Home » Some actual consequences for the doxxing of senators


Some actual consequences for the doxxing of senators — 9 Comments

  1. The problem is that this was just some low level punk not, say, one of the Awan brothers.

    I’m afraid that any prosecutions and jail time for people involved in the whole range of illegal anti-Trump attacks, and Democrat scandals are going to be targeted against a few low level chumps and fall guys, but not against any major players.

  2. Largely agreed. Big shots in the Democratic Party do not get prosecuted unless they do something fairly crude – like have a chest freezer full of bribe money in their basement.

  3. Still progress is progress.

    I take this, the Oberlin damages, the ongoing reversals of Title IX star chamber verdicts against young men, the upcoming Covington lawsuits, the campus freedom of speech efforts and AG William Barr’s investigation of the Mueller investigators as a likely tipping point.

    Things had turn around sometime and it looks like that time has come. Fingers crossed.

  4. He should also be restricted from profiting off of his crimes. Four years is not a long time, particularly for someone so young. When he gets out, he will likely be hailed as a #Resist hero, showered with book deals and speaking engagements. Sure, he’ll be a felon but, once again, that will be be a badge of honor in certain circles.

  5. I wonder—if someone from the MSM had broken into the systems and published the information, would there have been any repercussions?

    I don’t get this. Since the Pentagon Papers, the distinction has been breaking / leaking = crime but disseminating not so much. I can’t recall an instance where the MSM did the actual hacking, but that only makes the case that there is no doubt they’d be prosecuted…that’s why there are no examples.

    So, for example, Putin committed a crime by breaking into the DNC servers…but in order to convict Julian Assange you have to tie him to actual hacking part of the conspiracy.

    Ditto for Roger Stone and Trump Campaign. Meuller could tie them to the latter, but that might not be enough to produce a conviction, even if they knew about the former.

  6. Putin committed a crime by breaking into the DNC servers…

    In your imagination.

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