Home » All the news that’s fit to print: the NY Times, the nipple, and the Jewish star tattoo


All the news that’s fit to print: the <i>NY Times</i>, the nipple, and the Jewish star tattoo — 22 Comments

  1. As far as I know I am not a Jew. And being an “Atlantic Modal” type am almost certainly not, at least through my paternal line.

    But I do heartily agree.

    I have never had anyone successfully explain to me the logic of a tattoo. Getting one seems like an exercise in the grossest, most brainless kind of emotionalism, for which a coherent justification seems to elude even the primary participants.

    When I was a kid I did have an uncle who had a modest anchor on his forearm. It seemed to go with his John Wayne double physique and looks, and that pack of cigarettes stored in his jean jacket breast pocket. That seems to me to about the least objectionable I can personally imagine.

    But geez, all those ankle roses stenciled on daring ingenue limbs 30 years ago, now displayed to the world on a background of something resembling turkey drumstick flesh.

    Nice work, morons.

  2. This is the level of discourse now. Driven by a need to shock readers, the Times is basically spitting in their faces. In that way, it reminds me of Miley Cyrus.

    Or, instead of desperation perhaps this is their deepest desire and they no longer feel restrained. Either way, it represents the fetid rot that liberal journalism has become.

  3. Was not aware of the Biblical prohibition. Surprised that it was not covered in my high school Bible class. Yes, it was offered as an elective in public school in the early 1950s. One credit.

    I should have know that there was a rational reason why tattooes tend to put me off. Although I confess I was tempted to get some gold (Navy) wings tattooed tastefully on my wrist, or maybe on my left chest. My wife discouraged the idea, and I never happened on a parlor when I was out with the boys. If there had been one on the base at Gitmo when we went down there to practice bombing (pre-Castro), I am sure he/she would have done a booming business.

  4. The explanation for this type of story is simple: NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger is embarrassed by his Jewish heritage. He loudly rejects it and hates Israel, which is probably why Tom Friedman has been sounding like Pat Buchanan lately.

    I went to high school with Sulzberger. But it was only for a year – he was a nitwit and complete loser. If he hadn’t inherited his job he wouldn’t have gotten as far in journalism as Jimmy Olsen.

  5. Throughout history tattoos were only used to mark slaves and prisoners. Why anyone would wish that identification is a mystery to me.

  6. I trust that the subject of the photo was at least a real person who was referenced in the article. If this was strictly a “photo illustration” using a staged model, then the Times has really taken a nosedive as far as I’m concerned.

    Actually, that’s too generous. As much as I appreciate displays of female nudity, I don’t think they belong on page 1 of the NYT. Of course, I’m pretty sure the editors were counting on backward folks like me raising a stink about the photo just so they could feel sophisticated and edgy by comparison.

  7. FOAF, thanks for that bit of inside reporting. It was always a suspicion, but is now confirmed.

  8. So the NYT (the propaganda arm of the Left) is doing to Judaism what is has previously done to Christians, the West, the United States, the republic, and the Constitution.

    Oh, well. Why should Judaism be spared the effects of communism and transvaluation of all values?

    At least you know what to look forward to.

  9. Ya know, I’ve always been puzzled by why someone in the contemporary West would go for a lot of “ink,” piercings and, in the extreme case, scarification or extensive body modifications i.e. the English “leopard man,” and who could forget Jocelyn Wildenstein.

    In primitive societies such alterations of the body usually had some real symbolic meaning, because they usually marked the passing of a life test, manhood, hunting prowess, or some such major stage of life or accomplishment. It seems to me that here in Western society they are just either plain stupid “rebellion” (or perhaps just a very strong indicator of basic stupidity on the part of the person inked), a meaningless affectation, or a sign of serious alienation i.e. gang/prison “tats.”

    I believe I’ve seen research indicating that the more “ink” people have the more likely they are to be in trouble with the law, and other research indicating that extensive tats limited your ability to get a good job.

    Commenters above are right, what looked “cool” when done on the young, firm skin of an 18 or 25 year old looks pretty dreary and stretched out, colors muddy or changed, on the skin of someone 50 or 60 or older.

    Perhaps a couple of headlines I saw today might serve as a clue as to the clarity of the contemporary mindset of those choosing to get tattooed. “Comet passing close to earth, could it be due to global warming?” and the New York Times headline, “Crime down, but prison population increases.”

  10. Here is the list of Marxist Communist groups that support Judeo-Christian Religion: ________________________________________________________

    Oops. There are none.

    Not only lack of support, but open persecution. Marxists do that. The NYT has that political bent.

    In the Brave New World they are creating, there is no place for those religions. Persecutions have already commenced and will be surging shortly. The ground is being prepared.

    For you historical buffs: Christians especially were “persecuted” for 300 years in the late Roman Empire. It was all lions and gladiators. It was closer to Nuremberg Laws before the rounding up and fencing them off option was taken.

    Let them win and that’s next. Bank on it.

    It is civilization or them. The NYT is part of “them”. That’s the choice. Period. End of Story. Finito.

  11. Steve Says:
    Funny, my eye was drawn to the scars not the nipple or tattoo.
    Same here.
    Despite the biblical injuction (I’ve seen to many “Christian” tatoos, also), I decided early on on life that in my chosen field, identifying marks were counter-productive 🙂
    My son is in the Navy and has some weird tattoos.
    Despite my wife’s uncles admonitions early on:
    “Never get a tat below the area covered by a short sleeve shirt.” Whereupon he showed us tats we didn’t know existed. He was a top exec at Hershey’s.

  12. Yeah. Why is there a scratch on her boob? Does she have a cat? Was it from a spastic hobo with long fingernails?
    There’s got to be a story there.

  13. I have spent virtually my whole working life among hairy legged seafarers. I thought I had seen every tattoo variation, but there is one I have yet to see– The one that actually enhances the bearer.

    The halfwits who mark themselves like this are sad.

    The stupid bints who do it are even sadder.

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