Home » The flexible opinions of the left


The flexible opinions of the left — 15 Comments

  1. The most infuriating part of this is that no one is supposed to notice. If you call them out on it, they just say Obama is president anymore Trump is!

  2. I’ve noticed this, too.

    For some reason, the people who usually resent the elderly the most and who want to deny them the vote are now obsessed with helping the elderly. Fascinating.

  3. “For some reason, the people who usually resent the elderly the most and who want to deny them the vote are now obsessed with helping the elderly. Fascinating. ”

    Likewise, those who have seemed the most concerned with overpopulation are the same ones who are raising the most ruckus about the death rate. As you say…fascinating.
    Are they totally unaware? or so oblivious to their contradicting positions that they don’t see the contradictions? or just so completely immoral that they don’t care – any position works if it gives them the upper hand.

  4. On the subject of flexible leftist opinion Benny Gantz has blown up his Blue and White Party to enter his faction of it, Israel Resilience, into a unity government with Bibi and Likud (and allies). Gantz takes both the Speakership of the Knesset and the Defense portfolio while Bibi remains PM for a period to come. Some sort of alternating PM arrangement has been worked out, it seems. Gantz’s former allies, Lapid and Ya’alon and their parties go into the opposition, keeping the Blue and White name.

    Finally Israel has a semi-stable government with which to take aim at fighting Wuhan Virus (among other enemies). Hope it works out for the better.


  5. sdferr:

    That sounds like good news from Israel. Surprising, too. I thought Gantz would resist to the bitter bitter end.

  6. The answer changes to either benefit their own, or hurt their opposition, validity was sacrificed long ago with new math, gender, etc..

  7. It does seem good news. I think Gantz was simply in a cul-de-sac from which there were no alternatives of exit but alliance with Likud. Bad news that he put himself there to begin with though, showing a grave deficit of political judgement, so not exactly what the polity wants in an executive.

  8. Artfldgr on March 26, 2020 at 7:44 pm said:
    The answer changes to either benefit their own, or hurt their opposition, validity was sacrificed long ago with new math, gender, etc..
    * * *
    Some pundit said much the same thing (Jonah Goldberg at NR?), roughly, “The Left doesn’t have double principles, it only has one principle: whatever advances its power.”
    Can’t find that quote, of course, so here are some others:

    Dennis Prager, 2019:
    But the biggest reason I never believed the Russian collusion charge was that the charge emanated from the left. And the left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it.


    Kurt Schlichter, 2017:
    You wonder why the left is now justifying violence? Because they think that helps them right now. Today it’s suddenly OK to punch a “Nazi.” But the punchline is that anyone who opposes them is a “Nazi.”

    You wonder why they ignore the rule of law, why they could switch on a dime from screaming at Trump for refusing to preemptively legitimize a Hillary win and then scream that he is illegitimate the moment she lost? Because their only principle is what helps the left win today. That’s why the media gleefully, happily lies every single day about every single thing it reports. Objectivity? When that stopped being a useful thing, it stopped being a thing at all.

  9. If the choice is me or my children/spouses or my grandchildren, please God let it be me.

    They, or any other young adult or child, deserve to have a future. I probably don’t have more than a decade or two at the most anyway.

  10. Weird, really. The left usually wants the elderly to die because the elderly tend to not vote for them…

    But I guess Orange Man Bad trumps even that (yes, I know, couldn’t resist).

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