Home » Antifa assaults journalist in Portland


Antifa assaults journalist in Portland — 57 Comments

  1. The forces of the Left have been stepping up their assaults–verbal and increasingly physical–on anyone who disagrees with them or who doesn’t toe thier line.

    It seems as if sometime pretty soon we are going to see the Red Guards of today’s left–ANTIFA or some other group or individual–permanently disable or kill someone.

    To make some sense of this progression, here is a quote from the Richard Fernandez article linked below from Robespierre–

    Says Fernandez, “As Robespierre put it, virtuous men have no choice but to employ any means necessary”:

    To quote Robespierre directly, “If the basis of popular government in peacetime is virtue, the basis of popular government during a revolution is both virtue and terror; virtue, without which terror is baneful; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing more than speedy, severe and inflexible justice; it is thus an emanation of virtue; it is less a principle in itself, than a consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing needs of the patrie. ”

    See https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/andy-ngo/

  2. The mayor of Portland supports Antifa, or at least condones the group.

    If the authorities do not shut down these Nazis, their increasingly violent actions will provoke counter violence from normally peaceful citizens.

    Remind me who said he would bring a gun to a knife fight.

  3. Unfortunately, if a person brought a gun to this type of protest and used it to protect themselves, the police would be quickly there to arrest the gun owner.

  4. Actually, I think it was very effective.

    You just have to remember what the intended effect was.

    The intended effect was to silence the moderate bourgeoisie through intimidation of those who publicly give voice to their anti-revolution attitudes, pour encourager les autres.

    This was achieved by largely-unspoken coordination between the leftists in state and local office, their party’s armed wing in the streets, and the mainstream news media.

    To wit:
    Officeholders: Armed Wing, if you send one of theirs to the hospital, we don’t stop you and we slow-walk the prosecution, minimizing its impact through prosecutorial discretion. If they send one of yours to the hospital, we call them terrorists, send in the troops, and prosecute them for attempted homicide, hate crimes, jaywalking, and whatever the hell else we can think up. We can’t say any of that publicly, but watch how we respond and you’ll know we’ve got your back.

    Armed Wing: Officeholders, if you give us air cover, we’ll ensure that nobody dares to write articles that threaten your reelection. If some righty gets uppity, we’ll f*** him up good. If they try to meet our force with force — however unlikely that is for a bunch of parents and grandparents with good jobs they want to keep — we’ll whip out our designated victim with helpfully-dark skin to paint them as a racist mob. If one of ours gets shot while trying to beat a shopowner with a crowbar, we’ll let you turn it into a show trial to campaign on.

    Mainstream News Media: And since all of the above relies on not losing control of the narrative, we’re there to control the narrative. The Armed Wing will always look like the Guardian Angels and the Officeholders will always look like dutiful public servants responding in a measured way to crises provoked by the other side.

    Keep in mind: This has been the pattern for years. How long have conservatives been complaining that that was the pattern? I assure you, the left was aware that “this is how things are done” years before conservatives belatedly started saying, “Hey, waitaminute….”

  5. Here is video of another two assaults yesterday, one on an elderly whitehaired fellow already in progress as the video begins, the other on a large redbearded man who comes to the aid of the first guy.


    This is the large redbearded guy in the hospital: https://mobile.twitter.com/Rambobiggs/status/1145443844785352706

    Yet a third assault was captured on video (This took place earlier than the dual assault linked just above.). Again the redheaded guy (Adam Kelly) came to the aid of a man under assault as the video begins: https://mobile.twitter.com/stillgray/status/1145568188291112960

  6. Officeholders: Armed Wing, if you send one of theirs to the hospital, we don’t stop you and we slow-walk the prosecution, minimizing its impact through prosecutorial discretion. If they send one of yours to the hospital, we call them terrorists, send in the troops, and prosecute them for attempted homicide, hate crimes, jaywalking, and whatever the hell else we can think up. We can’t say any of that publicly, but watch how we respond and you’ll know we’ve got your back.

    If the Department of Justice weren’t in a continual state of mutiny, and if Democratic appointees in the federal judiciary were not complicit, you could prosecute the office-holders and the antifa creeps for civil rights violations.

  7. I think it would be appropriate if the DOJ or DO-Commerce declare Portland unsafe for tourism travel.

  8. IIRC in 2016/2017 there was an incident in Portland where a local blogger/journalist/videographer was filming an Antifa “protest” and got surrounded by the menacing crowd. He drew a pistol and they backed off and called the cops on him. He was arrested and convicted of “menacing” or some such charge. There is video on the Youtube of the incident. Free reign for Antifa has been the law enforcement policy in Portland for years now it seems.

    If it weren’t for appointments at OHSU ever other year I would never go back there.

  9. Yeah so, https://www.foxnews.com/us/ex-professor-accused-of-hitting-trump-supporters-with-bike-lock-at-free-speech-rally-in-berkeley-gets-probation

    Yeah well what the hell … hitting someone in the head with a bike lock. Not really much of a assault.

    Some may recall the pattern from the Treyvon Martin/ Zimmerman encounter.

    Zimmerman is initially portrayed in a CBS graphic as gunning down a child at a distance, while the child holds candy.

    Zimmerman is next accused of racially profiling and tracking Martin down, and then shooting him during a verbal exchange.

    After the timeline and the testimony of Martin’s “girlfriend” reveal that Martin had made it home and only then returned to confront Zimmerman, Zimmerman was accused of shooting an unarmed man

    When it was revealed that Martin was shot from beneath by Zimmerman, after Treyvon had sucker punched Zimmerman to the ground, mounted the prostrate Zimmerman, and had begun pounding his head on the pavement, the left argued that initiating violence was an appropriate response on Treyvon’s part because Zimmerman had earlier somehow gotten in “Treyvon’s space”; and that Zimmerman should have taken the battering “like a man”.

    And when video appeared of Zimmerman with a bloodied scalp, the mainstream media did what it could to obscure the images of a bloodied and battered Zimmerman.

    Does anyone anywhere imagine that these media miscreants care either about non-violence or justice?

  10. Remind me who said he would bring a gun to a knife fight. –Edward

    I’m not sure who said he would bring a gun to a knife fight, but when Sean Connery sneered at a mafia hood for bringing knife to a gun fight, Connery was killed for bringing a revolver to a machine gun fight.

  11. To prove my point about escalation–check out the deep head wounds dealt to another victim in Portland.

    As someone who has worked in an Emergency Room, and sewn up a few people, these wounds look pretty deep, and I’d worry about a fractured skull, or even some kind of brain damage.

    As I wrote on another thread here recently–

    “It seems to me that many psychopaths will latch on to whatever ideology will allow them to play out their violent, vicious fantasies while justifying them; an ideology or movement that enables them to convince themselves that they are not evil but are, in fact, doing what they do for a righteous cause, or for the betterment of their fellow men.”

    See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/portland-antifa-unmasked-antifa-thug-who-beat-man-with-metal-pipe-left-huge-bloody-gashes-on-his-head-has-been-identified/

  12. “When it was revealed that Martin was shot from beneath by Zimmerman, after Treyvon had sucker punched Zimmerman to the ground, mounted the prostrate Zimmerman, and had begun pounding his head on the pavement, the left argued that initiating violence was an appropriate response on Treyvon’s part because Zimmerman had earlier somehow gotten in “Treyvon’s space”; and that Zimmerman should have taken the battering “like a man”.”

    I remember at that time I was frequenting another forum where I saw it literally develop from seemingly nowhere the twin ideas that it was perfectly reasonable to violently assault someone for “following” or “looking at you” or any other behavior (including breathing, existing, walking down the wrong street) deemed offensive by the one doing the assaulting; yet it was “guns=bad!!!!” if, in the middle of being violently assaulted the person being assaulted for such reasons uses a gun in self defense. It was really a really bizarre experience; it was as if multiple people showed up at the forum working as a group to establish these ideas and shut down any debate to the contrary.

    These are not traditional, middle class US values; in a very long time of online debate, I had not encountered serious attempts to justify these behaviors. The fact that assaulting people is a felony was literally meaningless to these people.

  13. Edward: (1) I was having fun. (2) Obama didn’t say “he would bring a gun to a knife fight.” Strictly speaking, he said:

    They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy.’ If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.

  14. neo,

    There were a number of police at the demonstrations. They just refused to do their job almost certainly because they are acting under guidelines to not interfere with antifa.

  15. You are correct, Huxley. Thank you for the correction.

    I just wonder how long this will go on before the Normals get fed up and respond in kind.

  16. That is what Democratic Socialism looks like.

    Or Kiev, after backing the opening of abortion zones, when our interests fell short of democracy.

  17. Huxley:

    And of course who can forget the New Black Panther Party polling place observers (one with nightsticks) in Philadelphia in 2008. BHO set the tone for things that followed, now it is just common place is some places (Antifa in Portland, SF Bay Area) with suppression of speech and the press. Why would they stop with just voter intimidation?

  18. This, from The [UK] Spectator, my boldface :


    The protest in Portland last night was billed by the organisers as ‘milkshake themed’ and one of the most sinister aspects of the attack is that milkshakes thrown at the event contained quick-drying cement, a chemical substance that can cause serious harm, including severe burns.

  19. The “milkshaking” of Ngo was not some harmless little prank, just a bit of theater.

    It was intended to do Ngo some real additional harm.

    I notice many reports essentially making very light about Ngo being “milk shaked,” with a few going further, and mentioning that it was thought or possible that cement was mixed in with the milkshake, but going no further.

    This coverage making it seem like this cement being added in was–oh, I don’t know–perhaps to make the milkshake mixture more sticky, or harder to wash off or something.

    But they never went further, to explain just why anyone would put cement mix into a milk shake that they intended to throw on somebody.

    The reason is much more diabolical than just increasing the stickiness of the milk shake solution, because when you add cement to a liquid, and it starts to dry, it sets up an “exothermic reaction” i.e. it starts to generate a lot of heat.

    So, Ngo’s assailants wanted this liquid to irritate and to burn Ngo’s skin.

    Who knows what would have happened if some of this milkshake-cement mixture had gotten into Ngo’s eyes?

  20. Portland.

    This really should be in the earlier discussion about the doofus who yapped that “we are five days from fundamentally transforming America” (more-or-less); but still, Portland.

    On 5/18/08 the Sith held the infamous rally in Portland, speaking to an audience of some 72,000 per the Portland Fire Department.

    The band was a local one, “The Decemberists” [sic], which some believe may have been the draw for many in the audience. Whether or no, the Disuniter decided it would be just the thing for the band to open the event by playing the “Internationale” rather than some ditty about star-spangled banners.

  21. What a draw for people looking for a place to move to, and a safe and friendly place to spend their tourist dollars, a tourist destination–people living on the streets, spreading encampments of the homeless, trash, needles, and feces in the streets and, to top it off, an active infestation by ANTIFA.

    It appears that the Leftist mayor of Portland is a supporter of ANTIFA, and has held the police back from enforcing the law against these violent masked thugs, just let them run wild.

    As the Internet encourages penalty free intimidation, outrageous, and vicious behavior, wearing a mask–concealing your face–encourages exactly the same thing, plus physical violence.

    If this mayor were actually interested in trying to protect the citizens of his city, the first thing he would do would be to outlaw the wearing of any covering of the face in public, and to enact or increase penalties for anyone doing so during the commission of a crime.

    Then, he’d start to enforce the criminal law, and arrest those people who inflict violence on others, especially members of ANTIFA.

    But, apparently he won’t, and residents will start to move away, and potential tourists just not come to his fair city.

  22. A writer at one of the large dailies suggested hydrochloric acid as a “Milkshake.”

    I would carry an icepick but I am not likely to go there,

  23. Snow on Pine on July 1, 2019 at 9:56 pm said:
    …residents will start to move away, and potential tourists just not come to his fair city.
    * * *
    .. and it will all be Trump’s fault somehow.

  24. David French says we need anti-masking laws:

    It was appalling to watch masked Antifa thugs attack Andy Ngo, and it was also appalling that the police weren’t immediately present to arrest his attackers. Antifa’s propensity to violence is well known, and while I’d love to hear a sympathetic explanation for the absence of police, the lack of response looks a lot like a dereliction of duty.

    There is, however, a simple and well-known legal reform that will go a long way towards deterring Antifa violence — even when police aren’t close by, but iPhones are. It’s called an anti-masking law. They’ve long existed in the South as a check on Klan violence, and they not only make it easier for police to immediately identify and arrest criminals, they also allow witnesses to preserve the pictures and videos of violent attackers for later criminal or civil action.


  25. Just saw an interview on Tucker Carlson’s show with Andy Ngo–just out of the hospital after being diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage–he does not look well at all, and his reactions to questions seemed to be quite slow, like he was still somewhat dazed.

    I hope that Ngo will recover with no lasting or permanent damage, and that he will lodge a compliant with the police, press for a thorough investigation, and the arrest of those who viciously assaulted him, and others.

    They may have been masked, but I’m sure a lot of people in Portland know who they are, moreover that these thugs can’t help bragging about their assault to their friends, and on social media.

    So, its very likely that, if the police want to and actually try to identify who these vicious ANTIFA attackers of Ngo were, they can find out; these ANTIFA thugs can very likely be identified.

    However, it seems like a forlorn hope that the police in ANTIFA friendly Portland will track down and arrest the people responsible for this vicious attack.

  26. This seems to me to be a case of denial of Civil Rights, which could invoke the Feds to come in, and to take over the case.

  27. I’ve recently seen them referred to as “Klantifa” …. I’m gonna try to remember that one.

    Still, with “Antifa” running around, it’s almost like Old Home Week in Weimar … except that there are no (National Socialist) Fascists for the (International Socialist) “Anti-Fascists” to rumble with.

    Of course, in Weimar Germany, the “Fascists” and “Anti-Fascists” fighting primarily for market-share in a small market; but in Current Year America, the “Anti-Fascists” have cornered that market, small though it is.

  28. Bussing, IMHO, is the correct spelling. In my first reading of the post above, I was so distracted by the strange spelling that I didn’t capture the meaning of the text.

    I don’t think you should have any worry about the alternate meaning. That usage and meaning is long obsolete. Ask anyone under the age of forty. I think that the last time it was in common spoken usage was the fifties, although it continued to appear in literature until the end of the sixties.

  29. I live in Oregon. We have a serious political divide between Portland and the capital, Salem, and the entire rest of the state. Portland is about as leftist as it gets, yet the rest of the state is rural, and conservative.

    Unfortunately, the Portland greater metropolitan area makes up more than half of the population of the state and completely controls the political agenda. Agriculture and lumber make up 40% of the economy of the state and 90% of the of the geography, yet the demographic majority seems hellbent on destroying both industries.

    The unofficial (could be official…) motto of Portland is “Keep Portland Weird”. They live up to it. In any case, Oregon is a microcosm of the political landscape of America.

  30. Given the MSM’s general response to this attack—and to these thugs, generally—the MSM (with some exceptions) has “progressed” from disgusting to despicable.

    Unfortunately, this is no surprise.

  31. The police Obey Authority. In Chicago, that means getting rid of conservatives, cracking down on things that boost the mayor’s popularity, and giving the green light to activist groups, violent or otherwise.

  32. This is a natural happenstance of fighting an enemy rather than killing an enemy.

    Killing an enemy is a short term achievement and will stop the threat, at least until it returns later.

    Fighting an enemy allows them to convert you, to resist, and to pull out more tricks that get troublesome. Fighting is a waste of time, even in Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

  33. Ann, David French is right, for once. People shouldn’t be out in the streets in masks, barring sub-zero weather, when it’s a safety issue. (I think it’s the same for people out in full Islamist regalia including the face mask. You can’t tell who’s under there, and they might be dangerous. I heard that from Muslim women in Cairo, by the way.) The only problem is that authorities would have to enforce anti-masking laws. There’s no sign they will do that in Portland or other left-wing cities. While they would arrest people in Klan hoods, they consider these Antifa thugs to be “good guys.”

    In the cases of Andy Ngo and the other two men, these were felony assaults with intent to inflict serious bodily harm.

  34. Fascism is often talked about in America, but always lands in Europe? Hahaha. It feels good to think that for Americans that thought they were immune to Russia and Germany’s problems pre Revolution.

    The Good Times are always here just before the Revolution takes it all away.

    And usually the capitalists are dumb enough to sell the rope to the Marxists that the Marxists use to hang the capitalists. Isn’t that right, Google users.

  35. Unfortunately, the Portland greater metropolitan area makes up more than half of the population of the state and completely controls the political agenda.

    The tract development in Multnomah, Clackemas, and Washington Counties had a population of about 1.4 million in 2010, 36% of the state’s. You have a mess of Democrats in the legislature elected from exurban / small town / rural constituencies you could take out.

  36. Art Deco:

    Have you lived in Oregon too? Do you know anything about Oregon politics? Thanks for sharing, it’s been an education.

  37. Look at all this hate and lack of compassion here.

    As I described, GB, the conversion of good to evil and evil to good is already happening. It’s unavoidable so long as you “fight” but do not “kill” the threat.

    Also, there are some defensive measures available for the civilians in the bodyguard world.

    Chainmail is prohibitively expensive (over 2000 USD for a custom fit large one) and not all that practical now a days.


    The Chinese are very good at backwards engineering, especially since knives are used more there than guns.

    Kevlar isn’t effective against stabbing penetration or cutting force of a heavy sword. Nor is it all that effective against armor piercing ammo.

    The better protection allows more offensive tools to be deployed. It goes well for those that have lethal H2H counter attacks. Turtling up and getting stabbed or cut all the time, is not victory.

  38. The better protection is the old medieval gambeson (to soften blunt force trauma), chain mail or leather hardened jerkin (to stop cuts and resist stabs), plus a chainmail under or over plate armor.

    Chainmail protects against cuts and stabbings, but not particularly blunt force trauma. That’s what the gambeson (heavy wool cotton) is for. It also prevents penetration by long range arrows.

    Plate mail is the best due to its deflection qualities against piercing and slashing force, but is negligible vs crushing force.

    A bullet has a combination of cutting, piercing, and crushing damage.

  39. Ymarsakar — for your armory file. I remember reading about experiments using silk “armor” in WW1, it was said to be effective for glancing wounds from bayonet or bullet, but not full-on thrusts or shots. It’s in some book in my library, but I don’t have time to look right now.



    Silk appears in a couple of different eras, but I was surprised to learn this:

    “The British army medical services calculated towards the end of the War, that three quarters of all battle injuries could have been prevented if an effective armor had been issued.”

  40. Ann on July 1, 2019 at 11:42 pm said:
    David French says we need anti-masking laws:

    Kate on July 2, 2019 at 8:02 am said:
    Ann, David French is right, for once.

    * * *
    David may be on the verge of repudiating Frenchism.

    This is also a good report, by Jim Geraghty, which excerpts an older post by Kevin Williamson back when Klantifa (I like it!) started up in Portland:

    “The Oregonian chose the headline, “Portland mayor, police come under fire after right-wing writer attacked at protest” — a classic of the “conservatives pounce” genre. But the story they’re reporting is “gang of masked assailants beat man in park as police watch.” Or perhaps that sort of thing is starting to happen so often in Portland that it no longer qualifies as news.

  41. AesopFan:

    And yet in WWII British tankers persisted wearing berets instead of helmets. How dashing of them (and unnecessarily dead). And then in the Korean war there were stories of Chinese padded clothing being effective armor, against M1 carbine maybe, against 30-06 or .303, not so much. Sorry, but ballistic nylon, Kevlar, Spectra, with or without ceramic plates and such have long past silk in effectiveness IIRC.

  42. You don’t really need masks when the Media to run interference for you. Didn’t take long for this study to be validated by current events, up close and personal.


    Anti-extremism researcher Eoin Lenihan struck a nerve when he published the results of a study showing the links between liberal news outlets and the violent thugs who organize under the name “antifa.” After Lenihan published his report, antifa activists contacted his employers to get him fired and reported him on Twitter, succeeding in shutting down his Twitter account. A reporter with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has disputed part of Lenihan’s story, as noted in an update below.

    Lenihan’s story seems all the more important after Rose City Antifa in Portland beat up Quillette editor Andy Ngo, using milkshakes with quick-dry cement and landing him in the hospital with brain bleed. The anti-extremism researcher told PJ Media, “I am not surprised that Andy has been brutally attacked.” He noted that Rose City Antifa belongs “to the Torch Antifa collective which is a network of Militant Antifa collectives throughout the USA. This means that Rose City Antifa prioritise the use of violence as their primary means of defeating those they deem to be fascist.”

    “…The attack on Ngo “was entirely premeditated and those (many!) journalists downplaying and ridiculing Andy — many of whom were found to have concerning links to Antifa in our recent research — are cheerleaders for Antifa violence.”

    “The most disturbing Tweet — and that is saying something — that I saw was a tweet from SPLC contributor David Neiwert who stated that Andy Ngo ‘invited’ the assault, accusing him of writing an article that was turned into a ‘kill list’ of journalists,” Lenihan noted. “Firstly, it was my article, not Andy’s. And secondly, despite unproven claims of an Atomwaffen ‘kill list’ (nobody is willing to produce the video), in the month since the article was published only one journalist has been beaten — Andy. But facts do not matter to Antifa’s cheerleaders in the media.”

    The two other severly injured men, beaten at a different location, were not journalists. As if that really mattered.

    Lenihan posted the results of his study on Twitter on May 15, and RedState, PJ Media, and Quillette picked up the story a few days later. The anti-extremism researcher appeared on Al Jazeera to speak about the Christchurch Call to Action, an international response to the white supremacist shootings targeting mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The producer said she was proud of his segment.

    Yet Al Jazeera removed the video from YouTube after The Huffington Post’s Luke O’Brien alleged that Lenihan was himself on the far right. Michael Hayden, a reporter at the SPLC, tweeted at Al Jazeera, accusing Lenihan of running an account whose “primary shtick is to mock feminists and immigrants.”

    Hayden was referring to ProgDadTV, a political satire account Lenihan ran from November 2017 to August 2018 and occasionally thereafter
    “…Hayden and O’Brien “contacted an employer and smeared my reputation to poison the well against me, and did so while relying heavily on sources associated with—you guessed it—Antifa,” Lenihan noted. Hayden disputes this claim, as noted in the update below.

    In a far more insidious effort, antifa-connected activists have attempted to erase Lenihan’s credentials as an anti-extremism researcher. Activists first contacted his employers to smear his name, then claimed that the employers and would-be employers never offered him jobs in the first place.

    Right Wing Watch researcher Jared Holt wrote an article for the Columbia Journalism Review, claiming that Lenihan is not an anti-extremism researcher and has “no affiliation with any previously known organization that researches extremism.” The researcher has effectively rebutted these claims, and he sent PJ Media screenshots of emails demonstrating his relationship with many anti-extremism organizations.

    Lenihan was scheduled to speak at the Terrorism and Social Media Conference in Swansea, Wales last week but he was disinvited after a pressure campaign.

    He has a few other job opportunities that remain open and an academic paper “under review” at the journal Social Networks. The journal’s editor has been harassed, but the paper is still being considered.

    The antifa pressure campaign has also cost Lenihan his Twitter account. As previously noted, the ProgDad account was permanently suspended for “targeted harassment” of the white supremacist @LucidHurricaneX. “He had been harassing me for a while and I made a mocking tweet which got me banned. The tweet was very harmless so he must have gamed the report system and claimed that it was homophobic or trans bullying or something like that as it’s not bannable on its own,” the researcher told PJ Media.

    The violence of antifa was on full display this past weekend with the attack against Andy Ngo, but activists have also engaged in smear campaigns to get their critics fired, to erase their critics’ credentials, and to get their critics silenced on social media. Eoin Lenihan will not be the last.


    Michael Hayden, the SPLC reporter, reached out to PJ Media with a statement after publication.

    “I never tried to get this Eoin Lenihan person fired because I didn’t know what his job was or if he even had one,” Hayden told PJ Media. “I only knew him as ‘ProgDad’ until he appeared under his real name

    He also gave PJ Media a statement he had sent to The Post-Millennial after it published Lenihan’s story:

  43. We’re all Andy Ngo now — which will last about as long as the support for Charlie Hebdo, and for the same reasons: The Klantifa, like the Jihadis, really are out to kill you.

    If You Don’t Stand Up for Andy Ngo, You Could Be Next


    Last week, James Fields got life in prison for the 2017 murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. As far as I’m concerned, he got off light. Considering he committed his crime in a death-penalty state, he should consider himself lucky that he gets to live out the rest of his life on the taxpayer’s dime. I would’ve sentenced him to the needle, but I guess that’s because I’m a fascist.

    I don’t know a lot about Heyer’s political views, but I know she didn’t deserve to be hurt or killed for them. Most Americans would agree, or at least I hope so. But a lot of the same people who were rightly outraged by Heyer’s murder are now celebrating another act of political violence.

    This weekend there was yet another Antifa protest in Portland, against whoever those idiots think they’re protesting against, and there was yet more violence. This time the victim was journalist Andy Ngo.

    What you just saw was a pack of privileged white dudes in masks beating up a smaller guy who’s a minority (Ngo is Vietnamese-American) and a member of the LGBTQ community (he’s gay). These cowards punched him and threw things at him in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, because they knew the cops wouldn’t stop them. It might as well be Alabama in the ’50s. The only difference between Antifa and the Klan is fashion.

    But it didn’t stop him from recording what was happening. It didn’t make him do what they wanted. So they escalated. It’s broken windows theory: If you allow people to push the boundaries of acceptable behavior, they’re not going to stop with relatively minor offenses. If they see that they can get away with something small, they’ll try to get away with something bigger. Lawlessness encourages greater lawlessness.

    And on top of the attack itself, now Ngo is dealing with all the alleged “journalists” who are mocking and/or dismissing it. They hate Ngo because he wrote some stories they didn’t like, or he expressed some opinions they think are bad. They say he should’ve known that Antifa, who are considered the good guys by lefty journos,* are feral savages and would turn on him. They say the gay, 5’5″ Asian guy tricked those black-clad heroes into putting him in the hospital because he wanted attention. Any excuse will do for these Democratic Party operatives with press passes.

    Jim Acosta gets a microphone taken away by a female White House aide, and they make a martyr of him. Andy Ngo gets beaten up by a mob of leftists, and they shrug. It all depends on how useful you are to the #Resistance. You will say the things you’re supposed to say, or you’re on your own.

    Political violence is wrong, whether it’s committed by Antifa, or the Proud Boys, or the Daughters of the American Revolution, or whoever loses their minds next. As Richard Fernandez notes, this isn’t going to stop with Andy Ngo. It’s only going to escalate. Once you normalize milkshaking, and spitting on people in restaurants, and standing outside a guy’s house with a bullhorn because he said something on TV that hurt your feelings, that’s not going to be enough anymore. Anyone who refuses to submit, refuses to do what he’s told, will be fair game.

    And they wonder why people want guns.

    He includes a link to a video by Tom Elliott:
    Flashback montage: The media’s history supporting #Antifa, an anti-free press, domestic terror group #AndyNgo

  44. Ymar,

    “The police Obey Authority.”

    That’s true. The police rely upon civilian authority to follow the rule of law. When civilian authority refuses to follow the rule of law, then if the police obey authority, they become supporters of tyranny.

    The only thing preventing the cops from arresting Ngo’s attackers was their fear of antagonizing Portland’s civilian authorities. In allowing that fear to dominate, they became complicit in that attack, and open to charges of dereliction of duty.

    “As I described, GB, the conversion of good to evil and evil to good is already happening. It’s unavoidable so long as you “fight” but do not “kill” the threat.”

    I must have missed where you described examples of “evil to good”… could you do so again or link to it?

    “Fighting an enemy allows them to convert you”

    That’s only true of those who fight absent principles. No way are those who fight for the individual’s right to liberty going to convert to collectivism.

    Those on the right who have refrained from “killing” the threat and limited themselves to fighting the threat have done so in hopes that the union can be saved. Those with eyes to see are aware that the left is pushing America to the point where open conflict erupts. When that does, it will not end well for the Left.

    As Roy points out;

    “Unfortunately, the Portland greater metropolitan area makes up more than half of the population of the state…”

    and Art Deco points out;

    “The tract development in Multnomah, Clackemas, and Washington Counties had a population of about 1.4 million in 2010, 36% of the state’s.”

    Those urban and suburban areas have to import all or nearly all of their water, food, medicines, electrical service and transportation fuels. Disrupting those supplies is easily done. Nor do you need armor to accomplish that disruption. Nor does the left have enough police, deep state operatives and military units to protect those factors from disruption.

    It is because that disruption would kill the innocent as well as the Marxist enemy that we are reluctant in the extreme to go from fighting to killing.

    When the Left presents us with a choice of killing to retain liberty or accepting enslavement/death… then I for one won’t have a problem with putting down the Left’s rabid dogs. And the death of innocents will be upon their heads, not ours.

  45. “Nor does the left have enough police, deep state operatives and military units to protect those factors from disruption.” – Geoffrey

    The usual case of tyrannies is to pick one disruptive group and annihilate it (or close enough) so that others will decide to cease disruption. They might have enough subversives in the above to manage that, since they also have a complicit media to obscure the “protection” actions.

    It was the standard modus operandi for tribes, countries, & warlords up through the Treaty of Westphalia at the earliest, and has never really been in abeyance.
    Look at Hitler’s reprisals against Resistance groups (or even unorganized resisters) and their neighbors (not even supporters), the Soviets during the “unification” period (and arguable through today), and the Vietcong disciplining villages North & South, for recent examples.

    The United States (post Frontier) have been more reluctant to make examples for the encouragement of others (in this case, annihilating Antifa & its ilk, which arguably includes a lot of people not in the streets wearing masks), and only some of them will act governmentally to end the violence of the Left — while some of the States actively support it, and most are bitterly divided.

    Even the States you might expect to crack down on the hoodlums may not make the grade.


  46. Saw a video of Ngo on an interview show today, and his mental state seems to have even further deteriorated–compared with yesterday, he was even slower to answer, with hesitation, and it looked like some difficulty in speech.

    It seems to me that he should still be in the hospital and under constant monitoring and care, not out giving interviews,

    It looks like he has really been damaged, I hope not permanently.

    Those who attacked him–from the video and what Ngo has said, hitting him in the head with armored fists and objects, several attempts to kick at his knees to try to break them, and the caustic “milk shaking” only some of the attacks, and there were apparently others.

    His attackers were really trying to seriously injure if not permanently cripple him, and they may have succeeded.

    His attackers need to be identified, arrested, and charged with attempted maiming, attempt to inflict grave bodily harm, or some such–crimes requiring those found guilty to serve substantial jail time.

  47. I can’t say this enough times.

    It is crystal clear and utterly foreseeable that, unless the civilian authorities and the police they command do their jobs–restore order and protect potential victims, outlaw and prevent violent thugs running around with masks on to conceal their identities, unless these attacks are stopped and stopped cold, unless those ANTIFA or other violent thugs carrying out these attacks are identified, arrested, tried, and convicted, and an end put to this progression of increasingly violent attacks–someone is going to get killed, and it looks like sooner rather than later.

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