Method to the rioters’ madness
From commenter “Artfldgr”, concerning the post-Floyd rioting:
Let me explain how this is DESIGNED – and I believe with outside help from other states think tanks… ie. experts who have had decades of experience in this are designing and informing and training the INSURGENTS and REVOLUTIONARIES, telling them what to do and what not to do within…
The protests are very well thought out, even to their request. The core of this is that their request is something that cant be granted. ie. the removal of police. You remove the police, and they will not go quietly into that good night they will go bat crap crazy and the full revolution is on… but if you don’t, they have a never-ending excuse to keep doing this endlessly… which is the point of asking or requesting something that cant be granted.
Its tactical… its not about the actual validity of any request, but about how the request appears such, so that useful idiots join and provide cover and more. Without the larger idiot crowd, the insurgents would be rounded up in an hour, charged and over. So all this has a point and purpose tactically and has been well thought out and planned as in a think tank. Umbrellas are against pepper spray and the ability to see if a weapon is drawn, or other things. The weapons are limited in such a way so that the whole of it isn’t shut down as it would be if four protestors drew hand guns and shot at police from behind umbrellas…. (for a place in which guns are easily available, and crossbows, and wrist rocket sling shots are even easier to get… the rioters are policing their own to prevent those from appearing!!)
The idea here is NOT to achieve the stated goal, but to wear the opposition down, demoralize, and to create what Stalin referred to as ‘normalization”… which is really acclimation…
I agree that these demonstrations are planned, and their participants have been trained. The cities chosen are obviously leftist ones, because a city run by the right would shut them down immediately. If there’s a will, there’s a way. In a leftist city there’s no such will.
Portland in particular is a leftist city, and one that’s been the Antifa headquarters (at least, the visible one) of the US for several years. Therefore it’s tailor-made for the approach described above. Some of the targeted cities have started to defund the police, but have pulled back or delayed, for obvious reasons. The bulk of the citizenry of even a deep blue city will miss the police when they’re gone.
“In a leftist city there’s no such will.”
A “lack of will” is not what’s happening here.
Rather, it’s a question of collusion on Democratic Party policy. Democrat mayors (and governors) have been colluding with national policy set by the Democratic Party AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL to support and encourage these riots, this insurrection, this destruction..
They believe it will prove effective politically in November (and before that).
They believe it weakens Trump and his supporters, and Republicans generally.
Therefore they believe it is the RIGHT thing to do, no matter how much it weakens the country and how gravely it hurts its citizens.
They—Democratic governors, mayors, senators, House members, Obama and his administration stalwarts, Hillary Clinton, the DNC and of course the Main Stream Corrupt Media—are all in this together.
How do we know? Because of their tacit—and not so tacit—acceptance of the riots, their constant denials that it is even happening, and their insane attacks on anything that Trump has done to try to address the situation.
(Besides, they have expressed a certain fondness for the word “collusion” in the past. They are now showing us just why, as they demonstrate—unabashedly, unrepentantly, proudly—collusion in action.)
A (no doubt less than popular) view from an old hand north of the border:
“The cities chosen are obviously leftist ones, because a city run by the right would shut them down immediately.” – Neo
That has turned out to be a double-edged sword, I think.
Antifa and the other random rioters get to work their plan in leftist cities, as Artfldgr explained, but there are some side-effects that cut against their ultimate goal.
One, the rest of the country gets to see what happens when you cave to the grievance mongers, and this might stiffen their natural resolve to nip any local rioting in the bud.
Two, the longer they persist, the more they damage the infrastructure of their target city, and the more the residents turn against them and against the government officials who are enabling them.
Three, again, the longer the rioting continues, the more time there is for information on their background and goals to be disseminated, which gives the opposition (aka the sane of both parties) something to work with in shutting them down.
There might be more, but those come to mind immediately.
I agree this is a planned insurrection. If reforming police procedures were the actual goal, the Senate and House would have agreed upon a bill before now. Instead, a very reasonable effort let by Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC, was rejected out of hand. Police brutality is not the real issue. Destruction of the republic is.
H/T Instapundit
Even so, they’ll probably double and triple down.
(Changing habits is hard, especially when you’re undeniably the “good guy”…)
Barry, in his first comment is correct that the Dems/Left are totally coordinated from the top. No Dem says anything that isn’t in lockstep with the “message “.
Everytime I think of the Dems/left the Borg come to mind. Resistance is futile. If only we could figure out where the Borg queen is and destroy her.
Collusion, continued:
As usual, Lee Smith is on fire:
More collusion. (Most unfortunately for the colluders, a NYC Democratic(!) councilman survives COVID, thanks to HCQ+, and tells his story):
The sad thing is that both Minneapolis and Portland Have sustained so much damage that it will take decades to revive them. It’s easy to destroy things but hard to build them, a lesson that these politicians who’ve never done anything except politics can’t grasp.
There is some VERY interesting reading if one knows where to look or the titles.
That should give you all a bit of food for thought…
AesopFan (4:08 pm), in the process of enumerating how “that has turned out to be a double-edged sword,” with reference to, in neo’s words, “the cities chosen are obviously leftist ones, because a city run by the right would shut them down immediately.”
AesopFan again:
“Two, the longer they persist, the more they damage the infrastructure of their target city, and the more the residents turn against them and against the government officials who are enabling them.”
M J R now, finally:
Is there any evidence, beyond the anecdotal, that “residents” actually *are* “turn[ing] against them and against the government officials who are enabling them”?
Sure, I’ve seen and read accounts of this or that individual citizen having had enough. But these cities are so leftist, that I honestly wonder how much had-it-up-to-here there really and truly is in these hotbeds of insanity/inanity.
I conjecture so far that the citizens there will go right ahead and elect or re-elect kindred asylum inmates, staying unfailingly true to their Faith. Am I wrong — i.e., is there any non-anecdotal evidence of any light dawning over there in those cities?
And it is quick to destroy and slow to build.
“You remove the police, and they will not go quietly into that good night they will go bat crap crazy and the full revolution is on… but if you don’t, they have a never-ending excuse to keep doing this endlessly“ ArtfldgrUselessNothing
What can’t go on, won’t go on. Sooner or later, the radicals will go too far ala even Portland’s Mayor acknowledging that trapping police and employees in a Police station and setting it on fire is attempted murder.
“the rest of the country gets to see what happens when you cave to the grievance mongers, and this might stiffen their natural resolve to nip any local rioting in the bud.
Three, again, the longer the rioting continues, the more time there is for information on their background and goals to be disseminated,” AesopFan
Trump’s giving them enough rope with which to hang themselves. If reelected, he’ll invoke the Insurrection Act,
“If only we could figure out where the Borg queen is and destroy her.” physicsguy
Follow the money…
Problems of this nature are easily solved by high velocity subcutaneous lead injections. Insurrection against the rule of law must suffer deadly consequences. Trump needs a new campaign slogan: Take back the rule of law.
It is likely that Antifa is bringing cells from across the country to Portland so they can be trained. Eventually those cells are going to go back to their home city. That is when this gets really bad, and why it needs to be stopped now.
Paul in Boston:
Indeed it may take decades before a sane politician is elected in Portland. It will be interesting to see what happens if those infected with this Portland disease try these tricks in the towns of Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas Counties that surround Portland.
Federal statues will be applied. Although it would be just and fitting if a Federal statue fell on some heads too.
The Portland pukes (or local wannabees?) went down to Springfield, OR (adjacent to Eugene, OR) a week or so ago and tried their usual. It didn’t work out, got ran out of town with much wailing that they weren’t being allowed free travel on the road they had tried to obstruct. See
The obvious response seems to escape the collective magination. Kill a few dozen and the rest runs back to mom’s basement and masterbate to kiddie porn.
These are not mature adults, they are devoid of common sense, willfully ignore of human nature and history. The wise choice it to feed them to the hogs, everyone including vegans crave bacon.
The Portland pukes (or local wannabees?) went down to Springfield, OR (adjacent to Eugene, OR) a week or so ago and tried their usual. It didn’t work out, got ran out of town with much wailing that they weren’t being allowed free travel on the road they had tried to obstruct.
Reminds me of what happened in Seattle when some “demonstrators” tried to get to the police chief’s house. They got turned around at gunpoint. When they said that a gun being pointed at “peaceful” demonstrators, the reply came that they were on a private road. That is, they were trespassing. Not so “peaceful” after all.
Geoffrey Britain on August 8, 2020 at 8:58 pm said: What can’t go on, won’t go on. Sooner or later, the radicals will go too far….
I would love to agree with you, but alas, I cant, because they have ripped their playbook out of the hands of Mao. Even if something may appear to stop, it will not stop till they win. There is no way to clear out the infection, and any appearance of a stop would be the ebb and flow of the insurgency revolution…
Just as the there is Tsun Tsu the art of war, there is the MORE famous among those in the know.. On War by Clausewitz… in this case, i would suggest studying On Guerrilla Warfare – by Mao Tse Tung, and then updating it for a modern state…
and to make my case that this is a Maoist thing (the people believe they are at a certain level of existence, whether objective observation confirms it or not. if they believe they are (at that level), then to themselves they are(at that level)):
look to Robert Thompson and David Kilcullen for more insight into such things
Even if this ends, this will not end… like Malaria before modern medicine, the affliction will come and go, and the disease will continue to ravage, as the economic disruption creates the malaise needed to acquire more people and more of their beliefs over the situation they find themselves in. Prosperity requires peace because it requires order and efficiency, only fools think wars are profitable. Given the changes made by certain factions to the systems we depend on, and the fact we cant dream of opposing them, let alone remove them, this will not end as i have warned for those reasons. we are quite vulnerable because our system will not allow the removal of said cancer, and said cancer will not stop. – Artfldgr
That was in Snohomish County, WA, where “our” wise J.J. lives. The Snohomish County Sheriff that has made it clear that he will not allow the Antifa/BLM BS that the Durkan of Seattle has tolerated. Video of the reaction by the “protestors” when met by armed citizens was ironic, cue Monty Python “I’m being repressed!” Talk about entitlement and privlidge, and no self awareness.
The Seattle City Council has decided to cut the Seattle Police Chief’s pay by 50%, an apparent retaliation for the Chief’s statements to the press that contradict the agenda of the Council but which the Chief feels endanger the people of Seattle. see PJMedia,com for details.
The communists didn’t win in Malaya. Although one communist of Indian (east asia) descent is now serving on the Seattle City Council much to the annoyance of the Durkan of Seattle.
About the Seattle Police Chief, it was
There is a spiritual component to the design of the rioting.
That is what makes it seem decentralized to most.
The rioters and their support system, including the media, have all rejected God and are thus led by that Spirit of Disobedience, which coordinates them. And they don’t even know it, for the most part.
I have met some of these types in the past and was surprised to find that in their homes were occultish and Satan worship literature.
Oops… The violence in my city is helping Trump? Really?
Well, then it’s time to switch gears. Pronto:
I don’t always agree with Artfldgr, but he has this one nailed. When one of the BLM founders stated that they were “trained Marxists”, she was not speaking rhetorically.
The authoritarian regimes of the world make common cause to weaken the U.S.’s political will to oppose them. For them, such efforts are a small investment that yields big dividends.
I am not normally inclined to buy into conspiracy theories. But, this is one in which 100% operational security is not really required.
What are the odds that the attempted coup against President Trump is totally separate and apart from this attempted Insurrection, and not actually just another beachhead–part of an overall coordinated campaign against the Republic by the forces of the Left?
The advent of the Chinese Coronavirus a “crisis” that the Left could not afford to let “go to waste.”
P.S.–Take a look at Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse, and how he is very ably connecting the dots, and pinpointing those who have been involved in trying to carry out the attempted coup, and how they have done their work.
BIG SHYTE is going down over inside and out of China. Xi surely wants to take advantage of the Civil Street war and general conflict going on in the US.
But after Covid and the most devastating floods in 22 years, China is weakened. News reports of hundreds of Chinese illegally crossing the border to Vietnam in search of work and food is one dire measure of internal pain.
Others are just as bad or worse. For one thing, a rift between China’s Foreign Minister and Xi suggests that Xi’s presidency for life is weakening.
And apparently China is threatening to shut down Australia’a power grid if they don’t back down on insisting on a Virus Crisis investigation. (How could that be? Apparently, China owns a big chunk of their power grid, which is among the priciest in the world — thanks to Greens and Leftist Labour and stupid concessions by the Right. And using cyber warfare tools is speculated to be the delivery technique.) How will they react to this Act of War?
Next, the Chinese Foreign Minister in April told their government to prepare for physical conflict with the US. Fortunately, this threat is limited because their reach to project power is no more than 1,000 miles South — far from mega cities like Seoul or Kuala Lumper, or Jakarta or Tokyo.
Finally, comes word that Trump’s policy in the New Cold War is not containment like in the original Cold War. No. Together with Pompeo, Trump’s policy is to do to the CCP what Reagan did to the Soviet Union: take down Xi’s Communist Party for victory and freedom!
Huge, bold, dangerous? Yes, yes, likely. Does Trump have a trunk card in this game? Japan is getting 87 companies to relocate out of China, representing 10% of their GDP. Pretty damn big and mightily cooperative.
No, Trump’s Ace Card is the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Trump has already used this to shut Iran and Venezuela’s access to trading in US dollars down – which means near total collapse in foreign trade.
If Trump does the same to China, this will be, in effect the “going nuclear” move. Then China’s room to trade will wither; either the government will collapse or internal uprising will take it down, or Xi, at least, must go!
Likely, simply making Hong Long an example will be enough.
I’m amazed to discover the audacity of what’s going on and changing the world so fast. We’re distracted by internal politics because of our election calendar. Incredible times.
Epoch Times interview with a well connected Trump insider and Chinese-American source
MAGA on, man!
Secretary of State Pompeo’s speech at the Nixon home in California in late July, seeks to explain to American’s the new defeat CCP policy that’s being systematically pursued (and further explained in detail by FBIs Wray, AG Barr, Ambassador O’Brien, etc), and is synthesised for us in 20 minutes:
“Distrust and verify” is the new principle (instead of Reagan’s “Trust but verify” to the Soviets), says Pompeo. Watch what China does; not what China says.
“The cities chosen are obviously leftist ones, because a city run by the right would shut them down immediately.”
Quickly, not quite immediately. Which is why I expect attacks in red precincts on Election Day. The idea isn’t to shut them down, but to give the impression that it’s unsafe to vote. Assuming the MSM gives them coverage, and for once doesn’t say “mostly peaceful”, that would deter some Republican voters from showing up. And that could swing some close states.
Of course, in places where the precinct is under a more liberal government, they could go on. That would further suppress our vote. And could swing congressional and state level elections.
You can add in the fact that the MSM has run stories on “Trump’s attacks will discourage Republicans from using vote by mail”, thus giving the explanation why 99 44/100% of that will go to Democrats, and you’ve got part of their strategy to steal the election. (I don’t buy Tim Pool’s view that they’ve given up. I still expect Biden to step aside, heroically, because of failing health. They’ll just wait for the optimum time.)
There was a time I’d reject notions like this, out of hand. No more.
Some truly good, solid, thoughtful commenting on this thread. Art: Multiple elbow bumps, amigo!!
Mao’s guerrilla warfare chronicle is cringe provoking (minimal) when one recalls that 60-million Chinese perished during the terror famines (30-million) and more direct communist means. Great Leap Forward, anyone?! Vast Lao Gai gulag, anyone?! That breathtaking number (60) was just the first 12-14 years of his workers paradise.
And these Antifa and BLM malignant scum are proudly Marxian.
Really..? Seriously..?
Someone on our side has got to give speeches with some accompanying militia. That’s one of our big freedoms in the Second Amendment. Even the Left has spouted this as the canonical reason for the Second. I don’t mean nationalist Sturmabteilung, Brown Shirts, with guns and billiclubs, but big guys who are recognizable in some way and who insist on allowing our guys to finish their speeches. After all, Antifa, is a black uniformed symmetrical counter-party. How can there be reasoned objections?
There are guys in Sturgis, South Dakota, right now who would cheerfully volunteer for such a role.
I was listening to an Israeli on talk radio recently that rather matter of fact stated BLM is being funded by Hamas. He pointed out the indiscriminate removal of statues was very much in keeping with Islamist prohibition of graven images.
BLM/Hamas/CAIR are working in concert.
Here’s CAIR conference– BLM is our cause.
A survey related to Maoism…
Antifa (Germany)
there is more, there is ALWAYS more…
Had some company today. Four adult males, the shortest being 6’1. All former jocks, one veteran. Wives, nine kids ranging from eight to sixteen.
I try to imagine what would happen to a bunch of “protestors” who threatened the wives and children of this bunch.
The protestors have to be careful about who they decide to attack to make their point.
And this is not the only physically capable bunch of guys going about their business.
When it becomes (even more) clear that the screams of racist and racism and fascist and oppression are just noise not meant to be debated, it becomes physical.
Which, I suppose, is why the protestors are restricting their actions to areas where they can be assured of attacking professionals whose response will be measured.
I mean, you decide to attack a random house and the guy doesn’t come out with a gun–presuming he doesn’t–and comes out with an ax handle. Much rather be attacking a line of cops.
A guy whose nine-year old daughter is screaming and crying in terror is not sane.
The term, “This will not end well” might be overdone. The future will certainly include some serious lessons.
Most people spend at least a bit of time now and then reviewing or thinking about “what if” this, that, or the other. I’m guessing that an awful lot of folks are reviewing the what-ifs regarding “protestors”. This means action will be rapid and undistracted.
I think this from John needs to be repeated:
As well as this part of Eeyore’s comment:
Neo’s articles make this website worth visiting at least twice per day.
And then we also have spectacular commenters that neo has inspired.
Thanks, neo, for setting all this up.
“The cities chosen are obviously leftist ones, because a city run by the right would shut them down immediately.”
I live in Minden, NV — a town about 6 miles south of Carson City and 45 miles south of Reno. Like most of northern NV up until the past couple of years, Minden historically votes Republican. In fact, we tend to have primaries but not general elections for local offices, because whoever wins the Republican nomination for County Commissioner or most other offices, effectively wins the general election.
AP recently picked up a report that our Librarian had called for the Library Board to consider making a statement supporting Black Lives Matter. Then our sheriff sent her a letter which concluded “don’t call us if you need help.” We were on the national map.
So Black Lives Matter decided to hold a demonstration last Saturday (8/8). They got a permit and the Sheriff guaranteed they would have a place set aside where they could demonstrate.
A local group grew up calling itself “Hold The Line” on Facebook, calling for Douglas County residents to support Sheriff Dan Coverly and to come out and show BLM where we stand.
About 30 BLM protestors showed up Saturday morning. They were greeted by about 1000 local residents, many in camouflage clothes, openly carrying weapons. The BLM contingent left around 6:00 pm. The Hold the Liners left a little while later.
A local online news organization published a “news” article that read like a BLM handout. I have sent them a reaction to that article, saying it should have had better editing. We’ll see if it goes online. I have also sent it to the Nevada Appeal, a twice-weekly print paper that regularly publishes my op-eds.
Bottom line: if BLM was testing the waters, they must be disappointed in how they were received here. No arrests, no ER calls, but not much in the way of BLM getting its message out, either. I suspect they’ll be back, with out-of-state support (we live a few miles from the California border). And I suspect they’ll be greeted by even more “Hold the Line” counter protesters.
Praise indeed for elevated critical commentary, here. Applause to many, large and hearty agreements with most, from me.
Who are Team Trump’s Chinese dissident advisors? This 5m video does a useful intro to a handful. Some I’ve heard on “Warroom: Pandemic” a Steve Bannon morning podcast, repeated at YouTube.
As Solomon Yue says in his Epoch Times interview with Jan Jekelin(sp?), after Hong Kong security law was instituted breaking its independence down, “l told [Pompeo] to ‘go for broke’ and take down the CCP.” That’s the plan’s objective.
It is the long time MO of radical leftists (this includes the National Socialists of Germany, aka, the NAZI’s) movements to create chaos, violence and if needed, targeted assassinations to further their cause.
They understand that the “normal” means of achieving power – the ballot box- will never give them the absolute power they seek.
Historically, they they have ALWAYS achieved power via the barrel of the gun or, in the immediate aftermath of a war, stepping into the chaotic void.
ANTIFA and BLM are informed by all of the above, as well as having the financial support (somehow, when arrested, the ANTIFA nazis have legal representation and bail money; they never spend more than a few days in jail) and political support from politically influential or wealthy lefitsts.
For whatever reason, the federal RICO laws have not been utilized to arrest the “hidden” financial / political supporters of ANTIFA.
With this measure, the financial supporters of ANTIFA / BLM as well as the more direct “bosses” on the ground can be indicted.
And perhaps too the Mayor’s of Seattle and Portland, and the governors of those states for willfully aiding and abetting the violence, by purposely and willfully not exercising their sworn duty to uphold the law and protect the citizenry. They are, for all intents and purposes, by their inaction, encouraging the violence.
The RICO laws originally were targeted at crime bosses – allowing them to be arrested for ordering criminal activities, even though they themselves did not commit the crime.
If a crime boss “signals,” in some manner, but does not come right out and “order” a “hit,” is she (must use “she” as well he, to be politically correct !!) can she be indicted under RICO laws?
My guess is yes if all her underlings “knew” what she meant.
When a mayor or governor does nothing, ANTIFA / BLM “know” they have the green light.
None of this will end unless ANTIFA /BLM begin tossing bricks and fire bombs at the homes of those financiers and politicians “friendly” to their activities or when these politicians are severely beaten by their ANTIFA “pals.”
And these politicians will deserve every injury they incur.
On the subject of Antifa training grounds in Portland getting thugs out to other cities and leading attacks there, I think this weekend “back the blue” (ie, police) rally in Ft Collins, Colorado, might qualify. The local electronic media gets it all wrong, talks about mystery of motive and unknown counter demonstrators. No, Antifa showed up to fight!
(There was another 6th annual BtheB rally in Denver three weeks ago, overmatched by a much larger BLM / Antifa crowd, and police were told to stand down. Columnist Michelle Malkin, who lives in Colorado Springs, narrowly escaped harm. A 64yo Bureau of Prisons medic said the mayhem and physical damage done was far worse than what he saw in three weeks in the LA riots of 1991, an actual race riot.)
No, these thugs were not “counter demonstrators.” But this time the thugs lost because the BtheB group was well prepped.
Here’s an accurate account of what happened:
Do a search on Ft Collins and Back the Blue if you want to see heinous video reportage.
THIS is what expect on Election Day! Of that you can be certain.
Want some numbers? 62 died in 1991s LA riots. Now, after 8 weeks of it this summer, it has meant over 30 deaths. 4,000 buildings destroyed…2,000 police injuries, I think. I believe damage from “peaceful” protests are around $1 billion. And all for Moronic phantom “racism” of over- ”educated” self-delusion. (Which can only fail, again.)
From a Democrat site, pacifists of the blind “peaceful protests” are outraged at on scene video of the above event. Two, maybe two minute, videos are posted here
It was a brawl. Clearly, numbers mattered most. And the weak woke failure to control themselves, while the BtheB remained more in self-control, is evident, too. Nonetheless, the Left smears the Right.
Kruiser of today observes that the MSM has uniformly under-reported on Portland, and typically reports a “mostly peaceful protest” has occurred when a Portland report is occasionally generated. He concludes this media bias means that “freedom of the Press” has been invalidated.
I cannot speak about the MSM since I studiously avoid it. I’ve cancelled my WSJ account; Bloomberg seems just a tad more reliable. My brother, who lives in the Pacific NW, cherishes the NYT. He has determined we two should NOT discuss politics, economics or religion, just family stuff and flowers. I have given up on him. Communication lines have been severed.
Full scale rioting and looting has been going on in the downtown and north loop – Magnificent Mile – areas of Chicago since early morning.
Local news is reporting on it. It will be interesting to see how the national MSM spins this later today.
Tuvea, I’ve seen reporting on the Chicago riots on Fox News. CNN has a report, but not a top of the site report, and the local NBC station has a link to an NBC report.
I expect this to disappear soon everywhere but Fox.
Cicero: “ My brother, who lives in the Pacific NW, cherishes the NYT.” I used to love it, too.
But in 1999, when the NYTimes decided against the facts in a certain Bill of Impeachment, that it was all about sex, and evil Republicans (or at least ones that mattered) passed the Bill because they hated sex. That’s when I decided never to buy the NYTimes again. And never subscribe to a newspaper again (Since they all followed the NYTimes line on this).
I saw no reason to pay “news sources” to lie to me. Of the three alleged crimes against Bill Clinton, perjury to a Federal Judge got his license to practice law lifted by the Bar Association. But for at least 15 years this obvious lie was taught and accepted everywhere.
Such was the power of the NYTimes to define and control “the narrative.”
Your brother, Cicero, may be surprised by this fact, however: the Voice of Switzerland — a place of efficiency and a small nation that really works — the Neu Zurcher Zeitung in June, in an editorial, declared the NYTimes no longer a serious newspaper. Why? Censoring Senator Tom Cotton and reasonable debate.
I hope you toss that little fact his way sometime, Cicero.
T J:
I bow to no one in the depth of my contempt for the NY Times. Nor do I recall exactly what they said on this matter. But what I need to point out to you has to do with Bill Clinton, perjury, and his law license.
As for the reason Clinton was disbarred in Arkansas, it was not for perjury, and no court alleged he had committed any crime. As part of the settlement of Paula Jones’ suit, Clinton was found by the judge to be in civil contempt of court for his misleading and evasive testimony. Why didn’t the court say “perjury?” Almost certainly because perjury was not committed. Clinton actually was not disbarred permanently, either; he was suspended and unable to practice for five years in Arkansas and then would become eligible, although as far as I know he has never petitioned to do so. His suspension from practicing before the Supreme Court followed automatically from the Arkansas action, and there was no judgment on the merits by SCOTUS involving either perjury or contempt of court.
Neo. Thanks for the reminder. One of the things we’re reminded of is that, for Clinton, the fix was in. Always was, always will be. Slip slidin’ away.
ArtflgrUselessNothing argues that they cannot be beaten because they are employing guerrilla strategy to wear down resistance to their goals.
Wrong. The same tactics can be deployed to strategically defeat them. The Absence of cops leaves a level playing field for militia readied for surprise deployment.
“We have not yet begun to fight,” as John Paul Jones said, and yet we must. All cultural revolutions begin with a small a minority waging it, and they only “succeed” because opponents acquiesce, whether in China, Russia, or France, or Cambodia or Cuba. Opposition sits it out, cowed.
Since we hold the Presidency, re-electing him and delegitimising the enemy is paramount. That starts with nationalising the election and a publicity campaign showing that minorities reject them and their Marxist BLM program.
And since they will riot and burn, election eve and day — and the day-after — that and there is when we defend polling stations in winnable suburbs of a vulnerable and winnable state.
And when polls close, militia men become urban mobile marauding units acting as counter-insurgents. There, In the city, is where we strike them with violence! Because we know they will attack Federal offices, first.
Kilcullen is correct to see parallels with today and Las Violencias of 1946-8 in Columbia. The important difference is that the Ruling Class and their pawns “the Church” are with the Left, and the normals of the Right are much larger and broad based today than in Columbia. He is correct that it is urban versus rural with a swing demo in suburbs, and that the conflict will last years — at least three cycles of elections over four years.
The key to shortening this conflict is mobilising a unified Republican confrontation against CommieCrat traitors and a goal of demanding the Party’s Death! Traitors are illegitimate and must be repulsed, expelled or defeated everywhere!
“Democrats” must be fought and eliminated as the Great Continuing Mistake! “Democrat” slave owning racism, KKKLan terror and today’s tyranny and coup plotters must be abolished as completely immoral and the enemies of our Great Republic! Make the Enemy live up to their racialised Marxist terms and responsible for it today to demand they pay up and be extinguished for it! “It ain’t America’s fault, it’s your fault alone!”
Let the populist hounding of gutless RINOs, NeverTrumpers, wobbly RepubloCrats commence with a fury!
Or else the blood shedding will reform, and the Marxists rebuild their Brownshirts like a cancer tumor metastasizes.
As noted above (Barry et al), Portland is a training corps that’s being exported around the country as we speak. Prepare, Prepare!
A VBlogger at YouTube named Terrence Popp (also at bitchute, gab, etc, all alt platforms) is teaching home combat and street level tactics for prepping and training to defeat them (and pay no mind to his spelling errors; this Iraq War vet is dyslexic). He is a vital practical teacher in perilous times. Join your militia and find fellow motivated Patriots.
Neo, yes, I know all that orbiter dicta. The fact remains that the NYTimes-Left approved narrative was subsequently falsified. And the outrageous fact that Bill Clinton was sued successfully that old Chickenhead had to smear Paula Jones.
And that the Left’s faith in hypocrisy became epic with that time. Jone’s sued Clinton based on a change in federal law, championed by feminists, that he himself signed into law.
Maybe there is no poetic justice. Simply historical irony? As most things goes with that dreadful couple, it’s always in triplicate.