How Roger Scruton became a conservative
[Hat tip: AesopFan]
This 2003 article by Roger Scruton is extremely well worth reading.
One depressing thing about it, though – in addition to the fact that its author has recently died – is that the complete leftist domination it describes in British universities of many years ago has now wholly taken over American universities as well.
As one who has read many (by no means all; he was extremely prolific) of the brilliant Sir Roger’s books, I would especially recommend the following for a beginner: Fools, Frauds and Firebrands (leftist intellectuals), How To Be a Conservative, and the excellent novel The Disappeared. As for the many fine videos available on Youtube, I suggest his talk on aesthetics and beauty, as well as two recent conversations, one with Douglas Murray and one with Christina Hoff Sommers.
Here is another video of him with Jordan Peterson.
It showcases Scruton’s very dry English wit, which I adored.
Thank you for the 2003 essay link neo. A pleasure and a help it is to spend time with Roger Scruton, even (perhaps intensified) now he is gone, so to selfishly keep him to abide with us longer yet.
Thanks to you posters who referred to Roger Scruton’s writings and videos. He remains one of my favorite sources of info, along with Thomas Sowell.
“Law is constrained at every point by reality, and utopian visions have no place in it. Moreover the common law of England is proof that there is a real distinction between legitimate and illegitimate power, that power can exist without oppression, and that authority is a living force in human conduct. English law, I discovered, is the answer to Foucault.” – Scruton
Alas, I fear that he lived to see the day when even the law (at least, as determined by some judges) has become untethered from reality.
Grammar will not let us alone!
“The literature of left-wing political science is a literature of conflict, in which the main variables are those identified by Lenin: “Kto? Kogo?”—“Who? Whom?” ” – Scruton
..but what a pleasure to read something so well written, as well as perceptive.
Very much in the same vein as Scruton’s observations.
An interesting possibility that the “Rising Generation” may be conservatives in the making.
He doesn’t think they will become Republicans, because of life-long indoctrination (and even some conservatives don’t think the GOP is conservative), but if / when the parties realign or a third / fourth party emerges, they might actually be closer to the kind of conservative Scruton was.