White privilege, white guilt: whites as the new Jews
After I had the idea for the title of this post, I wondered if it had been said before. It has – by Jonah Goldberg back in late 2007 in his book Liberal Fascism. Whatever you think of Goldberg’s stances recently or even of that book itself, I think his metaphor was both apt and prescient.
Here’s a National Review essay he wrote not long after the book came out, in which he quotes from it and explains his use of the idea. In the 2007 book Goldberg had written:
The white male is the Jew of liberal fascism. The “key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race,” writes the whiteness studies scholar and historian Noel Ignatiev. Whiteness studies is a cutting-edge academic discipline sweeping American higher education. Some thirty universities have WS departments, but many more schools teach the essentials of whiteness studies in other courses. The executive director of the Center for the Study of White American Culture explains, “There is no crime that whiteness has not committed against people of color . . . We must blame whiteness for the continuing patterns today . . . which damage and prevent the humanity of those of us within it.” The journal Race Traitor (ironically, a Nazi term) is dedicated “to serve as an intellectual center for those seeking to abolish the white race.”…
…[T]here is the left’s shocking defense of black riot ideology and gangsterism. The glorification of violence, the romance of the street, the denunciations of “the system,” the conspiratorialism, the exaltation of racial solidarity, the misogyny of hip-hop culture: all of these things offer a disturbing sense of déjà vu. Hip-hop culture has incorporated. On college campuses, administrators routinely look the other way at classically fascist behavior, from newspaper burnings to the physical intimidation of dissident speakers. These attitudes ultimately stem from the view that the white man, like the Jew, represents every facet of what is wrong and oppressive to humanity. As Susan Sontag proclaimed in 1967, “The white race is the cancer of human history.” Meanwhile, Enlightenment notions of universal humanity are routinely mocked on the academic left as a con used to disguise entrenched white male privilege.
I would add that these days it’s not just white men who are excoriated, although that was the group emphasized in Goldberg’s quote. Note also that, as with so many things happening today, this began with intellectuals (that Sontag quote was in the 60s) and/or in the universities – who, in terms we’ve learned from the COVID pandemic, appear to be “superspreaders” of this idea and so many others.
The minute I first heard the philosophy that whites are bad and that whites therefore should feel bad about themselves as a collective whole because some whites are racist, I recognized it as dangerous and deeply racist itself. And that was back when I was a liberal and a student myself, so it’s a long long time ago. Was it Malcolm X? I’m not sure, but I recall it as a huge break from the Martin Luther King sort of activism I’d previously known, and I seem to recall that anti-Semitism was often part of the new wave.
I know the analogy of anti-white feeling to historical anti-Semitism is far from perfect. But it’s still relevant. Both have as a prominent feature the sweeping idea of inherent and collective guilt of an entire people and/or race. How can this guilt ever be erased? Perhaps never, although public self-humiliation is felt to be a small start.
So this week, after the death of George Floyd at the hands (or knee) of a policeman in Minneapolis who has now been indicted for murder, white people (or institutions that are made of a majority of white people) are required to rend their garments, wear hairshirts, and confess their sins. Many individuals as well as institutions (colleges, businesses, sports personalities) are busy saying their mea culpas in order to signal that they are suitably contrite. But can such sins ever be forgiven and these white hands ever be washed clean?
Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson says [emphasis mine]:
What the killing has done is to show us that there still persists a hardcore white supremacy racist ideology, which rejects outsiders, anyone who is not white. That ideology is now ascendant as a result of the leadership in the White House. What I see is two great traditions in America that are competing. There is the liberal tradition, and there’s the equally dominant tradition of white supremacy, which comes out of the South but traveled northward. There is real tension between them.
I’ve argued in my writings that there has been extraordinary progress in the changing attitudes of white Americans toward blacks and other minorities. As late as the early ’60s, a majority of whites openly said they saw blacks as inferior, and now there is an acceptance of equality, at least in their views. I’ve always said that this may be the great majority, but there’s still 20, 25 percent of whites who still embrace white supremacist views. This hard core of white supremacists is still there and have been encouraged and are leading a revanchist sort of movement. And that’s quite frightening.
No need to prove that Trump is a white supremacist, despite all he’s done to help black people. The Harvard Gazette‘s readership knows it’s true, everyone says it, so the argument doesn’t even need to be made properly, just stated. The incomparable Thomas Sowell, who retired from writing in 2016 at the age of 86 (and who originally had not liked Trump and yet urged people to vote for him in 2016), had this to say in March of 2019 which I think is spot on:
In March 2019, Sowell commented on the public’s response to mainstream media’s allegations that Trump was a “racist”: “What’s tragic is that there’s so many people out there who simply respond to words rather than ask themselves “Is what this person says true? How can I check it?” And so on.” One month later, Sowell again defended Trump against media charges of “racism”, stating: “I’ve seen no hard evidence. And, unfortunately, we’re living in a time where no one expects hard evidence. You just repeat some familiar words and people will react pretty much the way Pavlov’s dog was conditioned to react to certain sounds.”
Now back to Patterson. What of his assertion that twenty to twenty-five percent of whites “embrace white supremacist views”? That’s quite a claim. It certainly doesn’t match the number of actual avowed white supremacists there are in the US today, so I’d love to see the research he’s relying on (if any) when saying that. Patterson himself offers no help; he just casually throws the number out there for the reader to take on his authority without the need to check it out for him/herself. One would think such an extraordinary claim would need at least a verbal footnote, but we don’t get one.
After searching for quite some time I have found nothing that answers the question. Patterson hismelf is described by Harvard as a “historical and cultural sociologist.” He was born and raised in Jamaica and educated both there and at the London School of Economics for graduate school.
My guess is that Patterson might cite in support of his contention about the number of white supremacists some research that purports to measure – by a subtle sign involving an answer to a question on a questionnaire, perhaps – something that a sociologist has decided is a signal of irredeemable white racism. But I don’t know, and at any rate in these days the existence of widespread white supremacist beliefs is asserted as a truism without the need to prove it is true or to even demonstrate what the phrase means, so eager are so many people to nod and embrace the idea because to even question what it means makes a person instantly suspect of holding the very same white supremacism they deplore, at the very least by being “in denial.”
The left uses this as a cudgel to beat down all adherence to and reliance on what used to be nearly universally accepted beliefs and norms of behavior in the US: the existence of truth, the need for order and protection of property, the importance of teaching the history of Western civilization, equality of opportunity rather than of outcome, meritocracy, and the rejection of the idea of collective guilt of any race, creed or religion. If the left has anything to say about it, those days are gone, and good riddance to bad (white) business.
“Forget it, Jake, it’s Harvard…”
(Unfortunately, one can substitute many other universities for Harvard….)
Anyway, another “gift that keeps on giving”.
But wait:
The idea of collective guilt may well be the single worst notion in the history of the human species, and it has been made manifest in many places and at many times across the globe, but it represents the natural consequence of the racialization of everything in our culture and of the ideological imperatives of identity politics. Eric Kaufmann, a Canadian professor in England (himself of mixed origin, with a Chinese/Hispanic mother and a Jewish father) has written very convincingly about the politics of anti-white rhetoric.
The next election will implicitly comprise many referendums. On one side of the ballot will be racial and other identity obsessions. On the other side will be Jonah Goldberg’s only hope, and his true lord and savior. Donald Trump has never asked anyone to bow down to him, but Jonah should do just that. It would be good for his soul.
I can guess where he obtained that 20-25% estimate- he carefully extracted it from his rectum as a number that seemed large and significant as an opposition, but also assigned himself and his fellow travelers an overwhelming advantage 75-80% numerical advantage.
Thus, when history reaches its inevitable conclusion and they are victorious, they can congratulate themselves for their hard-earned victory.
I don’t know whether to despise Patterson for being yet another example of our garbage elite who have mis-ruled the country into disaster or pity him for his idiocy.
Perhaps both.
All of this is humbug, and it continues even though the people advancing these assertions cannot argue in their favor; all they can do is punish people who dissent. It’s time we all told them to bugger off. Higher education is run by people who are contemptible.
It would be good for his soul.
Yes, but it would drastically reduce his income.
How would he convince leftist billionaires to give him money if he stopped his deranged never-Trumping?
He couldn’t, so he won’t.
Pitiful, it is.
I feel no collective guilt over anything. Perhaps because I feel like an individual human being, not a member of a race, tribe, or cult.
This 25% white supremacist goes with Joe Biden’s declaration that 10% -15% of Americans are just bad people. Malarkey. I’ve seen some nauseating photos of white leftist leaders kneeling before black people, as if that’s going to help somehow. Personally, I kneel before the Lord my maker and no one else. Confession of sin is good for the soul, but only, I maintain, for sins the penitent has actually committed.
I’m afraid I have to take partial issue with this.
1. The Orlando Patterson quote doesn’t actually support an analogy with Nazism. Note that it specifies white supremacist ideology, not race per se. What’s odd is that you can find similar quotes attacking “whiteness” in terms analogous to the Nazis’.
2. Before I get to why Goldberg’s book is overrated, I will have to say this much: he does a fine job of amassing in one source a lot of evidence showing the kinship of progressive liberalism with fascism, a kinship which was not denied until Mussolini attacked Ethopia.
3. That said, it wasn’t news, to anyone who had read on the subject before. Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s Leftism (1974) made essentially the same case. A more moderate view was actually dominant among academics studying fascism in the 60s and 70s. This was that it was a fusion of leftist and rightist themes. More precisely, shoehorning things to appeal to the right into a leftist model. (I am not talking of those professors who used the word promiscuously as an imprecation, but serious scholars. I don’t have them to hand, but I have several books on this.)
4. Goldberg conflates Nazis and fascists. This goes against the aforesaid scholarship, and also Mussolini’s first reaction to Hitler. He was willing to go to war with Germany to protect Austria following the assassination of Dolfuss (who was himself an Austrian fascist, and opposed to Germany.) It is true that, as he drew closer to Germany, Mussolini’s position changed, but I recommend a search for “Umberto Pugliese” to read a sad account of the career of an Italian Jew, who continued to work for the Italian navy during the war.
5. The worst feature of Goldberg’s book, IMO, is the utter failure to address opposing arguments. He simply ignores those regimes which are hard to call “leftist” but which are normally identified as fascist. Franco is barely mentioned; Salazar not at all. Horthy and Metaxas are similarly slighted. The closest he gets is mention of the issue in the introduction, followed by an immediate deflection by saying he could get more evidence FOR his thesis from British fascism. As if that were an answer. (And I do doubt that J F C Fuller could be considered leftwing.)
Again, I do recognize the book’s virtue (#2, above). But from the first, I thought it flawed. I have outlined my reasons.
“The Oscar Patterson quote doesn’t actually support an analogy with Nazism…”
But he does contend:
“[white supremacist] ideology is now ascendant as a result of the leadership in the White House.”
“There is the liberal tradition, and there’s the equally dominant tradition of white supremacy…”
Both claims are bonkers (even if they may be standard talking points on the Left).
I don’t believe I said that the Patterson quote directly supported the “whites as Jews” analogy. It supports the emphasis on whites as a big big problem, and that white supremacy is hugely supported among a quarter of white people – an assertion which is unsupported by any evidence.
You may recall that one of the Nazi ploys was to say that Jews in general were rapists, disease carriers, and/or Communists. It was said over and over. Well, white people are white supremacists. Said over and over. And so its Trump, their leader.
And the quotes from Goldberg’s book do attack whites in similar terms to Nazis vs. Jews. Patterson is not saying that, but he’s feeding into it.
George Bush – in 1991
(who was himself an Austrian fascist, and opposed to Germany.)
He wasn’t.
The good news is many colleges/universities will not come out of this on the other side.
In regard to the accusers of the caucasian ‘race’… perhaps the greatest irony is that were all whites to disappear tomorrow, within less than half a century, blacks and Hispanics would find themselves permanently enslaved by the Chinese.
Chinese culture has none of Western Civilization’s traditional premises regarding democracy, the worth of the individual or Judeo/Christian principles. The ChiComs are the world’s foremost proponents of a “1984” society.
As for Muslims, the ChiComs would simply eliminate them. Apex predators do not tolerate competition.
The irony extends from the fact that Western Civilization is the only thing keeping the Chinese dragon from global dominance.
“I feel no collective guilt over anything.” parker
I’m afraid I have to take issue with this:
“1. The Orlando Patterson quote doesn’t actually support an analogy with Nazism. Note that it specifies white supremacist ideology, not race per se. What’s odd is that you can find similar quotes attacking “whiteness.”
Nazism IS a “white supremacist ideology”. It promoted the “Aryan race” as the only legitimate race. It proclaimed that ALL others were impure and thus illegitimate.
More white people than blacks are killed by the police, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of arrests. So how does the killing of a black man by the police demonstrate systemic racism? To me, it just demonstrates a failure to weed out bad cops.
When the WaPo was taken to court by the Covington High School student, they argued that being termed a racist was meaningless because the term had no fixed, objective criteria. I would guess the study under discussion falls into the same category where the author just creates a “definition” so he gets the results he wants.
Actually most liberal epithets are meaningless for the same reason.
I tried in vain to craft some meaningful response to the Harvard functionary’s diatribe about “White Supremacists” and “White Male Privilege”.
Since his garbage is so irrational, I could not fabricate any rational response. So, I gave up. To hell with him; and all like him.
Having lived in this country for 84+ years, I would kind of like to see it survive until I am gone. It may be a near thing. In the mean time, since there is nothing else I can really do, I intend to try to ignore the people who are trying to tear it apart. I will leave them alone if they leave me alone.
Other than the effect on my children and grandchildren, bless their darling progressive hearts, it might actually be fun to watch his ilk get the country they aspire to, and deserve. They think they would be in charge. They should revisit the history of the Troskyists. A rougher crowd would push them aside in short order. Imagine a world wide version of the Cultural Revolution, with Red Guards sweeping through the intellectual ranks. Maybe Greta would lead the International Children’s Brigade. Pass the popcorn.
The above, is why i wrote this in the other thread:
I’m just waiting to pass on, with little hope, no job, and so, dont really care…
I cant change what is happening in my own life, let alone a city
my opinions are quite useless, not even material enough to use as doorstops.
as is my art, ideas, photography, etc…
They destroyed my life, nothing left…
Melody, is racist. It should be abolished. Only those who refuse to stand in solidarity with others, could possibly allow themselves to detach from the struggles of humanity and float off to a dreamy private realm.
You cannot feel our pain, nor embrace the struggle for justice, until you forsake the privilege of melody, and distance, and private conscience, once and for all.
I would really appreciate it someone such as Oldflyer, or MikeK, would take a stab at explaining how their children and grandchildren could be so dismissive (and apparently contemptuous) of their life-values. These men, who have achieved much, who seem to have protected their offspring, who appear to have given them the beginnings of a good life, and who are still loved by them, nonetheless cannot get – so they seem to say – an attentive hearing out of them.
Does Dad’s or Granddad’s opinion count for nothing with them? Do the kids identify so little with the parents’ interests that they simply dismiss it out of hand?
What is it about their offspring which (seemingly) allows them to be so dismissive of the opinions and values of people they nonetheless love and cherish to some degree.
I cannot figure the dynamic. Or maybe I have just read them wrong.
Neo: ” . . . white people (or institutions that are made of a majority of white people) are required to rend their garments, wear hairshirts, and confess their sins. Many individuals as well as institutions (colleges, businesses, sports personalities) are busy saying their mea culpas in order to signal that they are suitably contrite.”
The economic shutdown I wasn’t happy about. And the arrests against those who protested the shutdown made me angry. This kind of “mea culpa” nonsense is truly making me scared – down right scared!
My current job – which I call my Trump economy job because it is the first well paying job with benefits that I have had since Obama was elected – has started this “mea culpa” nonsense. While they have generously given to the SPLC and other “black” institutions in the past, seemingly to avoid being a target of BLM; they are now starting internal podcasts, and other meetings supporting this message. They are voluntary to listen to or attend.
Okay, I can avoid those; but, now they have even gone so far as to have managers do this “we need to work together to overcome this institutional racism” talk in what used to be meetings about work. And during these meetings they are asking folks to “volunteer” their feelings! It is all feeling too much like Communist “self-criticism” sessions. I am keeping my mouth shut; but, fear that if I don’t say something I might be labelled as a “white silence is violence” person.
I never dreamed that my job, or any job in the US, would come to this. I truly considered myself to be lucky that I kept my job during this shutdown and thought that financially I would be safe. Now, I am not so sure any more.
When we start reporting back into the office (I was in an office in New York City) just what is going to happen when they start these meetings in person! I don’t know that I can keep a straight face when they start this stuff.
I just don’t see this ending well.
DNW on June 6, 2020 at 11:30 pm said: I would really appreciate it someone such as Oldflyer, or MikeK, would take a stab at explaining how their children and grandchildren could be so dismissive (and apparently contemptuous) of their life-values.
I explained the origin of the left attitude and the youth a while back.. no discussion, too long, not enough wit, not entertaining enough…
in fact, we keep crediting Goebbels , not who he learned from
One of the modern masters of such media control was the German Communist from whom Joseph Goebbels learned his trade, Willi Münzenberg.
its as if i never said anything… or showed anything..
He is the one that made us think the Nazis started the reichstag
his press and such is where the left gets their attitude and hatred of the old..
The key relevance of Münzenberg for our own day is this: he understood the key importance of influencing opinion-formers. He targeted especially intellectuals, taking the view that intellectuals were especially easy to influence because they were so vain.
He controlled the press, and set the methods of what is going on now..
It was he who created the “experts” that were put forth to manipulate!!
Münzenberg’s tactics are of primary importance to the manipulation of opinion in today’s New World Order. More then ever before, so-called ‘experts’ constantly pop up on our TV screens to explain what is happening, and they are always vehicles for the official party line.
“Organising chaos”
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised opinions and habits of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. — Edward Bernays
no one was interested in learning about it… probably still arent..
they just wanted to toss their pet ideas into the discussion, and my knowing the origins is a kind of party poop… got lots of flack.. till i gave up..
these attitudes you question are originally from him and his innocents clubs, a way to create a unifying specialness.. a way to make the young feel superior instead of inferior… a way to steal them from family.. though todays families are broken thanks to feminists.. the goals are to stop the passing down of wisdom and knowledge from collective memory where it was never recorded.
I said and pointed out to read Sergei Stepanovich Chakhotin…
tons of people you dont know that make the confusing story much clearer
a Russian biologist, sociologist and social activist of Russian origin. He was one of the first thinkers to describe the effect of propaganda on the psychology of masses and warned against the techniques used by the Nazi Party. He was friends with Einstein and discussed his fears concerning the rise of Nazism with him
no one reads my recommendations, no matter how interesting or informative
in fact, it appears that the minute its stated, a hard opposition to it is created!!!
Roger Mucchielli??
Mucchielli showed the different ways in which the mass media could be used to create a collective psychosis.
Anyway… you wont understand it unless you read this archaic stuff which is about method and reasoning around it… how to produce it, etc.. otherwise you try to make sense from a limited view and its confusing, and makes no sense because from that view the purpose and ends cant be seen so methods are not understood..
so you do not understand why the kids were given this attitude and how they got it being left by absentee moms who used TV, school, etc as babysitters.. or why they have it to what end.. though these riots should make it clear, cause if you hadnt noticed, its mostly those same young…
as before, i am just wasting time… useless prattle..
Protesters who protected a lone cop recount two unsettling minutes of chaotic night
No. I was asking Oldflyer and MikeK (or others like them) to explain it from their own perspective. To explain how they, as parents and grandparents who are presumably loved and respected and still called upon, carry so little (as I understand them to describe it) moral weight, (or their opinions carry little moral weight), with those who ostensibly love and revere them.
If they wish to say that they were busy with their careers and left the kids to the TV and the tutelage of government schools … then fine.
But that is not the impression of them I had gotten. So, it seemed a bit of a puzzle.
I did not share all, or even most of my father’s opinions. But I respected his insights, and if he seemed sometimes to be a bit conventional in some areas of his thinking, he was much more … empathetic … than I was, in most others.
My point is, that there was not a casual dismissal, or an automatic generational estrangement. In fact he was a superior man to almost anyone of his age I met before getting deep into college, and I always appreciated his reasoning ability, which seemed natural and unstrained, and his quick comprehension of the nature of any problem set before him.
So, given their similar accomplishments, I find the offhand way they suggest – or seem to suggest, on my reading – their kids dismiss their views, as perplexing.
I’d like to get their subjective impressions of the reason for this apparent state of affairs.
National Socialism was not a white supremacist ideology; it was a German or Aryan supremacist ideology, not the same thing. The Third Reich made war with surrounding white people.
Marisa, that is a good observation, but regardless it is true that many if not most who identify today as “white supremacists” also admire Hitler. Not trying to contradict you but it points up that political categories and ideologies tend to change over time.
1. The current surge in anti-white sentiment has little in common with antisemitism. This is most notable in how few Jews promote antisemitism and how many white people traffic in anti-white rhetoric.
2. If there is even one person out there still deceiving themselves about Jonah Goldberg’s character and intellect, please note that one of the defining works of his career was writing a book on “Liberal Fascism” yet he has been almost entirely silent as actual liberal fascism violently erupts around the U.S.
“It proclaimed that ALL others were impure and thus illegitimate.”
Well, there were a few exceptions.
Schicklgruber did seem to have a soft spot for Islam.
And for some reason the Nazi consensus (formulated by Alfred Rosenberg?) was that the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus were acceptable (probably because the former considered the latter to be “racially pure”…in their own way. That community is after very ancient, and likely to have been there since the first and/or second Exile(s) following the destruction of the kingdoms of ancient Israel and/or Judea). Of course that community never got the chance to put the Nazis to the test.
(Funny what happens when everything is perceived through the perverse filter of race.)
Mr Bunge:
Just to give you something to rant about: Andrew Klavan had a 23 minute interview with Joanah Goldberg on Tuedsay 6/2/20. Don’t have a coronary if you choose to listen.
https://soundcloud.com/andrewklavanshow/ep905 34:15 – 57:44
The Nazis sought to conquer first Europe, then Russia. As it was to be a “Thousand year Reich” no doubt their ambitions extended to eventual world wide domination. They fought other whites solely because they stood in the way of their agenda. No ‘purer’ white supremacist ideology has ever existed.
I’ve lost count of the times you’ve insulted us over our failure to appreciate your exceedingly lengthy litanies and now you whine about it…
The historical connections don’t matter nearly as much as what can best be done to overcome our Marxist cancer.
History’s practical value is when it offers insights into addressing the present.
If the example of George Floyd can be attributed to “systemic white racism,” can’t I, being a privileged old white guy, attribute all blacks to the “protesters” who were beating up a white woman who was trying to defend her store? What’s the friggin’ difference? I know. I ain’t black so I can’t possibly understand. Well, if it comes to that, I’ll defend this country, and western civilization, with all its flaws, to the death if need be.
1. The current surge in anti-white sentiment has little in common with antisemitism. This is most notable in how few Jews promote antisemitism and how many white people traffic in anti-white rhetoric.
With some exceptions (the J-Street crew, Ilan Pappe), Jews in all strata understand themselves as Jews even if they dislike other fractions of the Jewish population (secular Jews tend to be scornful of black hats, but they recognize that the man who stabs the black hat would just as soon stab him). Gentry liberals draw an implicit distinction between themselves and the sort of people who land positions in the police department or on technical maintenance crews, or in insurance offices. All manner of idiot genuflecting now differentiates in-groups and out-groups among out professional-managerial class, and the penalty for dissent is dismissal.
This is a classic case of a Leftist package deal (ht, Ayn Rand). Accept one Big Lie, then others inevitably follow, despite the fact the only relevant truth is that there there are group racial and inherited differences. (A full and illuminating comment to come.)
The first train of claims (evil White guilt and Supremacy, evil Western civ White Privilege, proof by unequal outcomes, inequity, reparations, etc) follow from accepting just one.
No. We on the Right must quickly reframe their debate!
Embrace the propaganda campaign “Death to Democrats!” the fountainhead of US racial evils must be abolished!
Thus, we on the Right re-frame the Left’s debate with an outrageous and offensive assertion, then slightly soften with Truthful facts, yielding to a sensible program: “Abolish Democrats” Party.
The Death to Democrats campaign is crucial and important because this forces the Enemy Left to be honest! Dinesh D’ Souza is making this point with his new book on Socialism, like he did with the important documentary “Death of a Nation” that virtually ALL of the evils the Left hangs on the US are villainies committed by Democrats. Now we can conveniently add urban Rioters and the CCP virus.
The only way for the Right to regain the moral High Ground is to force a debate on Truthful terms. Hence the T-Shirt, banner, placard, sticker “Death to Democrats!” Donkey party symbol: “Democrats = Slave owners, Democrats = KKK terrorists, Democrats bloc civil rights!” Ergo, let’s abolish that party to the trash heap of History!
This forces the enemy Left to defend two indefensible positions. Either you are an evil Democrat, or else you’re not and then you’re a Marxist, whose record is one of Evil. Either way, the clearly Right wins.
And for the young and historically illiterate, either they learn some history, drink more kook-aide, or become more paralysed. In every case, there is benefit to the Right for this election.
The genius of this is that it makes our enemy own their weaknesses, just as BLM attempts to divide and weaken the Right by not super-infantilising Blacks, like they do.
Sure, few on the Right can really like this (or any) insurgent strategy. Not everyone has to embrace it for this to be compelling and effective. Nonetheless, the whole “racist!” Hanging cry gets diffused and properly refocused on the Real Exploiters!
Remember, when they pull out their flawed racial hero’s, we state ours, Douglass, Lincoln, MLK!
Then Let the people judge, come November.
Let’s fight the street theatre Left with a concerted campaign of our own.
You might find this article I wrote about the riots in DC of interest: https://thelatest.com/tlt/american-kristallnacht-may-30-31-2020-antifa-floyd-riots-hitler-1591043689
Just to point out that ‘white supremacy’ is not a coherent concept in any context other than a colonial society. Patterson is talking rot.
When someone cites a statistical range, 20-25%, I know immediately that it is made up. A properly constructed and executed study or survey will return a specific statistic, 20% for example. It will also include a margin of error or degree of confidence caveat, but it will not be presented as a range. So Patterson is just making it up and likely would find it impossible to prove. He probably was thinking he would choose a number high enough to make his point but not so high as to undermine its credibility with most people.
As for systemic racism, it exists but not in the way these folks mean it. With more than 40 years working at commercial business enterprises I have seen every employer of mine, large and small, emphasize the recruitment and hiring of so called underrepresented classes, e.g.; non-whites and women. I am in a mid-level management role at my current employer, a very large concern. I receive a quarterly report from our HR organization of race and gender representation by regional office. We are not forced to hire anyone based on their race and gender, but we are strongly encouraged to do so.
All this talk of systemic racism and white supremacy is just so much political propaganda. What do they really want?
Mr. Jarvik, an interesting article with which I am generally in agreement; but I’m curious: which Jews WERE responsible for Germany’s defeat in WWI?
(I realize that I’m probably not reading the right books….)
@Geoffrey Britan:
I’m afraid I have to take issue with this:
“1. The Orlando Patterson quote doesn’t actually support an analogy with Nazism. Note that it specifies white supremacist ideology, not race per se. What’s odd is that you can find similar quotes attacking “whiteness.”
Nazism IS a “white supremacist ideology”. It promoted the “Aryan race” as the only legitimate race. It proclaimed that ALL others were impure and thus illegitimate.
That misses my point. Sure, Nazism was white supremacist ideology. But that involved the idea that Jews were an enemy, inherently. The Patterson quote is attacking those who hold such views, not their being white, in itself. It attacks them for their beliefs, not for being white, simply. It is more akin to rejecting Jews for their religious beliefs. Which is a different thing entirely.
I didn’t quote Mussolini’s “A Jew must be a fascist first, and a Jew second.” That is an ideological statement, but would be unthinkable for Nazis. Again, check on Pugliese.
You may recall that one of the Nazi ploys was to say that Jews in general were rapists, disease carriers, and/or Communists. It was said over and over.
Well, yes. And IIRC they originally excluded those who had served well in WWI, etc.
I was just commenting on the fact that Patterson doesn’t go so far as some others already do. I’ve seen plenty about white people being the problem, just for existing.
On another note, while Jews were accused of being rapists, etc., propaganda was also rife regarding how effeminate the men were, not virile, no disposition towards “manly” attributes such as honor, warfare, athletics, etc.
In short, they were very convenient to have around (that is, for as long as they were “around).
Yes, they were “all things to all people” (and one should always, ALWAYS have someone, or something, to blame).
Important article, linked to by (ahem) Zerohedge:
(To be sure it does include some of those obligatory (it seems) wacky observations. Still….)
Key graf (nothing new really but it’s very well articulated):
‘…all the vociferous Trump-haters have been undermining the legitimacy not only of Trump himself, but of the political system which made his election possible…: by saying “not my President” the Trump-haters have de-legitimized not only Trump personally, but also de-legitimized the Executive branch as such.” ‘
‘ “…for all its disclaimers about supporting only the “peaceful protestors” and its condemnation of the “out of town looters”, most of the US media (as well as the alt media) is completely unable to give a moral/ethical evaluation of what is taking place….
‘ By repeating mantras about how “Black anger is legitimate” the US liberal media is basically placing a seal of approval on the violence and looting….’
As I said, nothing new—in fact, it’s obvious to most of the guests on this blog—but it’s succinct and to the point. (As mentioned, not all of it can be swallowed, but that seems to be the name of the game….)
No Color privileged in my typical Southern Family.
You name it we likely have it married into our family. Race and color is NOT the issue. Family is unity is. Yes we are a Heinz 57 New South Family.
Aside from color, Tans and 4 generation back BS racial claims … WE ARE A FAMILY. We have lower class to Middle-Middle class level incomes.
As general rule it seems those of us that got off our tails early on earn more.
An some, not all, of the more laid back family members who just learned a basic skill and education, are making a get by living wage at their comfort level.
About half of us have 2+ years of college in various Tech/Medical/Teaching fields are doing some what better .
There was NO WHITE or ___/ ___ Privilege, we each earned what we have.
We did not walk into a Business speaking semi-English and expect to become instantly Middle Mgt. making $50k+ .
We did not walk in and flash a Secret White Privilege Card.
We all WORKED to earn what we have now.
We all tend to understand …
You can be a Victim and whine about 50++ years ago. Or quit whining, suck it up and help yourself.
DNW on June 7, 2020 at 12:41 am said: If they wish to say that they were busy with their careers and left the kids to the TV and the tutelage of government schools … then fine. // But that is not the impression of them I had gotten. So, it seemed a bit of a puzzle.
Peer pressure from the other kids at school to be like them… i watched kids who had good homes, good parents (not perfect of course), and all that, go out of their way to claim abuse, and such – just so they could be cool and victims and have a hard life cause having a decent one became bad…
however as the families were destroyed and the more lax kids became more common, THEY became the totem to worship or copy… for every parent that tried to impose some kind of order, there was another who was trying to be best friends with their kid to make some kind of peace… there were few fathers present, so there was little such order…
so this is what i meant when i was putting this out like that as an explanation… you can be the one from the great family, with respect, etc… but your going to get more from your peers than your going to get from your parents and grandparents whom you spend less time…
This was and is why parents USED to care what neighborhoods they were in, as they knew their kids were part of that.. if they were in a good wealthy neighborhood they were more likely to have peers that respected or acted as if they respected… and so their kids would… if they didnt move out from the inner city where disrespect on steroids is the norm, they would have kids like that.
Given that there are no limits on ladies, no one can have any opinions as to what is good or bad that would help. the moms can be bat sh*t crazy and thy will have custody, they will have the state and courts on their side… mine robbed a bank (with the kids in tow) and that was not enough for me to have custody!!!! the fathers that realize this also cant assert even if they are there, they often are ghost parents, there but not there… (of course the kids get angry at them later for that and more).
remember the kids are getting a leftist based ideological influenced schooling. where they are told to be protestors and revolutionaries from a very young age (over ten years ago i commented on nickelodeon pushing this)… they are told what to think and told that their parents and grandparents are evil people (go online and watch the videos of the kids talking to the public on how they hate their family for having such “outdated” views unlike the superior views they have).
Their are lots of examples of them using kids as examples and turning them into heroes for doing other than most parents or old timers want or say… from Greta, to kids who are heroes for wanting a sex change at 8…
this has a long old history of doing this:
Pavlik Morozov
bet you probably never heard of him..
better known by the diminutive Pavlik, was a Soviet youth praised by the Soviet press as a martyr. His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year-old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family. His story was a subject of reading, songs, plays, a symphonic poem, a full-length opera and six biographies. The apotheosic cult had a huge impact on the moral norms of generations of children, who were encouraged to inform on their parents
even worse… most was fabricated…
but it was used to change children growing up…
[this is why there was such a resistance to DARE, but again, people not knowing this attacked people who thought DARE was bad way to go, not tried to understand them]
sorry i answered..
thats why i am now useless nothing..
my bad
apologies all around..
one day i will be silent, and all will rejoice…
as i make no one happy otherwise..
Artfldgr, you are not a useless nothing. You are clearly very smart and have a lot of knowledge. I’m interested in what you have to say, but I find your prose very difficult to read. That is why I got so frustrated with your long comments in the past — because I could not make sense of them. I apologize for being rude back then. You are clearly making more of an effort to be clear, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who appreciates it. Your most recent comment at 9:48 is much easier to understand than the one earlier in the thread. Thank you for clarifying — I think your analysis is largely correct.
You are a valued member of this online community. Please don’t leave.
@ Art.
2 points. One of partial agreement. The other to repeat what it was that I was actually asking for originally.
1. Yes, I am familiar with (some of) the anthropological and psychological development literature ( or was with it some decades ago in school) regarding adolescent peer group development and family distancing. I also recall that although athropologists such as Ashley Montague paralleled the herd/cohort/ ganging behaviors of human adolescents with those of apes, cultural anthropologists had noted that the antagonisims between adults and adolescents of the kind we sometimes see in our societies, are not necessarily typical of all human societies, and seemed less so in those where adulthood and adult responsibilities were not artificially delayed and youth not programmatically distanced from family influence.
But yes, I acknowledge that there may even be an innate tendency to develop along this pattern, having now some dim recollection of the phenomenon, or a related one brought to mind. Being one of those early entry school kids, I was a few months to a year and more younger than my grade peers. I recall how in returning to school in the fall ( for maybe 7th grade) one season, many of the other kids I knew, seemed to have had a mysterious kind of brain transplant. Kids are herd animals and even a kid recognizes and assumes tbat as the norm. But I recall noticing something different- as if they had developed some mysterious more intensely collecfive instinct, more ardent, more subversive and sly: and as if their consciences had somehow withered, and the codes of honor they at least paid lip service had withered away. Have not thought about that in years, but now remember the strangeness of it, as if they had an element of the zombie in them when they returned. Could have been something due to biologically based behavioral changes. Or not. Lol
2. I wish to restate that what I was specifically seeking was the paternal point of view of the genesis of this values alienation business in their personal cases, as anecdotal with regard to a potentially larger trend. These are professional men, accomplished and valued by their families. Yet they SEEM to say, that their own values and their analyses, are disregarded by their own loved ones, tout court.
That seems to me to be common, but not I think the universal rule.. Or at least less than the norm, and somewhat inexplicable from the perspective of the normal loving family dynamic which they enjoy.
I wanted to know how they saw the situation as developing and whether they thought there were identifiable causes from their inside perspective.
DNW. Couple of points: When my kids–boygirl twins–left sixth grade, the jr. hi. principal had a meeting for parents of incoming seventh graders. I’d coached AYSO for several years by that time and knew maybe two dozen of the kids going in. I was gobsmacked. I asked the principal if kids get dumber after sixth grade. The behaviors we were instructed to expect seemed fairly out there, considering the kids I knew. Yes, he said, they do. Takes at least a year for them to catch up to sixth grade. He figured it was hormones.
As to why young people are so dismissive of their parents’ views and those of the previous generation in general, I don’t think it’s a matter of “learning” the wrong things. I think it’s a matter of sneering contempt exhibited in bits and pieces directed at those old wrongthinkers. Keep in mind the kids have 5-6 hours of 180 days a year in school. That’s a fair proportion of their waking hours for the year. If even five percent of the time includes the contemptuous intonation or the eye roll from the teachers, the authority figures, and is present thus among peers, it’s hard to not get it. Then the teaching of leftism, anti-Americanism, etc. has a more fertile soil to receive it. We already know how stupid and wrong they are, now we have facts.
Also, lengthy discussions of white supremacy accusations as if rehearsing logical and factual arguments to make to the accusers is a waste of time. They already know better. I suspect they, in their groups, giggle at the earnestness with which some try to educate them on the subject.
Campaign against “white privilege” etc, seems to have a lot similarity to soviet dekulakization, a program which had similar features to scapegoating and dehumanizing the Jews— with similar results.
I wonder if those of you who look at the Instapundit will have seen the link to this essay, by a professor at Georgetown, who I hope keeps his job:
It’s about the Christian concept of the individual as a person, responsible for personal sins, and the pagan concept of blood nations and the cathartic nature of blood wars. The Christian concept is based, of course, in the Hebrew (Deut. 32:35) and emphasized in the New Testament (Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30). “Vengeance is mine, saith the LORD.” The Hebrew prophets were rather full of national guilt with reference to the Israelites who turned away from the commandments, but this is different from blood guilt for a murder. According to this essay, we’re seeing the pagan concept of blood guilt and revenge mixed with a twisted overlay of guilt imputed to an entire blood group for the actions of one.
And yes, I see the irony, since the medieval anti-Jewish blood guilt theory, a very bad teaching, is unfortunately still with us in some places. The nation I thought I lived in until recently believed in individual responsibility and individual punishment.
Yes, Jew privilege, redistributive-Jew, selective-Jew. #WickedSolution #Deja vu
Late response to DNW. I don’t think I ever stated that my children or grandchildren are dismissive of my values. They simply apply them in a manner that I don’t agree with; i.e., they believe that big government should solve most problems. They just seem to want a better world; and believe that government can deliver it. Ironically, I think they also believe in individual freedom. I cannot explain that dichotomy; and I am not sure that they can either.
I refer to them as examples of the attitudes that seem prevalent in the younger generations. I do not know if they have thought through the potential, likely maybe, ramifications of their political attitudes. I think many of them are good hearted; but, I think that the educational system has left them with a distorted view of history.
We all understand that our viewpoints differ rather dramatically; so we do not venture into the minefield. I would suppose that my family demonstrates that you can love and respect each other without agreeing politically.
“Don’t trust anyone over 30.”
–Jack Weinberg, et al
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
–Mark Twain (maybe)
My point is this.
Patterson is attacking the viewpoint “white supremacy” rather than whites. However, he also doesn’t define “white supremacy.” We have no idea how it’s being measured, but I can almost bet he’s not talking about what used to be meant by the term. Then he says a quarter of whites hold this view. What on earth is he talking about? He just puts it out there without citing research or explaining at all, but the figure seems preposterous on the face of it and absolutely requires the extra information he doesn’t give.
The Nazis said Jews are bad because they’re rapists, etc.. What percentage of the Jews of Germany were rapists, do you think? Vanishingly small numbers, of that I am virtually certain. “Rapists” is a behavior the vast majority of people condemn. It’s a crime. No doubt if pressed to give a figure, a Nazi would have said that the percentage of Jews who are rapists is high – 25%, perhaps? Without any proof.
So the idea is that you say a certain group has a high proportion of some bad behavior and/or pattern of thought. That makes the group bad and in need of correction (or in the case of the Nazis and the Jews, killing).
The Nazis didn’t just want to kill Jews because they thought (or pretended they thought) they were rapists. They had a host of reasons. Some were action and thought oriented (rapists; Communists). Some had to do with the Nazis’ race theories in general.
Read on the internet that special education teachers want to change the label of “Emotional Disturbance” to something like “Emotional Disability” because if black students are given that label, if found eligible to qualify under such a label, it will stigmatize them given recent events and that African-American students are overrepresented in SPED. I vote no due to the lack of data.
Collective guilt: Critical Race Theory. https://newdiscourses.com/2020/06/do-better-than-critical-race-theory/
DNW on June 7, 2020 at 11:09 am said: I wish to restate that what I was specifically seeking was the paternal point of view of the genesis of this values alienation business in their personal cases, as anecdotal with regard to a potentially larger trend. These are professional men, accomplished and valued by their families. Yet they SEEM to say, that their own values and their analyses, are disregarded by their own loved ones, tout court.
My son is near 30… I was giving a paternal answer…
I WAS respected and valued by my family…
but things change… dont they, politics will out..
for the record…
My son is an officer in the Navy
Sorry I answered…
really am.
I should have disqualified myself from the start
I am, after all, a useless nothing disregarded by my loved ones and many others
and any insight i have on that subject is null and void due to that subject applying to me…
Ergo ipso facto and all that..
The Nazis said Jews are bad because they’re rapists, etc.. What percentage of the Jews of Germany were rapists, do you think? Vanishingly small numbers, of that I am virtually certain. “Rapists” is a behavior the vast majority of people condemn. It’s a crime. No doubt if pressed to give a figure, a Nazi would have said that the percentage of Jews who are rapists is high – 25%, perhaps? Without any proof.
[actually the Germans didn’t make that claim of Jews, for them the crime of huckstering, and dealing was the evil… they would barter anything and that was repugnant and had them targeted by what technically were socialists]
and both found out that the soviet Russians were… given what happened!!!
The rape of Berlin
Rape during the occupation of Germany
“According to Antony Beevor, whose books were banned in 2015 from some Russian schools and colleges, NKVD (Soviet secret police) files have revealed that the leadership knew what was happening, but did little to stop it..Some Russian historians disagree, claiming that the Soviet leadership took some action. …..”
Geoffrey Roberts writes that the Red Army raped women in every country they passed through, but mostly in Austria and Germany: 70,000–100,000 rapes in Vienna, and “hundreds of thousands” of rapes in Germany. He notes that the German Army probably committed tens of thousands of rapes on the Eastern Front, but that murder was the more typical crime for them
Professor Orlando Patterson on the Minneapolis police killing:
So a Minneapolis cop killing someone is evidence of “hardcore white supremacy racist ideology.” What does Professor Patterson say about the Minneapolis cop who killed the Australian woman who had called 911? I wager that Professor Patterson doesn’t say much, because Noor, the Minneapolis cop who killed the Australian woman, is Somali.
The common thread is not racism, but incompetent, poorly trained cops.
Churchill statue in Bristol, England has fallen because the Communist racist mobs in Europe, under the guise of BLM and Antifa, see they can. Parliament Square, London, Churchill statue defaced a second day.
The post-Covid19 lockdown viral model for hate is deemed “successful” now, the media and cowardly pols will cover it up, excuse violence, or cower.
London, too is hit.
Goteborg, Sweden finds black thugs can hit a couple moving house and steal or trash.
BBC lies and calls these “quiet protests.”
That’s my report on twitter video via Katie Hopkins
Nigel Farage,
Paul Joseph Watson
There will be much much more evil commie mayhem in Europe to come because these F***** know they can intimidate and frighten and cower you into abject submission. And the media will lie for them.
The common thread is not racism, but incompetent, poorly trained cops.
Except there is no indication the police officers in question were incompetent or poorly trained. They arrested a man with coronary artery disease and a mess of street drugs in his system. Noor shot a middle aged woman in a pink bathrobe for no frigging reason.
Patterson is attacking the viewpoint “white supremacy” rather than whites. However, he also doesn’t define “white supremacy.” We have no idea how it’s being measured,
And you’re not going to get any. “White supremacy” is like ‘sexism’. It’s a nonsense term used as a rhetorical thrust. If you were speaking about Rhodesia ca. 1952, the term ‘white supremacy’ might mean something. In an American context, it doesn’t unless you have an objection to majority rule. Remember Lani Guinier, who thought different segments of the population should ‘take turns’ running public institution? Some of them do.
Art, I am not offended.
I may be wrong, but You are not a useless
Voice to me. And I am here, perhaps like others such as Nancy B, precisely because I am too disregarded, like you.
(And I don’t think neo will disagree and say she writes here because her friends give her many thoughts, observations, and opinions, such joyful welcome. Birds of a hidden feather… and all that.)
So, please indulge me Neo, I say to Art….carry on!
Sometimes, especially when the voices for good are
under assault, some indulgence and latitude – even from
the choir boy Montage – is called for, don’t we think?
Art Deco
Some folks from Minneapolis and nearby–see Powerline for some–think Minneapolis settled $50 million on Damond’s family to avoid a lawsuit and the inevitable discovery that they cut a lot of corners to get the first cop from the Somali community. Certainly, they say, he was paraded around like Santa Claus. if more of the Just and Righteous–or the Self Professed Exceptionally Wonderful, aka SPEW–had made a fuss, the MPD might have been cleaned up some.
Philando Castille, a black man ,was shot at a traffic stop by a cop in the Minnie burbs. No biggy, the cop was Hispanic so there’s no money to be made there.
Art Deco, agreed on Patterson. He’s held in high regard on the Right, I think. But reviewing his opinions on contemporary race matters, white supremacy is an elastic banana term like the way classical Marxists used colonial and anti-colonial, wielded without precision or quantified meaning but always terms of abuse and criticism.
It is a non-falsifiable verging on a metaphysical, religious claim. Radicals wish to keep the heat and ignorance there.
Yet, Harvard mag compares him to Emile Zola. They do a useful medium length biographical and career review, showing why he is more engaged than other racialist black blowhards, however. https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2014/11/the-caribbean-zola
For example, the institutional versus policy debate among economists finds a valuable test by comparing Jamaican violence and relative failure, compared to more peaceful, literate, and wealthier and more successful Barbados, among post-slave nations in the Caribbean. And Patterson, ABOVE, knows it and has been on the case.
Patterson admits that he’s seen as a conservative by the radicals, while at the same time, we can respect him as a more serious and important among the critical thinkers on race issues, in general.
In fact, dare I say it? With Hoover Institution’s senior black eminences Sowell and Shelby Steel, I would enjoy reading a study comparing and contrasting them their though with Patterson.
Usefully foiled contemporaries? Why yes. Anyone interested in following in the steps of laid down by Douglas Murray’s example of a career in popular, topical non-fictional?
Philando Castille, a black man ,was shot at a traffic stop by a cop in the Minnie burbs. No biggy, the cop was Hispanic so there’s no money to be made there.
The cop in question was put on trial and acquitted for some reason. There were a couple of differences. Castile was stopped by the police for a serious reason and he did have a gun in the car, though he showed no intention of using it. Noor shooting Damond is just bizarre, and I don’t think his conduct has ever been explained. Supposedly, he’s received a ’12 year sentence’. I assume he’ll be paroled at the earliest opportunity.
Talk abut white guilt, see the video below.
See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/cult-police-officers-white-protesters-wash-feet-black-protest-organizers-beg-forgiveness-video/
See CBS propagandist/inquisitor Margaret Brennan try to force AG Barr to agree to her manipulated—and untrue–view of reality, via a series of “set-up,” “gotcha” questions, which Barr refuted, pushing back against her phony “narrative”–carefully manipulated video included–and correcting it.
Sss https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/06/07/sunday-talks-attorney-general-bill-barr-vs-margaret-brennan/#more-193752
Art Deco. IIRC, the NRA was all over the Castille case since he was supposedly a licensed carrier. They were the only ones. Nobody had a protest for him, marches, die-ins, arson and destruction.
Since the cop who killed him was hispanic, there wasn’t the oopsie which happened wrt Trayvon Martin when it was discovered that Zimmerman was half hispanic and blacker than Homer Plessey. Hell, with a name like that it was practically false advertising . Anyway, in the nick of time, somebody came up with “white hispanic” and the day was saved. Couldn’t do much with Yanez.
But now. Finally we have the Great White Defendant.
The issue is not color supremacy per se, but diversity or color judgments, especially rabid diversity, which deny individual dignity, treat people… persons as color blocs, and reduce humanity to colorful clumps of cells. Diversity is a Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent (“=”) religious (“ethical”, its relativistic cousin) doctrine. #HateLovesAbortion
Mein gott. I hate this Weimar crisis of democracy theme. Yet it keeps persisting.
One of the wise old salts on a Sunday evening Denver radio talk show, “father Hugh” (really a Harvard trained senior-aged lawyer who despises Harvard), made this sarcastic wish. And thus, more of my theme (above) has fallen into place.
He says, we need Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell to stand up for the Rule of Law against the rioters. Of course, he does not.
Meanwhile, McConnell has chosen Senator mini-Marco Rubio to Chair the Senate Intelligence Committee’s look into Obamagate (now that Chairman John Burr is side-lined by an insider trading investigation), this summer,
Well, during Weimar period, Germany had her “stab in the back” thesis over the Great War’s later execution and peace settlement. Will we witness the Deep State Rubio to commit a parallel and insulting treason? Against investigating the Deep State’s involvement in Obamagate?
I fully expect that one way or another, he will. However, I have no faith that our opposition Right will deliver anything like the outrage and disgust Germans evinced.
History does not repeat, but it sure as Hell is rhyming strongly. And at an accelerating pace.
Patterson is attacking the viewpoint “white supremacy” rather than whites. However, he also doesn’t define “white supremacy.” We have no idea how it’s being measured, but I can almost bet he’s not talking about what used to be meant by the term.
neo: My understanding is that “white supremacy” has mutated from the older, obvious meaning to an academic, intersectional definition:
In academic usage, particularly in usage which draws on critical race theory or intersectionality, the term “white supremacy” can also refer to a political or socioeconomic system, in which white people enjoy a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups, on both a collective and individual level.
So, as long as blacks lag behind socially and economically in America, whatever the specifics, whites are all white supremacists. Even if they virtue signal like mad, their forgiveness is only provisional.
An UnAmerican in New York By Lewis Nkosi
Oliver Stone – Speech at Writers Guild Awards 2017
An UnAmerican in New York By Lewis Nkosi
Thanks TJ… but without outlet or purpose or anything to look forwards to… its just how it is… i refuse to survive being homeless again… twice was enough thank you… (college and after the lefts rules allowed a wack job to bankrupt me and lose my son so all that was taken, and more… till now nothing left)…
but thanks… its appreciated…
Neo: After searching for quite some time I have found nothing that answers the question. Patterson himelf is described by Harvard as a “historical and cultural sociologist.”
How awkward —
I would normally expect such an in-your-face response to TPTB to lead to the student’s sudden involuntary decision to leave the program, except that his arguments are, in this case, more likely to generate groveling by the department, which actually has no Power at all.
}}} As late as the early ’60s, a majority of whites openly said they saw blacks as inferior, and now there is an acceptance of equality, at least in their views.
Except this is false. White liberals constantly act as though blacks are inferior, the classic “soft bigotry of low expectations”.
It is “racist” to claim, or argue, that blacks need to be held to the same standards of civil behavior that whites, and others, are held to.
It is “racist” to claim, or argue, that blacks are just as capable of seeing to their own well-being if forced to do so just as everyone else is.
An obvious example of this is the video of Berkeley whites’ opinions of black peoples’ ability to get Voter IDs.
Each and every one of these white liberal assholes thinks black people can’t do basic things which everyone else in our society has as a basic requirement for the very act of living and working in our society.
white, black, makes no difference. Humanity is contaminated and enslaved to the Matrix.