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Back later — 29 Comments

  1. Mitzva-mobile (Vermont edition)?

    Anyways, here’s something absolutely amazing (yawn) from “The Hill” that the NYT will be launching immediately on Page One, with the headline spanning the entire top of the page!!!:

    (Just kidding…. Actually it’s far more likely that John Solomon will be accused of misogyny, disrespecting our political betters, and lying.)

  2. Anyone taking odds on impeachment?

    I’m still bullish on impeachment, not because I think Democrats are insane (though their base is pulling that way) but because after the various investigations under Barr get going, I don’t think Democrat leaders like Pelosi will have a choice. They will have to mount a counter-offensive (we are already seeing one I believe) and that counter-offensive will best be mounted under the banner of impeachment.

    In a game theory way, at least in the short-term, I would argue that impeachment is their best choice.

  3. The gentlemen look good. The ladies look lovely. Wow, Melania. Definitely the fairer sex. Never lose the feminine touch.

  4. “. . . that impeachment is their best choice.”


    Conditionally, I assume, on their positive refusal to merely make a return to political sanity? Though I have to say the question which is the simpler path — in contradistinction to better — has got to be fraught (from the Dems’ pov) with all manner of uncertainty. That, in turn, couldn’t be happening to a more deserving mass of nominal humanity.

  5. sdferr: Half-a-mo’, mate. I have to get my old PQ horseshoes out to parse that!

  6. sdferr: The problem with Democrats returning to political sanity is that it means sitting still for the DOJ investigations to unveil all the lies and crimes which went into Mueller’s Special Counsel work.

    These won’t be process crimes or vague claims of obstruction. These will be real, tangible crimes with clear criminal intent and the Democrats will be on record as committing these crimes or supporting these crimes. Even if no one ends up in an orange jumpsuit, it will stink to high heaven.

    What are the Democrats going to do? Sit there and take it? I think not.

    Their only real chance is if Barr turns out to be another Swamp Thing or they can get something on him. So far neither option looks realistic.

    But I could be wrong.

  7. To bottom line the above huxley: they’s done got theyselves in one helluva *damned if we do damned if we don’t* sorta fix.

    Or, another way put, they’re rootin’ tootin’ screwed.

  8. Oops, you wrote it up whilst I was dawldling, hux, my bad. Yes yes yes, you have it exact there.

  9. Actually, sanity is their best choice.

    But it ain’t gonna happen…

    …since they proudly define their particular brand of insanity is as their “patriotic duty” or their “responsibility to the American people” or the “legal necessity that has been thrust upon them”, which “they dare not shirk”, etc., etc.)…

    And the more hysterical, the more perverse, they more dishonest the insanity better.

    (So that one might well add “Insanity is strength” to the set of Orwellian epigrams….)

  10. RT: That RussiaGate article in “The Nation” blew me out of the water. I kept thinking I was at the wrong site or I was misreading the article in a fundamental way.

    I used to read “The Nation” as a serious Chomskyite. I’m surprised the article got published.

    Once upon a time the left was more rational and honest than they are today.

    (Whoa — the Edit function makes a surprise appearance!)

  11. Thing about the Nation piece, it’s Stephen Cohen. He’s been bigfooting Russia expertise for many decades, first polishing the Soviet apple, now just generally plumping his Russia cred. As to publication, he’s married to K. VandenHeuvel, so, who’s to stop him?

  12. huxley on June 4, 2019 at 4:40 pm:


    “Their only real chance is if Barr turns out to be another Swamp Thing or they can get something on him. So far neither option looks realistic.”

    I would look towards a different tack. Barry M. almost nails it. Barry says:

    “…since they proudly define their particular brand of insanity is as their “patriotic duty” or their “responsibility to the American people” or the “legal necessity that has been thrust upon them”, which “they dare not shirk”, etc., etc. …

    Barry, you left out “defending the Constitution” and “standing up for our rule of law and our system of justice.” Well, you sorta got the last one.

    Expect duplicity on steroids and by prepared for nearly the entire national media to descend down the rabbit hole along with Alice. Perception IS reality, is their motto. Now the survival of the Democrat party depends on it.

  13. sdferr on June 4, 2019 at 5:46 pm:

    I saw that bit on Scot Peterson. Hmmm. I was glad that the Sheriff lost his job. I don’t like Scot at all. But doesn’t this seem like scapegoating? At least the perjury charge should be something concrete (I hope). If so, go for it (perjury).

    The other charges just strike me as some serious reaching. Some of this has been adjudicated before: Cops are NOT required to dive into highly risky situations to save people. It’s nice if they do, sometimes they do it, frequently their superiors forbid it; but the law does not require it.

    On the other hand, it’s much better to sacrifice a working stiff like Peterson while misdirecting attention, than to go after a social justice warrior like Sup. Robert Runcie.

  14. Francesca:

    Actually, Melania looks very tall because she IS very tall. Without shoes she is supposedly 5’11”. With heels, a lot taller. That’s tall for a woman. Trump is tall, too although not as tall (for a man). Supposedly 6′ 3″. He’s big too—kind of wide. Ivanka is about the same height as Melania (her mother Ivana is reportedly 6 ft tall) and Baron has really shot up.

  15. 5′ 11″ is tall for a woman. I knew Melania was that tall, but did not know Ivanka was too. I knew a girl in high school who was 6′ 1″ who tried to make it in modeling. She was good looking, but not Melania good looking.

    Saw her (my acquaintance) in a print mag. once. in a minor bit. Years later she was quoted as saying she couldn’t get very far in modeling. Perhaps 6′ 1″ is too tall?

  16. I just saw a former DOJ official opine on the Scot Peterson indictments. She said there is no such thing as “criminal cowardice.” She predicts that Peterson will be (emotionally) convicted on his negligence in FL, but will be overturned on appeal.

  17. “…no such thing…”

    I guess that’s a good thing for Mueller…and the Obama’s sly, prevaricating administration.

  18. Back to the NOW.

    Lee Smith with a stellar analysis of the manipulation and corruption of American (but not just American) media and how that media is a willing accomplice to its own corruption…in order to achieve THE GOAL.

    Key graph (one of many):
    “Rather than unraveling the lies that sustained the FBI’s dirty Russiagate investigation, the press’ selective reporting served rather as a shield to defend intelligence officials spying on Americans who were guilty only of supporting the wrong presidential candidate.”

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