Home » Al Sharpton on Jussie Smollett


Al Sharpton on Jussie Smollett — 38 Comments

  1. As Tucker pointed out in a superb monologue on his show last night, the egregious charlatan has only profited from his mendacity in l’affaire Brawley. Not only has he never been held to account for that sordid episode, but he is unlikely ever to face justice for tax evasion. Nor is there reason to be confident that the loathsome Smolett will reap his just deserts.

  2. Have you noticed that anybody with a “D” after their name does not suffer the consequences of their illegal actions?
    What has become of all the fake hate crime perpetrators, and those who destroyed public property?
    What has become of all the “referrals” for lying before the senate committee?
    What has resulted from the investigations for the illegal actions by DOJ and FBI officials?
    What has become of the Governor, Lt Governor and Atty General of Virginia? If they had had an “R” after their names they would have been gone from office by now.
    And have you noticed that Antifa has disappeared, rather like they were ordered by some controlling interest to stop their actions for the nonce. I guess they are saving up for the 2020 elections.

    Just Asking.

  3. Nor is there reason to be confident that the loathsome Smolett will reap his just deserts.

    j e: I understand your cynicism, but Smollett may be a bridge too far even for SJWs. He’s been too amateurish and obvious. They are aware he makes their cause look bad.

    I believe Smollett will be thoroughly exposed and stands a good chance of being tried and serving time, especially if the Post Office detectives get him for the white powder hate letter addressed to him from “MAGA.”

  4. Sharpton is seeking to divorce himself and his leftist allies from blowback by continuing to call for “law enforcement to find out what happened and the guilty should suffer the maximum.” See how noble he and they are? Virtual paragons in support of the rule of law…

    I wonder how supportive he’ll be of the law if phone records reveal that Smollett and Kamala Harris (close friend of Smollet) and Cory Booker (first to express outrage) together engineered this to ensure passage of their sponsored legislation to make ‘lynching’ a FEDERAL ‘hate crime”? Their primary resume builder for the 2020 nomination…

  5. I know that common sense died because I was at the funeral. But I didn’t know irony was killed in the same accident. Sharpton. What can you say?

    Maybe America will finally kick back and laugh at all this zaniness, thereby improving race relations, which have been deteriorating since Obama talked of rolling back the seas.

  6. While this post is primarily about Sharpton and Brawley, the Smollett case gets more and more mind boggling to me. People have commented on how late at night and extremely cold it was when the alleged attack occurred.

    But I didn’t appreciate that in all likelihood, he didn’t want eye witnesses; because he had staged it near a security camera. But because of the smoky glass domed housing, he didn’t realize the camera was pointed in a different direction. Drat! If only he had watched Brian De Palma’s “Body Double” he might have tricked a person into being the perfect eyewitness.

    I can only hope that the poor man gets the help he needs. (sarc)

  7. Rosanne was fired immediately, *ussie Smollett is still employed, so is Alec Baldwin. Making a bad joke is worse than committing serious fraud or inflicting serious bodily injury on someone over a parking space for those who have a completely defective moral compress.

  8. Smollett is in serious trouble because he mailed that hoax letter. That’s a federal felony.

    Retired Chicago cop Donna Kenny: “My first experience with postal inspectors was in 1987. I answered a call to ‘see the mother about the mailman,’” Kenny remembered. “The mother thought the mailman was flirting with her 12-year-old daughter.”

    “I was very new and I eventually wound up contacting the postal inspectors. I’d never heard of them before.”

    They define bad ass.

  9. not in a million year would i thought it could truly be a staged hoax. I thought *ussieboy just got beat up for refusing to pay triple after a satisfying threesome with two homo prostitutes, then capitalized his misfortune to smear those Trump supporters he hated.

  10. TommyJay,

    ‘Body Double’ is a great movie. Best Hitchcock omage ever.

    And yes if this clown was really thinking he would have had a witness to his ‘beating’.

  11. Preacher, Whoremonger, Race Hustler, World Class Tax Cheat, all this and still on CNN giving his opinions, and too many people paying attention. Wonder why our country has the problems it has?

  12. And I won’t forget this:

    “Harry Crist Jr., a police officer who committed suicide shortly after the period when Brawley was allegedly held captive, became a suspect in the case.”

    That’s from the Wikipedia entry linked in Neo’s post. The wording is rather strange in that Wikipedia entry, by which I mean it should read that “a police officer, who was backed into a corner by thugs, committed suicide because he saw no way out from being railroad by the likes of Sharpton.”

    Lies told by “victims” can and do harm innocent folks.

  13. Leftist?
    Assume a liar & a profiteer & you’re rarely wrong.
    Goes double when dealing with race-based allegations.

  14. A little facetiousness from one of the commenters.
    ” … not in a million year would i thought it could truly be a staged hoax.”

    And then we have Smollett (and that is “Jussie”, DNW, not “Gussie”) sandwiching this Freudian slip in between a couple layers of B.S.

    Regarding the supposed detail of MAGA hats worn by the pretend perpetrators Jussie is on record as saying:

    “I never said that. I didn’t need to add anything like that. They called me a f*****. They called me a n*****. There’s no which way you cut it. I don’t need some MAGA hat as the cherry on top of some racist sundae”

    In the passage above, he basically admits he scripted it himself.

  15. Per findings of the Human Genome Project, the very concept of race is a hoax.

    Contents of Human Genome Project
    *”DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans.
    *While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.”

    Smollett might think that even though his and Al Sharpton’s hoaxes were deceptions, they nevertheless depicted an underlying truth. The actual truth is that race hoaxers are liars who are owned by their lies.

  16. I knew he was lying, but thought he was actually assaulted just changing some facts to conceal identity of the perpetrators and reasons for the attacks(drug or sex deal went wrong) while using the chance to attack the big bad orange man, staging the whole thing from the ground up is unexpected and a new low, or maybe I was just ignorant and still thought too highly of the left

  17. Apparently Smollett accepts that the Nigerian brothers attacked him, which blows the whole white racist, homophopic, MAGA narrative out of the water. This may be why the progressives are suddenly, “Let’s wait and see,” instead of doubling down as they did with Christine Blasey Ford.

    This leaves Smollett with the wild scenario the brothers fake-attacked him intending to frame him afterward as a hoaxster. Though how that nets to the brothers’ advantage, I don’t see. But since it’s almost certainly a lie, I’m not going to waste any brain cells on it.

  18. @Ray
    Not really. From the article you linked: Exploration of the genome has shown that all humans, whatever their race, share the same set of genes. Each gene exists in a variety of alternative forms known as alleles, so one might suppose that races have distinguishing alleles, but even this is not the case. A few alleles have highly skewed distributions but these do not suffice to explain the difference between races. The difference between races seems to rest on the subtle matter of relative allele frequencies. The overwhelming verdict of the genome is to declare the basic unity of humankind.
    Moreover, nothing good or useful for non-slaveowners has ever come from the concept. Time to discard it and move on.

  19. Well, I don’t know what others do when looking for hard-hitting journalism on the topics of the day (as well as pix of good-looking, semi-clothed celebs) but for me the “Daily Mail” is a must. Tonight they have a choice article on the hate letter Smollett received:

    The letter was scrawled with the words ‘You will die black f*g’, spelled out in cut and pasted magazine letters, and MAGA which was written in red pen.

    There was also a stick figure drawing of a man with a gun pointed at his head.

    Police said they have a magazine that was retrieved from one of the Nigerian’s men’s home. That magazine is being cited as evidence in the case, it has been reported.


    OMG! If the police have the magazine missing the cut-out letters, Smollett is so, so boned. It’s not surprising the brothers flipped on him.

    But this is the “Daily Mail,” so I’m not promising anything besides the ride.

  20. Hmm…the same material is covered in more detail here:


    And here’s a fascinating discussion about sending an anonymous note through the mail at the Data Lounge four days before Smollett received his hate letter. The original poster asked anonymously.

    OP: What’s the best way to do it? With disguised handwriting, or should you print it out from a document?

    Reply 1: Can you buy a newspaper and cut out words and letters and then paste them together?


    L’affaire Smollett may end in a sudden apology and plea for mercy.

  21. “a police officer, who was backed into a corner by thugs, committed suicide because he saw no way out from being railroad by the likes of Sharpton.”

    That is only one death that can be laid at the feet of Sharpton. Between Crown Heights, Freddie’s Fashion Mart and the NYPD around a dozen people have been killed because of Sharpton’s demagoguery. Yet he was repeatedly invited to the Obama White House for private meetings. And to think they call Trump “racist”!

  22. If Sharpton can be rehabilitated and a “respected” commentator and political operative after the disgrace of Le Affaire Brawley what’s to stop us from watching the Jussie Smollett show on MSNBC 10 years hence.

  23. Jussie Smollet claims to be attacked by Trump supporters, and Cory Booker and Kamala Harris and a number of other leftist leaders immediately decried the violence done to him.
    But when faced with the near certainty that he faked the incident, they insist that we must wait until the facts are in before we pass judgment.
    Does that sound like the definition of two-faced?

  24. Sure Sharpton is an absolute hypocrite, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the show!

  25. And people wonder why i don’t like Christian “pastors” and “reverends”… wolves pretending to be shepherds.

  26. “How many people today know a thing about what Sharpton did back then? Only us old folks.”

    Thanks to our media and current Democrats, younger generations are only familiar with Sharpton as an MSNBC show host and Obama’s advisor on black relations.

    Amazing that someone like him, with blood on his hands from his race hustler days, has a lucrative, respectable career while our current ‘cancel culture’ is happy to destroy a person over an old joke or smirk. Let’s see if Smollett gets a free pass like Sharpton.

  27. Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks. It was brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their non-fiction book All the President’s Men (1974).

    COINTELPRO tactics are still used to this day, and have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination

    The FBI’s stated motivation was “protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order.”

    [despite it stopping they think monitoring anyone is the same thing, it isnt, but for the record they said this too: Internal documents dated as late as 2017, showed that the FBI had continued to engage in similar programs by surveilling the Black Lives Matter movement.]

    do a title on the concept job “Agent Provocateur” leave out the porn and other designations that stole cache from it… and realize that there are people professionally trained to do this…

    Agent Provocateur (French for “inciting agent”)

    …a person who commits or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation or entice legal action against the target

    So when some girl decides to go out and see the world, and is doing so under advive she read or thinks is social, she is the victim of agent provacatuers who need her to be hurt…

    what if a lynching was to be had and no one showed up?
    ask Smollett…

    lots of things you talk about are the product of such and yet, you dont talk about who is making it happen… they are the ones that matter…the victims and people being used dont, the willi munzenberg and otto katz and so on… (and others not in the limelight at all)

    The activities of agents provocateurs against revolutionaries in Imperial Russia were notorious. Dr. Jacob Zhitomirsky, Yevno Azef, Roman Malinovsky, and Dmitry Bogrov, all members of Okhrana, were notable provocateurs.

    In the “Trust Operation” (1921–1926), the Soviet State Political Directorate (OGPU) set up a fake anti-Bolshevik underground organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”. The main success of this operation was luring Boris Savinkov and Sidney Reilly into the Soviet Union, where they were arrested and executed.

    Entrapment as an art

  28. expat on February 19, 2019 at 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm said:
    It is not so much what they do report; it’s what they don’t report. I can usually tell when they are lying or exaggerating, but I have to do a lot of digging to find out parts of the story that are missing and other stories that are far more important than how many burgers Trump served at the WH.
    * * *
    I am continually amazed at how many stories I read from the MSM that do not make a single factually wrong statement, yet the totality of the article is a complete lie.

  29. TommyJay on February 19, 2019 at 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm said:

    But I didn’t appreciate that in all likelihood, he didn’t want eye witnesses; because he had staged it near a security camera. But because of the smoky glass domed housing, he didn’t realize the camera was pointed in a different direction. Drat! If only he had watched Brian De Palma’s “Body Double” he might have tricked a person into being the perfect eyewitness.
    * * *

    On Saturday, a 30-year-old woman who lives in a high-rise that overlooks the purported crime scene told CWBChicago that she believes she saw the events that Smollett described to police as a violent hate crime.

    The woman said she returned to her apartment early on Jan. 29th after helping a friend move from the Gold Coast to Lincoln Park. “It was cold and everyone bailed on him, so it took forever,” she said.

    Upon returning home, the woman saw three men standing on the corner where Smollett would later report being attacked.

    “All I saw was three guys talking,” she said. “They were standing right before the staircase” that leads to Upper East North Water Street.

    “I don’t think there was any problem because it looked like they knew each other.”

    And she said, as she looked down on the men through her open bedroom window, she did not hear any screaming or slurs. “I heard trucks (two blocks away) on Michigan Avenue, but I didn’t hear anything from them.”

    If the woman is right, she estimates that the actual timeline for the crime as known to the public is off. “10, 15, maybe 20 minutes off,” she said.

    So, why’d she have her window open so early on a frigid Tuesday morning?

    “Because I was smoking pot,” she laughed. “That’s why I haven’t talked to the cops, too.”


    The sources say there were red flags from the get-go. Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.

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