The UK votes today
And the issues are big: Brexit, as well as whether the radical leftist Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will get to be its leader, or whether it will be Brexit-intent Boris Johnson.
UPDATE 7:25 PM: So far it’s looking good for Brexit and Boris.
Fingers crossed. And toes. If Labor wins this on the back of anti-semitism and the death of “Great” Britain . . .
Labour is highly unlikely to win. The danger is that the Cons could be the biggest party but not a majority. Then BrExit remains blocked and the will of the people thwarted
Daily Mail says polls close at 10:00pm, 1hr15mins from now. “Too close to call”, says their headline.
Daily Mail says polls close at 10:00pm, 1hr15mins from now. “Too close to call”, says their headline.
Unless public opinion surveys are absolutely cockeyed, Labour will not win a plurality. The question at hand is will the Conservatives and Ulster Unionists cadge enough seats to prevent the remoaners in the Conservative Party from continuing to engage in their sabotage.
Prediction: Conservative majority
This headline from Daily Mail earlier in the day. Focus on the latter part. “Did the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg break the LAW? Electoral Commission indicates reporter may have flouted election rules by saying postal votes painted a ‘grim’ picture for Labour live on air”
Exit poll has a landslide. Majority of 86.
BBC exit poll forecast
Con 368
Labour 191
SNP 55
do they allow absentee ballots in UK? the left wins if such good for nothing but voter fraud tool of election is allowed to be used.
Given this sad sad turn of events I am going to boycott this page with my own Neoexit: à bas! the Belgian Euroweenie neo page! She’s a stealth remainer!
This is a wow: “Conservatives win Blyth Valley for first time ever”:
Yay, looking good!
On Blythe Valley the near history says the numbers are: “which fell to the Tories by 712 votes. Labour won the seat by 7,915 votes in 2017. ”
Which is a reversal/gain of almost 9,000 votes.
Clicking about on twitter, it seems the losers are calling Boris Johnson racist, homophobic, sexist, and ageist. It all sounds so familiar 😉 The left is truly international in their lunacy.
BBC is predicting a 50 seat majority for the Conservatives. Comfortable, from 650.
Likely a Brexit law before Christmas.
No mention of socialist Venezuela, and its catastrophe — but the Labour voters like the free benefits promised by Labour. Many Leave voters like the big spending too, but want out of the EU more (at this point).
I’m now feeling the conservatives won in the UK; in 2020 the Christian Democrats will get into Parliament in Slovakia; Trump will win re-election AND Reps will win the House, keep the Senate.
Brexit dominates economy.
Horowitz real news dominates sham impeachment, Russian Hoax, and Dem media Fake News. (3am – just about bedtime)
It’s amazing how many “too close to call” calls there were going in. I think even the Telegraph rolled that way.
I saw those “big lines at the polls” photos and felt confident of a Conservative victory. That just seems to be the vector sum of forces these days.
As people learn to lie the polls will become even more useless.
Clicking around on the Guardian election results page, it looks like the Brexit Party split the Leave vote pretty much everywhere it stood, handing that seat to Labour. Would have been better if they had just called it a day.
Or rather, the lack of the Jewish vote.
There have been several stories out recently predicting that.
via PowerLine
Michael Doran’s powerful indictment in a long Twitter thread unrolled here
followed by:
“Funny how a country is only considered “bitterly divided” only when the left loses an election.
Also starting to see some leftist spin that the result was mostly about Brexit, and less to do with the disaster that is Jeremy Corbyn. Oh please, I hope they stick with this!
UPDATE 2: The Pound Sterling is soaring on the news.”
When it comes to covering Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism, mainstream outlets are having a hard time telling the truth
By James Kirchick
“Progressive Jews and their allies find themselves in a trap: The more they call out the anti-Jewish bigotry in their midst, the more they are condemned as special-pleaders, “neocons,” and deviationist wreckers. Some choose the easier path and remain silent, a tiny group of insecure sycophants assist the anti-Semites in the pathetically unrealistic hope they alone might be spared once the revolution comes. “It’s one of my biggest worries,” a co-founder of Jews Against Boris admits to Mueller. “That Labour will lose and everyone will blame the Jews.” Even some of Corbyn’s own Jewish enablers tacitly acknowledge the party’s institutional anti-Semitism. Why can’t our leading newspapers do the same?”