Home » A little something about the Superbowl


A little something about the Superbowl — 31 Comments

  1. Of course, you do realize that only those of us who are NOT football fans will be commenting.

    Football and Super Bowl fans will be watching the game and all the nonsense surrounding it; and most likely not online.

    Also, I cannot stand watching the local news here in the New York area as it has been Super Bowl everyday all week – one would think that no other news is happening except Bridgegate.

    Lastly, are you sure you want to have “Super Bowl” in the title of this post? I hear the NFL might sue you for infringing on their copyright.

  2. I will be watching the game. I love football, especially at the pro level. Yes, it’s overhyped and sucks up a huge amount of media coverage. Oh that the national deficit or national energy policy received as much attention. The over-hype represents much of what I dislike about the way our culture has gone.

    On the other hand, the game itself reflects what I consider to be the best of our society. It praises meritocracy. The players have worked their butts off, honed their skills, and are going to do their best to win. The winners will deserve all the plaudits and benefits they get, but I also like to praise the losers. Why? Because without them there would be no contest. Without their skill and effort the game would be meaningless. Every winner owes his/her competitors a tip of their hat. The runnerups are forcing the winners to raise their games, to do their very best. That is what competition does – it improves everyone. Except those who refuse to participate, those who avoid the arena.

    This game is a good one for me. I am a long time Broncos fan. I was a fan back in the days of Red Miller, the Orange Crush defense, and the ownership by the Phipps family. In fact, I occasionally flew the Broncos charters to their out of town games. I have some great memories of those days. On the other hand, I now live in the Puget Sound area and have watched with interest and pleasure as Pete Carroll has built this Seahawks team into a contender. I like both teams and they are both very good, though different at what they are especially good at. I expect to see some fantastic demonstrations of football skills. My hope is that both teams will play well and that it is a hard fought game with not too many blown calls by the zebras. If that happens, when it’s over, I will be happy no matter which team wins.

  3. The culinary spirit of the Super Bowl — chips, dips, and football-shaped cake. That’s a good one. But you forgot beer; gotta have the beer.

  4. There’s some kind of big football game on this afternoon?

    Well, butter my buns and call me a biscuit, I never would have guessed.

    Who’s playing – and where’s the game?

    (Exits the room, head down, running at top speed in a zig-zag pattern, neatly avoiding the incoming.)

  5. I’m with Neo– I’m waiting for spring training, Opening Day, and the return of the Boys of Summer. Could care less about That Other Sport.

  6. I care about neither. I did just read the AP says it was played in abnormally warm weather.

  7. I’m sorry…I know baseball is for the intellectual and it’s very graceful…but I just find it BORRRRRRING. Fastest way for me to get to sleep is by watching a baseball game and that includes the World Series.

  8. texexec:

    I used to think the same.

    The linked essay in the post explains what changed my mind.

  9. I’m not a football fan. Oh heck, I’m not even a sports fan. While I agree with most of what J.J. says about the meritocracy, if I’m going to be interested in football, it’s college football. It combines the meritocracy with populism and that’s interesting. I also think college football highlights the skills of coaches better.

    And the drama of the SEC and BCS beats the NFL every time. So… Go Frogs! Go Gamecocks! And the good vibes when The Tribe wins… well, it just can’t be beat.

  10. I identify the time when baseball was no longer the national past time as the beginning of the decline of American culture. I have nothing against football or basketball, but baseball is more than just a game. It is a vast, panoramic season that spans from early spring to late autumn. There is an ebb and flow in baseball not found in other sports. There are pastoral moments of inaction that quickly turn into excitement. It is team sport that is also an individual sport. The pitcher & batter face off in a duel of skill and will. The hitter/runner strives against the entire team of fielders singlehandedly. And as Yogi says, “It ain’t over until its over.”

    Game 7, 1960 World Series: http://tinyurl.com/nfcnzsl

    The master of the outfield: http://tinyurl.com/ynswgw

    I could go on and on posting great a moments in the quintessential America game; but its time for bed.

  11. Well, that was a disappointment. Seattle is good, but they’re really not that good. Denver just wasn’t ready. Maybe it had something to do with all the media being so high on Denver. When every reporter, sports analyst, cabbie, and fan tells you that you’re a lock to win – sometimes it’s hard not to think it must be so. Seattle had a lot of intensity and they made no mistakes. Denver was not crisp and up. They made mistakes they don’t usually make. So it was a blow out. Bah humbug!

    Seattle is going nuts. I hope they don’t destroy any property, which has been all too common after these types of wins. This was the first Super Bow titlel for Seattle after 38 years of trying. So, it’s a big f’n deal. In our bucolic little berg, there were some firecrackers and honking horns, but it’s calmed down now. Off to bed for my beauty rest. 🙂

  12. Even though I didn’t want the Seahawks to win (I’m a 49ers fan) I expected them to win. The whispers may start again that Manning “chokes” in big games but I think the problem is that his one glaring weakness – lack of mobility – shows up most in championship games when he is up against the fastest and toughest defenses. Most of what is called “clutch” ability is simply ability, in any sport, but that is a whole other discussion.

  13. If we’re going to talk about “boring” sports then it’s soccer by a mile. Willie Mays’ catch, or Dwight Clark’s catch, or any number of performances by Michael Jordan each had more drama and excitement than every soccer match ever played put together.

  14. Y’all are pitiful.


    That game there, that was Painful. Wow. Near the end of the fourth quarter, a commenter at Ace’s place summed it up (yes, this was literally true, not an exaggeration!):

    “All Denver has to do get a turnover, score a TD with a two point conversion, get the onside kick and then score another TD with yet another two point conversion..and then cause the kick off return guy to fumble, and the get a TD with another two point conversion…and then get another onside kick recovery score a TD with the extra two points…then intercept the first play after the next kick for a pick-six…they’ll be actually up by two

    There are over four minutes left. They can do this”


    So, Seattle scored:

    A safety — in the first scrimmage play of the game (how weird is THAT?)
    A field goal
    A field goal
    A touchdown
    A touchdown
    A touchdown
    A touchdown
    A touchdown

    AND: Denver and the beleagured Peyton Manning (who kept getting tackled by the Seattle defense as he was in the act of throwing passes — bad offensive line!), scored:

    A touchdown. Like, in the fourth quarter, man.

    That was excruciating.

  15. As far as the game is concerned, Neo (and others who might find themselves trapped in a room with a game going on), you might try picking out one player in the line, and taking a personal interest in the guy. Watch who he blocks and where he runs.

    Best of all, watch one of the defensive linemen. This will give you a feeling for the “chess” of the game (which is chess plus warfare).

    I’m addicted. Grew up on it (men in my family in the game), really enjoyed it, but didn’t bother to follow it for about 20 years, then I started watching it again a few years ago, and Bang! I was hooked.

  16. I agree with FOAF…soccer is more boring than baseball. I know it requires extreme skill…but really, kicking a ball around a field, going back and forth up and down a field for Lord knows how many minutes and finally scoring one point is not my idea of an exciting game. Why it’s so popular worldwide is beyond me.

    Maybe compared to curling…..

  17. Up until recently in life, I had no idea what the Superbowl was. People kept talking about it and it seemed it was something on tv with commercials, but no real context outside of that.

  18. Soccer. Isn’t that the game that Europeans watch in order to wind down from a day of watching paint dry?

    I am not a sports fan – any of them. But I don’t begrudge others their own form of entertainment, and entertainment is all it is, as long as they are spending their own time and money. What I DO object to is when they start digging into MY pocket for such things as stadiums and the like.

  19. Neo–I’m with you. Baseball is the only sport I watch. You covered most of the reasons why (except for the fact that I’ve never liked basketball), but you left out one very important one (for me at least): I refuse to watch any sport that allows games to end in a tie.

  20. Sports anime wasn’t something I thought would enjoy, since I didn’t get much information out of broadcasted games in the US.

    Yet again, I was surprised.

  21. As far as America’s sport, it would appear that Chrysler agrees about baseball. If you watch their Souper Bowl commercial starring Bob Dylan, they show a montage of what makes America America, and one of the shots is of a pitcher making his delivery. But not one shot of people playing football.

  22. The Japanese nation likes baseball a lot more than basketball, ice figure skating better than running.

    They often say that it is because it suits the Japanese physical stature.

    The American Left might call that racism against tall black people.

  23. I love football. I don’t like the Super Bowl because it is so over hyped; and the NFL seems to think that the game is just not enough. Unfortunately, the game has become brutally dangerous, mainly because of the armor the players wear, and the conditioning programs that have transformed the normal human body into a guided missile. When I was in high school there were few serious injuries; and the sport definitely toughened you for some of the challenges that life had in store.

    I love baseball. I love everything about it when watching it live–and so many years ago when I played. I also love that TV cannot intervene and stop the action, They are relegated to the period during pitching changes, and between innings, although I suspect that interval is extended when the game is televised.

    I would love basketball if the officials were more consistent. As it is, they have virtually ruined the game for me. Oh, when I speak of basketball, I mean college. I don’t give two hoots about the NBA.

    I have always spurned soccer. That has changed to some extent the past couple of years as I watched my grand daughter in club and high school. It still leaves a lot to be desired as a spectator sport when she isn’t on the field. My daughter, who still plays in an over 25 league at 50, and my grand daughter are slowly changing my perception.

    I love Cross Country. I have never seen a more dedicated group of student athletes; who work so hard for so little recognition. It seems that as a group they are also good citizens. I love meets and watching parents, and other of the fitter fans racing almost as hard as the runners to get from one viewing site to the next–while grandparents are content to see their darlings for a few seconds. By the way, XC meets in Southern California–at least–put the lie to the notion that our youth are fat and lazy. At many meets there are literally thousands of the skinniest, most fit kids you can possibly imagine. Track has some of the same appeal; except that you often have to wait for hours between very brief appearances by your particular darling.

  24. The youths being indoctrinated in the schools by Leftist administrators, teachers, union bosses, and protected child molestors are indeed fat and lazy. They cannot help do anything else with physical recess and activity being outlawed.

    Those who can get “out” side the cage of rigid academia, can probably find a hobby or club that actually does something.

  25. Don’t feel bad, neo. The last Superbowl I watched (the last football game, actually) was in 1977. Vikings / Steelers. Fran Tarkenton’s last season, and he dragged the Vikings, kicking and screaming all the way, to another Superbowl. He never had what he needed in an offense. The man was a great quarterback.

  26. Ymarsakar, you are mistaken; or your focus is too limited. I know that many youth are as you describe, and I suspect that the majority of those are trapped in inner city schools administered by political hacks, or the tools of political hacks.

    On the other hand, I am in position every week to personally see scores, sometimes thousands of kids who are active and competing–yes competing–for all they are worth in a variety of sports. True, most of those I see are middle-class and upper-middle class kids who have considerable advantage over some others.

    Nevertheless, I have seen enough to reject the popular stereotype of fat and lazy. Politically indoctrinated–perhaps, and it is up to us to counter that effort in any way that we can.

  27. As someone who has followed the Seahawks from their very first preseason games, this has been a long time coming. The first Seahawk postseason appearance ever was I believe a wildcard thrashing of Elway and the Broncos back when Seattle and Denver were both in the AFC West. And of course who can forget the Zorn (QB and holder) to Herrera (fireplug shaped kicker) fake field goal pass on Monday Night Football all those decades ago. A minimum of fan stupidity all those years too.

  28. Ymarsakar, you are mistaken; or your focus is too limited.

    Not quite. It’s more like no matter what your experiences or views are, Old, they won’t and cannot change my own. That’s substantially different from being mistaken.

    It works in the vice a versa as well.

    True, most of those I see are middle-class and upper-middle class kids who have considerable advantage over some others.

    That doesn’t include everyone in those schools nor does it include everyone in other schools, as you already noted.

  29. Huh?

    I would never try to change your views. I have been reading them for some time now, and I know that they are set in concrete.

    Still, stereotyping is a mechanism for the lazy.

    If you think that the fat and lazy represent American kids I suggest you get out to some club soccer tournaments; or high school cross country, track, soccer, swimming, basketball, football, baseball, water polo or tennis events. You will see a very large number of kids who have trained hard and are competing vigorously. The sight of them might influence your perception.

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