Another Christmas market terrorist attack
This time it’s in Strasbourg, but the m.o. is very familiar:
At least two people have been killed and several others injured as a suspected extremist opened fire near the iconic Christmas market in Strasbourg.
Extremist=Islamicist terrorist.
…[T]wo people were killed in the attack and one was left brain-dead. Twelve were wounded, six seriously.
The gunman remained at large and was being hunted by police after being injured in an exchange of gunfire with a soldier before reportedly escaping in a hijacked taxi.
The suspect is another “known wolf,” a homegrown one (born in Strasbourg) named Cherif Chekatt:
The 29-year-old Chekatt has a lengthy criminal record with 27 offenses and has previously served jail time in France, Germany, and Switzerland.
Chekatt was radicalized in prison and was monitored by French intelligence services since his release in late 2015 on suspicion he was a religious extremist, the AP reported, citing a French interior ministry official…
Witnesses told police the suspect yelled “Allahu Akbar” (Arabic for “God is great”) as he fired into the crowd near the Christmas market shortly before 8 p.m. local time (2 p.m. ET).
The pattern is the same as in the past. The only variations on the theme seem to be whether the terrorists are citizens or recent arrivals.
This appears to be a deadly pattern:
Letting them know they’ll be arrested “the next morning” (or hauled in to be deported) and then expecting to get a good night’s sleep before making that arrest.
In the meantime, the suspect, with not a whole to lose (given the ideology) and a whole night ahead of him (usually a “him”), “makes the best of a bad situation” by going on a killing spree (with “no known motive” of course).
One might think that the authorities might learn something after this kind of thing happens time and time again.
One might think wrong.
(Can one sue the security forces in Europe for malpractice?)
He was first arrested when he was 10 and has since been arrested many times in France, Germany, and Switzerland. It sounds like he should have been taken from his parents and put in a mental hospital. Certainly he should never been placed in the vicinity of prison imams.
The motive is still a mystery. The man shouted something like “Allahu Ackbar” and the police are still trying to obtain a translation. There is a possibility that it is a white nationalist slogan.
Heaven protect them! The police won’t. And they’re not allowed to carry firearms.
Allahu Akbar does NOT mean God is great. It means Allah is greater than any other god. Let’s get this correct.
“At least two people have been killed and several others injured as a suspected extremist opened fire near the iconic Christmas market in Strasbourg.”
As soon as he opened fire he was no longer a “suspected” extremist. His actions demonstrate that he IS an extremist. In the immediate aftermath, the only question was… is he a Muslim extremist, a fanatical atheist or just plain crazy.
“(Can one sue the security forces in Europe for malpractice?)”
They’re just following orders… in this case, Macron’s.
“Certainly he should never been placed in the vicinity of prison imams.”
Careful, you’re talking about the “Religion of Peace”. The E.U. S.C. has now ruled that freedom of speech is NOT a defense against criticism, even when factual (perhaps especially when its factual criticism…). Can you prove that ALL prison imams are radicals?
That is a very important difference, as it puts the lie to the “religion of peace” meme, which undoubtedly is why the western media has never corrected that falsehood.
“When it all comes down to dust.” That day approaches. There will be a day of reckoning. The question is which will victorious.
A lengthy criminal record? 27 offenses in three different countries (Switzerland, Germany, France). Let’s hear it for those precious open borders.
Francesca, have you never heard “There is no (repeat, NO!) god but Allah and Mohamed is his prophet”? Shouted and sung from minarets all over the non-civilized world five times daily.
Expat: I object to your notion that mental hospitals should be used as prisons, a la in the USSR . They are for the mentally ill, not sociopaths or plain old evildoers. Those belong in prisons, basically forever. But then I am not a Democrat, crying over disproportional imprisonment. I also believe in a quick appeals process, not the legalistic lethargy and procedural sloth we have today, followed by death by hanging. Max time from sentence to execution 2 years.
Posted comment and it never showed up.
2nd t y also never showed up.
Snow – what kind of wrong-think are you trying to post?!?!
Pamela Geller poses an interesting question about terror watch lists:
Tell me again the point of those terror watch lists. To watch them go out and kill people in the cause of Allah?
Like what Trump said about whether Salman ordered the Khashoggi hit, maybe, maybe not. Sorta kinda. The actual reason has more to do with Santa Claus’s naughty or nice list. They’re mainly helping Santa with his list. That’s what Euro tax payers are funding. It’s not a complete waste, however. To help offset anti-terror costs, a secret backdoor revenue stream was developed by selling TV rights to Al Jazeera. Reality TV is the “watch” part of the watch list concept. Per contract, a percentage of watch list subjects are successful. The formula is a mega hit in Arabic-speaking countries, where ratings for Europe Jihad are off the charts. The deal is a huge win-win for both sides. Sorry for the collateral casualties, which are kept to a manageable and acceptable number. Word to the wise: when in Europe, avoid anyone that looks an Al Jazeera cameraman. These days that could be anyone, so maybe avoid Europe altogether.
Back to Santa. Bad kids get lumps of coal (Trump calls it “beautiful clean coal”). Good kids get mini-drones and other useless stuff, (but Santa likes delivering them, so whatever). Per the Paris Agreement, European countries are cutting way back on coal. On the other hand, another accord signatory, China, made sure it was completely voluntary and unenforceable. China digs coal (pardon the pun) big time, and burns it like it’s going out of style. Per an off-the-books deal with Santa, all the coal he would normally deliver to those imported Euro bad kids is going to (you guessed it) China. Coincidentally, guess who also makes those mini-drones and other useless stuff. It turns out the Paris Agreement was an indirect way to facilitate coal diversion to the totalitarian country the West may someday find itself begging to save us from our bad choices.
Bad kids -> coal + reality TV money -> mini drones + hopefully goodwill from China.
Win-win-win, and hopefully win.
I know the complexities sound fanciful, but what else (besides extreme self-loathing) explains why Europe voluntarily imported hundreds of thousands of believers in a religion that has overtly advertised what it intends to do to infidels for centuries? Do Europeans really hate themselves that much? Come on!
He was yelling: “Allah is GREATER!”
Not “Allah is great.”
The expression is supremacist.
It’s a put-down of all others.
He was only 10 when he committed his first crime, and the crimes continued from there. He should have had a mental evaluation. You can’t put a young kid in prison for life without evaluation and trying some kind of therapy. We don’t know anything about his family life.
Lengthy criminal record—what a surprise.
A great weakness of the West is it allowing violent repeat offenders to live. The West doesn’t give a damn about victims.
Took out the links to supporting articles, maybe that was the problem.
So, here goes.
Besides just spreading terror, Muslim terrorist attacks —particularly those aimed at tourists and the areas they visit—are also intended to decimate these countries tourist economies, which contribute quite a significant annual percentage to many country’s Gross domestic Product (GDP).
Some estimated examples for 2017:
Travel & tourism made up an estimated 47.8 % of Bermuda’s GDP, for Thailand 21.2%, for Greece 19.7%, for Mexico 16%, for Spain 14.9%, for Italy 13%, for Egypt 11%, for Germany 10.7%, for the UK 10.5%, for Sweden 9.5%, for India 9.4%, for France 8.9%, for the U.S. 7.7%, for Denmark 7.7%, for Canada 6.5%, for Israel 6.0%, and for Ireland 5.9%.
Scare off tourists, and you can do some serious damage to the Gross Domestic Product—and the economic health—of a country from which it might take years to recover.
Whenever some atrocity occurs, the news media report that it “might be terrorism.” It’s terrifying, and people were killed, but “terrorism” means “the perpetrator was Islamist.” Naturally the news media don’t want to admit this. All except the NY Times, which, on learning the perpetrator was an Islamist, insists that the motive is unknown.
Seems like a very effective solution would be for the authorities to institute “The Star Chamber”. These threats to civilization should be removed.
Over on the immigrants thread, we got this information (which is only one more example in a long string of them)
fArtfldgr on December 12, 2018 at 1:08 pm at 1:08 pm said:
The 45-year-old burglar broke into a flat in Malmö. He was confronted by the family who lives there, whereupon he grabbed one of the children, a 7-year-old. He then allegedly put his gun in the boy’s mouth.
When the child’s grandmother saw this, she screamed and managed to snatch the child. Then the boy’s father came into the room…
The father “flipped out” and hit the gunman so hard that he lost consciousness and suffered severe head injury…
Then the cops came and threw the father in jail for aggravated assault.
* * *
The perception that immigrants and Islamists (in many cases the same group) are getting a better deal than citizens does not go down well.
Although voters will put up with some lag time between expressing their preferences and having them enacted, they will lose patience at some point.
If the governments in Europe and elsewhere don’t take care of this problem, the people (or at least some of them, and not the nicest) will eventually get down to business.
The French cops caught the shooter and killed him. He was still in Strausberg.