledeen would say in only a slightly different context: mé¡s ré¡pidamente, por favor! The most astounding case of Bush Derangement Syndrome ever was … Continue reading →
Our new Sanity Squad podcast is up. This one’s about the Pope’s speech about reason and faith, and the unreasonable reaction of a great deal of the Moslem world towards his remarks.
Continue reading →Wretchard at Belmont Club has a post about the France2 case, in which he asks the following question: While the Press is probably honest in most things — who won the NASCAR race, what the stock price is, who won … Continue reading →
I’m going to talk about Iran and regime change. But first I’m going to take a detour for some news of the day. The latter may seem totally unrelated to the former, but please bear with me: though this be … Continue reading →
The memorial service for the father of a good friend of mine was held at the retirement community where he and his wife had lived for the last couple of years. The place is one of those spectacularly lovely and … Continue reading →
What went wrong at Camp David? Read Pejman Yousefzadeh’s review of Dennis Ross’s exhaustive book The Missing Peace, a description of what led to the failure of the 2000 negotiations. It’s difficult to believe that it was only six short … Continue reading →
If Saddam says so, I guess it must be the truth.
Continue reading →No, I haven’t forgotten my “A mind is a difficult thing to change” series, even though it might seem that way. I haven’t posted a segment in quite a while, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. What it does … Continue reading →
In honor of Oriana Fallaci, the fearless and uniquely outspoken correspondent who died yesterday in Florence Italy, I’m posting excerpts from her 1979 interview with Ayatollah Khomeini, which occurred not long after he came to power (these quotes appeared as … Continue reading →