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The human/monkey chimera — 18 Comments

  1. Weve been making them for ages… some people are also chimeric

    ie. what you dont know will scare the crap out of you once you find out…

    ignorance is bliss..

    putting stem cells into them is not anything to worry about..
    nor are other mixes… they dont explain the science well
    however since i work in this area (in a way), you can buy all kinds of chimera for study

    you can even see articles that sound like no one did this before.
    Japanese Scientists Plan to Create Human-Mouse Hybrids. Here’s How.

    easy to screw with people who dont want to learn and so on.. or miss the info!!!

    A research group from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York has generated a human-mouse chimera. They took immature glial cells from human fetuses obtained at abortion and injected them into mouse pups. The transplanted human cells survived, migrated, differentiated into glial cells with the same aspect as human astrocytes and gradually they took over space, occupying an important part of the volume normally filled by the own mouse astrocytes. It resulted in widespread glial cells engraftment throughout the brain and spinal cord, with infiltration and chimerization of the forebrain, brainstem, and cerebellum, and ultimately the spinal cord and roots.

    not a problem..

    but what IS a problem is whats happening thanks to the dems and their giving away key IP to CHINA..

    forget human money chimera…

    how about human monkey genetics merging?
    ie. turn on and turn off and change specific genes in a monkey using human for templates… this wont be a chimera, this will be an augmented creature… and even more interesting… done in the germline… it will breed..

    but no.. thats not the biggie..

    the biggie is that using a few tools (crispr) you can rewrite the code at the pre fetal level… ie. the germline…

    and china is now doing that to make super people..

    now… explain why not? there is no such thing as morals, is there?

    now… explain how the dems faciliatated this with help, by transferring technolgoy from a country with morals that forbids and makes it illegal and a country that would do it regardless?

    ‘We as a species need to come to terms’ with CRISPR technology as China awaits birth of third genetically modified baby

    and more… Russia is trying to put Ebola and Marburg together
    told you that one a while back, but takes man monkey chimera to get your attention?

    my chip was to go through genetics faster… but was stolen (and we think its in china now… )… and since i am a whit cis male, they dont want anything from me… waiting for someone else…. but if you guys knew, you would not only be furious, but scared crapless.

  2. Michael Crichton wrote an entire cautionary tale about the moral, and existential hazards associated with genetic engineering called ‘Jurassic Park.’

    Then, Steven Spielberg filleted it down to a matinee popcorn muncher for children infatuated with dinosaurs. It grossed a billion dollars worldwide, although Spielberg forbid his own (young) children to see it because of ‘inappropriate subject matter.’

  3. ???????????
    “Biological substance preparation”
    the Soviet Union’s major biological warfare agency from the 1970s on. It was a vast, ostensibly civilian, network of secret laboratories, each of which focused on a different deadly bioagent. Its 30,000 employees researched and produced pathogenic weapons for use in a major war.

    if the above didnt scare you into paying attention to this stuff…
    why does chimeric monkey? in fact, its just stem cell not even a merger.

    what do you think a chimeric money will do that a combination of ebola and marburg would not be worse?

    Remember that excaped anthrax that led to a disnformation campaign that the US created aids and anthrax? well that was biopreparat..

    In April 1979, a major outbreak of pulmonary anthrax in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) caused the deaths of 105 or more Soviet citizens. Sverdlovsk contained a Biopreparat facility. The Soviet Union attempted to cover up reports of the incident, but details leaked out to the West in 1980 when the German newspaper Bild Zeitung carried a story about the incident. Moscow described allegations that the epidemic was an accident at a biological warfare facility as “slanderous propaganda” and insisted the anthrax outbreak had been caused by tainted meat.

    they were in violation of the treaties.. yuo know, like the 8 peace treaties they had with the baltics before they invaded.

    The first senior Soviet biological weapons engineer to defect to the West was Vladimir Pasechnik (1937–2001) who alerted Western intelligence in 1989 to the vast scope of Moscow’s clandestine program.

    now we dont care… do we?

    Pasechnik’s revelations that the program was much greater in scope than previously suspected were confirmed in 1992 with the defection to the United States of Colonel Kanatjan Alibekov (b. 1950), the First Deputy Director of Biopreparat. Alibekov (now known as Ken Alibek) held his role in Biopreparat from 1988 to 1992. He claimed that development of new strains of genetically engineered weapons was still continuing.

    of course… just like Kamera is still around too…
    Biopreparat was a system of 18, nominally civilian, research laboratories and centers scattered chiefly around European Russia

    now… note that they didnt make roundup.. they didnt cure cancer..
    no.. when they got the genetics and such, after trashing it, they did this
    a small army of scientists and technicians developed biological weapons such as anthrax, Ebola, Marburg virus, plague, Q fever, Junin virus, glanders, and smallpox. It was the largest producer of weaponized anthrax in the Soviet Union and was a leader in the development of new bioweapons technologies.

    What do you think china is doing? it never fell, it never was interupted…

    Pathogens that were successfully weaponized by the organization included (in order of completion):

    Bubonic plague
    Venezuelan equine encephalitis
    Marburg virus (believed to be under development as of 1992)
    Machupo virus (believed to be under development as of 1992)
    Veepox (hybrid of Venezuelan equine encephalitis with smallpox)
    Ebolapox (hybrid of ebola with smallpox)

    so you can see that cooperating tends to have 2ndary reasons..
    like the bikes in ny are now going to push eveyrone into congestion pricing
    thas pretend to represent them, then fleece them.. a sovietism of action

    oh… you will LOVE what the implications of hillaries radiation deal destroyed!!!

  4. oh and Popov? wowsers

    Popov worked at Vector from 1976 to 1986 and at Obolensk from 1986 until 1992. His work included “designer” bio-agents that would cause the symptoms of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, in which a victim’s auto-immune system attacks its own body. His team inserted genes into viruses to make protein fragments of myelin (the sheathing around nerves). Victims that became infected would develop multiple sclerosis, a degenerative disease of the nervous system. By splicing myelin into Legionella (Legionnaires’ disease), they also created an agent that caused brain damage, paralysis and death. The recombinant Legionella was very infectious and lethal with only a few cells causing disease.

    At Oblensk, Popov and his team spliced the diphtheria toxin gene into the plague bacterium, thus creating a highly virulent and deadly strain.

  5. The Nazis created a team of genetically-modified gorillas called the G-Unit that was sent to attack the continental US. Although the ultimate fate of the G-Unit is unknown, the prevailing opinion is that the U-boat transporting it went down in the Atlantic somewhere off the coast of New Jersey in 1942.

  6. here is a bit of public info on the concepts from MIT

    The Knowledge
    Biotechnology’s advance could give malefactors the ability to manipulate life processes – and even affect human behavior. – Mar 1, 2006


    His career has been unusual by any standards. As a student in his native city of Novosibirsk, Siberia’s capital, preparing his thesis on DNA synthesis, he read the latest English-language publications on the new molecular biology. After submitting his doctorate in 1976, he joined Biopreparat, the Soviet pharmaceutical agency that secretly developed biological weapons. There, he rose to become a department head in a comprehensive program to genetically engineer biological weapons. When the program was founded in the 1970s, its goal was to enhance classical agents of biological warfare for heightened pathogenicity and resistance to antibiotics; by the 1980s, it was creating new species of designer pathogens that would induce entirely novel symptoms in their victims.

    Popov: “I possessed state secrets, so I could not travel abroad without a special decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. A special legend, essentially, that I was an ordinary scientist, was developed for me.”

    “When I came to Texas, I decided to forget everything,” Popov told me. “For seven years I did that. Now it’s different. It’s not because I like talking about it. But I see every day in publications that nobody knows what was done in the Soviet Union and how important that work was.”

    yeah.. they know so little they think a chimeric is an issue..
    i tried to inform… but you guys dont want the basic information unless you find it
    neo lets the conversations die, and no one is curious… till monkey chimera?

    It wasn’t only that Popov’s audience in the high-ceilinged chamber of a Senate office building found the Soviets’ ingenious applications of biological science morally repugnant and technically abstruse. Rather, what Popov said lay so far outside current arguments about biodefense that he sounded as if he had come from another planet.
    They matter because the Russians’ achievements tell us what is possible. At least some of what the Soviet bioweaponeers did with difficulty and expense can now be done easily and cheaply. And all of what they accomplished can be duplicated with time and money. We live in a world where gene-sequencing equipment bought secondhand on eBay and unregulated biological material delivered in a FedEx package provide the means to create biological weapons.

    did you know we have bio experimenters using their own labs that do this kind of thing? some of them even experiment on themselves? an underground genetics lab subculture!!!!!!!!

    The report concludes, “Sooner or later, it is reasonable to expect the appearance of “bio-hackers.’”

    and today we have them…

    In 2002, after all, a group of researchers built a functioning polio virus, using a genetic sequence off the Internet and mail-order oligonucleotides
    December 2004, with the announcement of a high-throughput DNA synthesizer that could reproduce smallpox’s 186,000-odd bases in 13 runs.

    [you could also dig people up… ]

    its 2019 now…

    One of its passages described how, in 1989, Alibek and other Soviet bosses had attended a presentation by an unnamed “young scientist” from Biopreparat’s bacterial-research complex at Obolensk, south of Moscow. Following this presentation, Alibek wrote, “the room was absolutely silent. We all recognized the implications of what the scientist had achieved. A new class of weapons had been found. For the first time, we would be capable of producing weapons based on chemical substances produced naturally by the human body. They could damage the nervous system, alter moods, trigger psychological changes, and even kill.”

    the future is NOW…

    When Popov read that, I asked him, had he recognized the “young scientist?” “Yes,” he replied. “That was me.”

    The “new class of weapons” that Alibek describes Popov’s creating in Biohazard is a case in point. Into a relatively innocuous bacterium responsible for a low-mortality pneumonia, Legionella pneumophila, Popov and his researchers spliced mammalian DNA that expressed fragments of myelin protein, the electrically insulating fatty layer that sheathes our neurons.

    In test animals, the pneumonia infection came and went, but the myelin fragments borne by the recombinant Legionella goaded the animals’ immune systems to read their own natural myelin as pathogenic and to attack it. Brain damage, paralysis, and nearly 100 percent mortality resulted: Popov had created a biological weapon that in effect triggered rapid multiple sclerosis. (Popov’s claims can be corroborated: in recent years, scientists researching treatments for MS have employed similar methods on test animals with similar results.)

    human testing happens as well…

    Nothing like catching a cold and dying of multiple sclerosis in a few years

    by 2030, you will be AMAZED… cause by then what you dont know, you will…

  7. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613277/chinese-scientists-have-put-human-brain-genes-in-monkeysand-yes-they-may-be-smarter/

    Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys—and yes, they may be smarter

    The last paragraph:

    “In an e-mail, Su agreed that the small number of animals was a limitation. He says he has a solution, though. He is making more of the monkeys and is also testing new brain evolution genes. One that he has his eye on is SRGAP2C, a DNA variant that arose about two million years ago, just when Australopithecus was ceding the African savannah to early humans. That gene has been dubbed the “humanity switch” and the “missing genetic link” for its likely role in the emergence of human intelligence.

    Su says he’s been adding it to monkeys, but that it’s too soon to say what the results are.

  8. Using monkeys is just a detour (besides, PETA would go nuts with this). How about creating humans without a brain but with the organs.

  9. Human-animal chimeras… created for the express purpose of organ harvesting. Hitler would approve. For once I find myself in agreement with PETA’s probable POV on this issue.

    Some things are so wrong that only the morally irredeemable could embrace them.

  10. The thing about technology… it is like Pandora’s Box. Once you open the box, you can never undo it. You just have to learn to live with the good and the bad. You can’t just ignore it.

  11. I agree with Kate. It is profoundly immoral to experiment with human embryos. There is sanctity of life that is often ignored, especially in the early stages of life, across the world. I have no faith that China, with its forced abortion and gulag of organ harvesting of undesirables will restrain itself in this new area.
    I do wonder how human scientific knowledge has so compounded over the centuries, yet the moral aspects have scarcely changed in over 3000 years. We can fly from NY to Cairo in a few hours, yet Moses dealt with moral problems with more acumen than we have today.

  12. Next wave transgender/homosexual (e.g. social indoctrination of prepubescent children), neosexual (e.g. conversion therapy for prepubescent children), etc. … it’s a social issue. Pedophilia is also trending, as age is just an illusion, and discrimination progressed with establishment of the Pro-Choice quasi-moral/ethical “church” (synagogue, mosque, temple, chamber, etc). I suppose we should indulge liberal license until it forces a dysfunctional convergence, then the “golden age” will begin anew, again, and again, and again. That said, we live in euphemistic times.

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