Home » The greatest Pulitzer since Duranty: the 1619 Project


The greatest Pulitzer since Duranty: the 1619 Project — 16 Comments

  1. Communism at its finest…
    Using awards and social things to change the sphere..
    The world of Art was changed much the same way…

    Then again… this was covered by Skousen and we were warned…(warned by many others too)

    Now what?

    Not only have the horses left the barn, but the barn rotted away and the farm has new owners.

    lots of discussion, no action…
    entertaining waste of time

  2. It was last year, I think, that the NYT won a Pulitzer prize for its “deeply sourced” reporting on the Mueller investigation and the Russia hoax, reporting which was just as fictional as this 1619 essay.

  3. As I’ve said elsewhere, the NYT and the Pulitzer have both shot off their feet with a 155mm howitzer. Oh, how the once-mighty have drunk the poison.

  4. The so- called elites are just a bunch of phony back-scratchers.

    Neo should win the prize!

  5. As Kate pointed out, the Times (and the Washington Post) won Pulitzer prizes in 2018 for their reporting on Russia colluding to get Trump elected. That was entirely false: https://www.dailywire.com/news/reminder-wapo-nyt-won-pulitzers-russia-collusion-ashe-schow and now it is even worse: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/michael-flynn-drop-charges-sue-gregg-jarrett and: https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/steele-testifies-he-believes-hillary-clinton-susan-rice

  6. I think it’s important for those who have not succumbed to this propaganda to recognize that an important element of it is racism. The past decade or so has seen the enshrinement of racism against white people as a central value of much of the left. We can’t stop it but it’s important to keep our heads clear about what’s going on.

  7. Of course it’s been a trend for decades, since the ’60s at least. But it really metastasized in recent years.

  8. Have beliefs become a Class marker? Elites have always been obsessed with Class identification, and according to Rob Henderson they have replaced material things with beliefs as class markers. If you are so well off that your beliefs don’t have to have any connection to reality you can virtue and class signal via your beliefs and feel that great sense of being among those at the top.


  9. There is substantial hard evidence that racial distinctions the 1619 Project is premised on have no empirical foundation. They are social constructs based on superficial appearance.

    Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning.

    Of course, hard evidence is one thing, enjoying grievance tingles is another.

  10. “Nikole Hannah-Jones: The lead writer on the 1619 Project says the United States’ founding ideals of equality and liberty, expressed in the Declaration of Independence, were a “lie” to the founders who birthed them, but ultimately realized by African Americans who embraced and fought for them, largely alone.”

    Largely alone? If it weren’t for white people (abolitionists) we’d still have slavery, or at least Jim Crow.

  11. That’s what the dinner table is for: “The teacher said WHAT?”.

  12. Well, with the USSR dead and gone, where else would Amerika’s finest comrades find educational materials to create their own Young Pioneers, eh? Somebody has to do it, and the New York Times & Pulitzer are there for them! (They’d go with PRC’s “Red Guard” material but at the moment that would be inconvenient.)

  13. Richard Aubrey on May 6, 2020 at 4:14 pm said:
    That’s what the dinner table is for: “The teacher said WHAT?”.
    * * *
    Indeed. But most parents never hear what the teachers are saying, although that could be for lack of asking.
    While I acknowledge the hardships caused by closing the schools, it may be the best thing that ever happened to some kids — if their parents are monitoring their online classes and homework.

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