Home » What the Green New Deal wants to eliminate: the nuclear power plant, and then the cow fart


What the Green New Deal wants to eliminate: the nuclear power plant, and then the cow fart — 59 Comments

  1. “But it’s a way of appealing to the leftist base and getting the public used to the most extreme ideas of the movement. The less extreme ideas won’t seem so radical after that.” – Neo

    Hmm. A lot of people have mentioned that Trump’s deal-making skills include asking for far more than he is willing to settle for.
    I wonder if some of the hatred of the Left for the President is driven by the leadership’s recognition that he knows exactly how their scam works, and is ready and able to go the same route against them (something the GOP was never willing to do).

  2. The election of AOC was great for the GOP. Her crazy solutions to the non-existent global warming crisis informs independents and moderates how insane the Dems really are. Keep talking!

  3. I just checked the Twitter feed of Jane Kleeb. She leads the Nebraska Democrats. She backs the Green New Deal which would eliminate cows. Now that’s an insane party!

  4. I have had the same thoughts as Neo and others that this is the opening gambit. Ask for far more than you think you can get, settle for a small bite, then ask for more. Is that something from Alinsky?
    The Occasional Cortex is going to be fun to watch the next two years. She will suck the air out of the Dem candidates sails. She will be the center of attention for the next 2 yrs, not the candidate.

    As I mentioned in another posting here, she is a lunatic but a very dangerous one.

  5. The Washington Post has an editorial up now on climate change, in which they take the Trump Administration to task for not taking it seriously, but they also write this:

    Some Democrats, meanwhile, have announced a “ Green New Deal” whose goal seems to be radically reshaping U.S. society and vastly expanding government rather than simply addressing the climate problem, which is hard enough — and important enough. Though not nearly as harmful as Mr. Trump’s rank denialism, engaging in this sort of fantasy also hurts the cause of practically addressing the issue.

    I think it’s pretty clear that many Democrats are getting mighty fed up with AOC at this point.

  6. Yep, it’s the “art of the deal.” Ask for ridiculous things, then bargain down to say, a Carbon Tax, mega fuel efficiency standards, and “weatherizing homes.” My, how reasonable. But that’s only the first bite. They will soon be back for more and more and more.

    She’s very cunning.

  7. The problem with the green new deal is not how absurd it is but that someone might be serious about implementing it. Remeber that we were thinking much the same way about Hillarycare a quarter of a century ago.

    If tried we know it will not work, but if tried bienvienido a Venezuela.

  8. Poor Alexandria Occasionally-Cogent she/they forgot about the contribution of termites in their Green New Deal. Cow burps and termite farts(?) to control as well as the entire society of North America. After you can’t expect perfect results from the Green New Deal if Canada, Mexico, Central America, and ….. don’t comply.

    What a maroon.


    That sustainability propaganda stated showing up in Geological Society of America publications at least a decade ago. Sad.

  9. Badgers outside of the Isthmus in Madison are not gullible enough to buy into her foolishness.-

  10. Tuvea,
    I thought the same thing. What are we going to do, take the Lurline* out of mothballs? Although those old time ‘boat days’ sure sound fun!
    Maybe this GND is a good thing. A wakeup call, so to speak. Instead of ‘The Art of the Deal’, maybe it will be more like the bum you pass every day on the way to work and one day you actually hear what he’s saying and realize he’s not a pathetic wino, he’s a psychotic and EVERYTHING about him is dangerous and crazy.
    Apologies for the run on sentence.
    *I actually have a friend who’s middle name is Lurline.

  11. Reducing CO2 in the atmosphere without more nukes is today, technically so expensive as to be laughably unrealistic. But socialist dreamers like to “Imagine”.

    Thanks to the now-evil college indoctrination programs, socialism can certainly come to America, and be as damaging as in Venezuela. This watermelon strategy (green outside, socialist red inside) has long been the envious socialists’ most successful path towards destroying capitalist feelings in the USA.

    “Morally right” being more important than factually right is the key error. True morality is based on, and bounded by, facts and reality. It is because of facts that socialism fails — so facts are being replaced by feelings as the basis of morality being taught/ propagandized in the colleges (and even K-12, now). Wage & price & rent controls are all based on magic thinking & false morality–but are very popular at first.

    One of saddest ironies is that capitalism is hugely about “sustainability”. There is just a different word for it. It’s called profit. Companies that don’t make profit are not sustainable. Of course, it does depend on the gov’t to define property rights and ownership clearly, to determine who is responsible for how much pollution as part of the production & consumption activities.

  12. To the Left, ‘justice’ is ‘whatever I want to have a tantrum over’. Justice can be terrible, the curse of Nemesis. The people who toss the word around would be terrified to face justice for the victims of socialism … especially if they couldn’t console themselves with their own lies

  13. Since AOC thinks we, like, have, like, 12 years left to live it only logically follows that we must enact the Green New Deal.

  14. AOC is just another leftist thug behind the facade, e.g.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    ?Verified account @AOC

    Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


    Anybody recall her threatening Trump Jr with subpoena? One can expect the same threats if one disagrees with her Green Leap Forward.

  15. I agree, a dangerous women that it would be a very bad mistake to underestimate.

    I also think, as others here think, that by introducing such sweeping, unrealistic proposals she prepares the way for later debate of and possibly acceptance of much less sweeping proposals than would otherwise even be considered.

    She is injecting these memes into the public’s consciousness. Putting dye in the water, where is will spread, and soon become a part of every ounce.

    The only defense against her shtick that I see is constant mockery, constant alertness for the less unrealistic proposals to follow, and adamant opposition to them .

  16. Cornhead:

    Indeed, that was the prelude. If people believe it’s all over for the earth unless we do this, they will support it. Plenty of people are in a panic over AGW. It represents the perfect opportunity for the left, and they have carefully cultivated this fear for a long time, knowing that it will be a pretext for their seizing great power.

  17. More outrageous—and unmoooored—twaddle from the full-of-bull beserkers.

    Only 12 more years left on this planet and WE’RE to blame?!

    You vapid pretenders. You intellectually flatulent bipeds! How dare you?

    Ruminants of the world unite!!!

  18. Molly Brown,

    You would have no trouble taking a ship between the mainland and the archipelago. After all, you’re unsinkable!

    One thing missing from GND that disappoints is the failure to mention Unicorns pooping Rainbow Ice Cream. A serious flaw.

  19. This OCinDC stuff is not about making any sense at all, it is a religious thing that requires faith and falling into line with the ‘New Thinking’. Concepts that were unthinkable in the 1950’s about Gay Marriage, Trans in Restrooms, forced diversity requirements for college faculties and lots of other enlightenment stuff is now the norm.

    I think we are well on our way to some real messy cultural upheavals and perhaps even wars with lots of unintended consequences. Kind of like France spreading their good Napoleonic ideas in the early 1800’s for the good of Europe and then the brilliant Germans bringing order to the world in the 1930’s for the good of mankind while they overlapped the USSR and their good intentions.

    I am afraid this desire for control of the world stuff is just as predictable as large storms working from high pressure to low pressure systems when that little six month war in August 1914 kind of got out of hand.

  20. “She isn’t dangerous. She’s a goof.”

    Art Deco, underestimate your enemy at your own peril.

    I’ve seen how they have totally transformed higher education over the last 17 years (it started right after 9/11). They are relentless and they never give up. After observing them over those years I think their drive comes from the psychological fact that their entire being is wrapped up in politics and the “leftist” mission. Family, friends, hobbies are of secondary importance. That’s why academia has become a fertile ground. In academia, their “job” is now intimately tied into their politics, so their career is their life.

    Their success is now showing as their graduates now control places like Amazon, Facebook, Twitter. Note how PC is infecting corporations. My God, I was shocked during the Superpower how now the NFL publicly announce its support for “social justice”. That phrase is the campus code word for socialist/marxist policies.

    Don’t underestimate these people. They are FAR from “goofs”.

  21. Why don’t these lefties lead by example and live the way they want us to live? All these greenies claim to be terrified of AGW but they all fly around in their private airplanes. Leftism is the vanguard of third worldism.

  22. This OCinDC stuff is not about making any sense at all, it is a religious thing that requires faith and falling into line with the ‘New Thinking’.

    Yes. this is planning by people who never took math in college or high school.

    They are relentless and they never give up. After observing them over those years I think their drive comes from the psychological fact that their entire being is wrapped up in politics and the “leftist” mission.

    Yes, but they will require the STEM graduates to implement anything they try. I’ve watched Medicine being “feminized” the past 25 years. It’s a bit like the old joke about the man with diarrhea who was advised to go to a Psychiatrist when nothing else worked. A few days later the friend saw him on the street and asked how he was. He said, “Fine, Fine.” The friend said, “Did he cure your diarrhea?” No, the guy said, “I still shit my pants but I’m not worried about it now.”

    That’s the future with feminized Medicine and leftist “science.”

  23. Snow on Pine: “The only defense against her shtick that I see is constant mockery, constant alertness for the less unrealistic proposals to follow, and adamant opposition to them.”

    Exactly. Don’t let this become part of the national “conversation.” Two weeks ago NYT’s Thomas Friedman was on NPR’s Science Friday (!) saying nice things about the GND. Leftists always take the long view. They will gladly take parts of this now and then work tirelessly to get the rest.

  24. “Yes. this is planning by people who never took math in college or high school.”

    True, but it doesn’t matter to them in the least. There’s now a move on, been coming for some time, from these people to change the way we teach physics as physics was developed by “old white men” and is therefore racist and needs to incorporate “new” physics from POC. Again, these “experts” have never taken a physics course. When you try to tell them that a object falls with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 in Africa just like in the US, and no matter what the color of the skin of the person doing the measuring happens to be, they simply don’t believe you. If they get a foothold science is dead and we will enter a modern Dark Age. They are truly frightening people. Not only because of their total removal from reality, but from the fact that they are holding such influence in the lager society.

    Oh, in my previous post it should be Superbowl…I missed the autocorrect error

  25. If this Green New Deal is such a great idea, maybe New York City (far left Democrat mayor) in New York State (leftist Democrat governor) and AOC also from New York could try it there first and show us how it is done. Enact the new 70% tax on Wall Street to finance it. Shut down JFK and La Guardia. Convert all the housing in NYC to be green. It should be fun to watch.

  26. UNLESS you can convince the ladies that the future is NOT communism, your going to be comnunist… or they wont have kids and your replacements will and leftovers will be sacrificed as the scapegoats to remove – and then they can do what they did beore without any one to stop them (as niemoller said… even ireland is repeating the old german point of dont buy from jews!!)

    from the federalist….
    1. Ban affordable energy.
    2. Eliminate nuclear energy.
    3. Eliminate 99 percent of cars.
    4. Gut and rebuild every building in America.
    5. Eliminate air travel.
    6. A government-guaranteed job.
    7. Free education for life.
    8. A salubrious diet.
    9. A house.
    10. Free money.
    11. Bonus insanity: Ban meat.

    anyone care to look past 10 years here and see that i was trying to warn about this
    ie. when AOC was still in college i was trying to let you know what the freaking factory was putting out
    [edited for length by n]

  27. “Yes. this is planning by people who never took math in college or high school.”


    AOC has a degree in economics…
    NOW who the heck you gonna blame?

    i like the way that made up thing above, to explain things…

    covers over the idea that THIS IS WHAT THEY TEACH NOW and THIS TEACHING IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. its onpurpose the way the egyptians had education but slaves did not and they locked things away with puzzles for keys as the slaves couldnt work out the puzzles..

    Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is an American freelance writer and former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education.

    SHE snitched on all this kind of thing they were doing right after REAGAN
    i put stuff up on this for ages.. and yet, you guys favor these on the fly made up commentaries as ways to get to an answer… how? your answers dont extend beyond a closed room and imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    her first book, which she leaked the stuff she was finding out in the meetings in the parts of the government that dont change in elections and started to reveal that the idea was to make people more stupid…

    from there hundreds of books written and ignored.
    easier to make up a line like that above, sounds good, and who gives a rats ass?
    [if you care then why do it?]

    Iserbyt served as the senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

    so why the F would you guys care to hear what she says?
    its old news… but when it ws new news, it wasnt believable
    now what?

    i even got you guys free copies. but now you hae to pay
    The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper TrailSep 1, 1999 – by Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt – Hardcover $134.95 (13 used & new offers)

    wow… i guess only the wealthy are smart enough to have enough to read it!!!
    you lower class people (as they see you) well, too bad for you…
    your destiny was laid out by Woodrow Wilson… but thats too old, eh?

    now there is a whole dewey section on the subject, which makes you read the derivatives… you know, like how BEARD rewrote american history towards progressivism, and then ZINN rewrote it for communism, and then that became the text book… (and you wonder why they are communist? that happened when history became social studies, and personell offices became human resources)

    Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

    her newest updated one?
    the deliberate dumbing down of america – A Chronological Paper Trail: A Chronological Paper Trail from $428.89

    too bad you dont know whats in it, and whats in other books like it, like Havelocks stuff

    i guess you HAVE to make up answers.
    its what cows and cattle do to try to understand farmers who are not honest
    isnt it?

    Originally the term dumbing down was used as a slang expression in 1933 by film screenwriters to mean “revising [the script] so as to appeal to those of lower education or intelligence.”[edited for length by n]

  28. Artfldgr:

    “You guys” do not claim that AOC and other leftists didn’t take these subjects in college. One person is saying that. You are generalizing and ignoring the fact that I and many many others here are continually talking about the leftist influence on education: dumbing down, indoctrination, ignorance. And of course it’s purposeful.

    Again, I think you are even misunderstanding what that one commenter in this thread (Mike K) is actually saying. You are taking him very literally when he says they never took math in high school. What I believe he’s trying to say—and the rest of that same comment of his bears this out—is that they took the courses but that leftists ensured they didn’t learn the actual material. That comment you are referring to ends with this from Mike K: “That’s the future with feminized Medicine and leftist ‘science.’”

    He gets it. And he is followed by physics guy adding:

    There’s now a move on, been coming for some time, from these people to change the way we teach physics as physics was developed by “old white men” and is therefore racist and needs to incorporate “new” physics from POC. Again, these “experts” have never taken a physics course. When you try to tell them that a object falls with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 in Africa just like in the US, and no matter what the color of the skin of the person doing the measuring happens to be, they simply don’t believe you. If they get a foothold science is dead and we will enter a modern Dark Age. They are truly frightening people. Not only because of their total removal from reality, but from the fact that they are holding such influence in the larger society.

  29. what i dont understand is why everyone is upset and complaining…
    read this

    The aim of progressive education is explicitly to indoctrinate

    It is the aim of progressive education to take part in correcting unfair privilege and unfair deprivation, not to perpetuate them. Wherever social control means subordination of individual activities to class authority, there is danger that industrial education will be dominated by acceptance of the status quo. – John Dewey

    As the first elected UNESCO Director-General British ProfessorJulian Huxley (brother of Brave New World’s Aldous), in 1949 had the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization pumping out pamphlets expounding the importance that children be educated devoid of any national allegiance, patriotism or family loyalties identified as the biggest barriers to their demonic ambitions:

    “As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can only produce precarious results.”

    [and his brother made the UN which is doing replacement immigration of the people removed by their ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well.. i guess it wasnt fiction.. was it?]

    The embedded Common Core doctrine handed down from Dewey’s Progressive Education is designed to program and prepare children’s impressionable minds toward accepting the notion of collectivism.

    The group mind is deemed far more important than the individual mind to the extent that a child’s value is only as good as the value the child can bring to the group.

    As an individual one carries little intrinsic value as a human life without the greater context as the worker bee sacrificing for the maintenance of the group.

    Teaching materials aligned with the controversial national educational standards ask fifth-graders to edit such sentences as:
    “(The president) makes sure the laws of the country are fair”
    “The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation”
    “the commands of government officials must be obeyed by all.”

    did you know that they are getting a SOVIET EDUCATION?
    while the soviets are getting the old education that made USA leaders?

    i suggest you read
    Nationalizing Education, by John Dewey

    We are now faced by the difficulty of developing the good aspect of nationalism without its evil side – of developing a nationalism which is the friend and not the foe of internationalism.

    Since this is a matter of ideas, pi emotions, of intellectual and moral disposition and outlook, it depends for its accomplishment upon educational agencies, not upon outward machinery.

    Among these educational agencies, the public school takes first rank.


    For unless the agencies which form the mind and morals of the community can prevent the operation of those forces which are always making for a division of interests, class and sectional ideas and feelings will become dominant, and our democracy will fall to pieces.

    “Lectures and annual reports on education” by Horace Mann – 1867 edition:

    We, then, who are engaged in the sacred cause of education, are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause; and, just as soon as we can make them see the true relation in which they and their children stand to this cause, they will become advocates for its advancement, more ardent and devoted than ourselves.

    And in the self-direction thus given, nothing counts as much as the school, for, as Horace Mann said, “Where anything is growing, one former is worth
    a thousand re-formers.”
    Dewey commenting on Mann

    Having found the present generation composed of materials almost unmalleable, I am about transferring my efforts to the next. Men are cast-iron; but children are wax. Strength expended upon the latter may be effectual, which would make no impression upon the former.

    that should be a warning to you and is… ie. the population has to die… or ideas dont change.. they said this long ago, and know this…

    Philosopher Fichte introduced Pestalozzi’s progressive education to Germany, and there Horace Mann and Calvin Stowe picked it up, to bring to the U.S. [and you can see how it prepared germany for its fascist future, just as its doing what here?]

    The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible. By the time a man has grown old enough to have a son in college he has specialized. The university should generalize the treatment of its undergraduates, should struggle to put them in touch with every force of life. Woodrow Wilson

    mission accomplished…
    the capitalists children are communist…
    the famliy oriented’s children hate the family…
    the children loving women now hate them and dispose of them (selling parts)
    the well dressed past now is the dont know how to dress present

    Wilson continues:

    “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible,” He said.

    “By the time a man has grown old enough to have a son in college he has specialized.

    The university should generalize the treatment of its undergraduates, should struggle to put them in touch with every force of life. Every man of established success is dangerous to society. His tendency is to keep society as it is. His success has been founded upon it. You will not find many reformers among the successful men.

    You will not find many reformers among the successful men. A man told me once that he left college interested in humanity. At 40 he was interested only in an industry to which he had applied himself. At 60 he was interested only in his bank account. Any social change affects that bank account.

    Society cannot progress without change.”

    The relation of the university to life was the relation of the conception to the act, he said; the relation of the vision to that slow, toiling process by which an end was accomplished.

    University extension societies should extend the influence of the university to the general public.

    and they have, so they dont try to debate you any more as your better educated than the kids they are training… they only have to wait, orhasten your going… thats done by economically hurting you, removing work, taxing, and on and on…

    Wilson absolutely hated the principles of the Founding Fathers

    Wilson was not the only one who looked at colleges this way. John Dewey, widely regarded as the Father of Modern Education, held a very similar, perhaps identical view. As did Horace Mann, who considered your children to be hostages to their cause.

    Nice group of people, eh? – progressing america


    Aborted babies are being used in macabre experiments in the US that involve grafting dead fetus parts onto mice which are then used to test drugs.

    Documents seen by Sun Online outline procedures that involve cutting out glands and livers of unborn children and then fusing them onto lab rodents.

    Clinics are supposed to ask if they would like to donate tissue but it is unclear whether the parents are aware their dead children’s bodies are being used in this way.

    The controversial use of body parts is being spearheaded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the American government which is ploughing $98million (£75m) of taxpayers’ money into using aborted babies in the name of science.

  31. Artfldgr:

    You keep saying that 10 years ago you were trying to warn us. It sounds like you think people were ignorant of all this then, too, and disagreed. I have no doubt there were a few who fit that description here, but very few. Most people agreed, and although some of the details you provided of the history of the Soviet and feminist influence were things people didn’t know, the basic position was (for example) that Obama was a socialist. I wrote many posts on the subject myself, ten years ago. For example, here’s one from more than 10 years ago, even before Obama was elected. Here’s another from shortly after he became president.

    And I’ve been writing about the Gramscian march through the schools and other institutions for a long time; the first mention I can find on this blog is 2010 (here, although unfortunately the links are broken).

    I’ve asked you many times to stop haranguing people here. I have gotten rid of several of your comments that are merely harangues. I try to leave the ones that are more substantive and less of a harangue.

  32. Neo, artfldgt posts walls of text and there is a similar commenter at Patterico who does the same. I don’t read them.

    I was exaggerating a bit about high school but none of these people seem to have a sense of reality, math or physics or economics. There is an interesting post by John Derbyshire about Charles Murray and statistics.

    I once suggested to Charles Murray that the true object of his intellectual passion is not sociology, or psychology, or psychometry, but statistics. Murray: “If you had said ‘data,’ you would have been nearer to the truth.” That was when he was still at work on Human Accomplishment. Reading the book now, I see the wisdom of his reply. Murray is a master mariner of data—a datanaut, as it were. The science of statistical analysis supplies his tool kit—his sounding line and sextant—but his passion is for the numbers, and the truths that lie hidden in their dim green depths.

    Few people understand statistics, let alone Bayes Theorem.

    I doubt any are politicians.

  33. There’s an old saying I made up. “The farther out the outliers lie, the farther out the inliers can lie without being outliers.”

    AOC is so far out that being half that bad might seem reasonable.

  34. Out of curiosity, I did a quick search on “Green New Deal.” Others have used this term, including Thomas Freidman (2007), Obama (2008), the UN (2009), Bernie and Jill Stein (2016). Probably the most frightening was this from one of its current proponents, a Socialist (naturally, since that is the politics of those who keep using this term):

    “The Green New Deal is a great framing, and I’m glad it’s catching on, but this whole thing needs to be at least as comprehensive as the New Deal,” said Ashik Siddique, who serves on the Democratic Socialists of America’s climate working group. “We are talking about the need to transform the physical infrastructure of every sector of the economy.”

    “It’s very clear that something possibly even bigger scale than that is necessary now. Getting people used to thinking of it in those terms is welcome,” he said, then he laughed. “Even Tom Friedman is talking about it.”

    Is it an opening bid, or a case of “when your enemy tells you he wants to kill* you, believe him”?

    *In this case, kill America & our way of life

  35. AOC: Fool or Knave? –Francesca

    psssstt…. who wants to know?

    Here is answer. Eat after reading.

  36. Neo, I read the post.

    This GND initiative is a counter to Trump, that troglodyte non-believer in AGW. The GND is not meant to be serious legislation for now, but to burnish the Democrats’ reputation as caring about climate change and the Republicans’ reputation for not caring.

    What happens when reality intrudes. Watch the current Sunspot Cycle.

    Early records of sunspots indicate that the Sun went through a period of inactivity in the late 17th century. Very few sunspots were seen on the Sun from about 1645 to 1715 (38 kb JPEG image). Although the observations were not as extensive as in later years, the Sun was in fact well observed during this time and this lack of sunspots is well documented. This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the “Little Ice Age” when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes.

    What is the current cycle like ?

    Look at the chart.

    I think we are on the way to a new “Little Ice Age.” I’m happy to be in Arizona where the temp this morning was 36.

  37. Can’t improve on much of the above comments. I do think that, while this first GND post was ridiculous, it’s something we should take seriously. They mean it, they believe it, and they are willing to enforce their views by any means necessary. Taking it seriously now might help keep it from happening.

    On lactose intolerance: Me, too. Butter, cream, and cheese from those cows don’t have lactose, however.

  38. Mike K:

    I don’t think reality will ever intrude, at least not in the way you think.

    The idea is to get political power. Not just climate legislation, but power. The legislation doesn’t have to fix the climate problem. Any further problems will be attributed to other causes, or to AGW itself. Coldness is attributed to it already, for example. It is a Theory of Everything and cannot be disproven because new data is incorporated into the theory.

    And once the power is obtained, things will be put in place to make sure it will never be relinquished.

    I don’t think this battle is about what you think it is (but that’s for other parts of the series).

  39. My neighbor was over just now and we talked about this. His natural gas bill is three times last year’s. It will sink in.

    Victoria Australia is, fortunately, a few years ahead of us.

    If you’re relying on the weather for your power, prepare yourself to live without it: South Australians know the drill very well. In yesterday’s post, we focused on 25 January the day when Victorian wind power output struggled to produce 20% of its nameplate capacity, and 200,000 households struggled to survive without air-conditioning, or any […]

    We’ll see how much the left can tolerate pain.

  40. LYNN HARGROVE on February 7, 2019 at 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm said:
    I have had the same thoughts as Neo and others that this is the opening gambit. Ask for far more than you think you can get, settle for a small bite, then ask for more. Is that something from Alinsky?
    * * *
    It’s probably Ainskyite in spirit if not in letter, but it has been the MO of the Left for a long, long time.

    See Lawdog’s “The Cake Analogy” – it is too complex to excerpt, but totally on target.


    He did another update here:

  41. Richard Aubrey on February 8, 2019 at 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm said:
    There’s an old saying I made up. “The farther out the outliers lie, the farther out the inliers can lie without being outliers.”

    AOC is so far out that being half that bad might seem reasonable.
    * * *
    Sounds like a description of the shifting of the Overton Window.

  42. John on February 8, 2019 at 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm said:
    If this Green New Deal is such a great idea, maybe New York City (far left Democrat mayor) in New York State (leftist Democrat governor) and AOC also from New York could try it there first and show us how it is done. Enact the new 70% tax on Wall Street to finance it. Shut down JFK and La Guardia. Convert all the housing in NYC to be green. It should be fun to watch.
    * * *
    Aren’t the states (or in this case, city-states) supposed to be the laboratory of democracy?
    The biggest blunders in US history have been federal because they are not tried out on a smaller scale before being imposed nationally.

  43. Mike K on February 8, 2019 at 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm said:

    I was exaggerating a bit about high school but none of these people seem to have a sense of reality, math or physics or economics. There is an interesting post by John Derbyshire about Charles Murray and statistics.

    Few people understand statistics, let alone Bayes Theorem.

    I doubt any are politicians.
    * * *
    I just finished Murray’s “Human Accomplishment” and recommend it very highly. Murray makes even the driest data interesting, and explains the statistical methods quite clearly.
    Even a politician could follow, but most of them wouldn’t read Murray if you paid them to, being as he’s that old h8er.

  44. physicsguy on February 8, 2019 at 9:31 am at 9:31 am said:
    “She isn’t dangerous. She’s a goof.”

    Don’t underestimate these people. They are FAR from “goofs”.
    * * *
    Wise words of warning.

  45. When we are all still alive in 2030 despite NOT enacting most of their draconian demands, will the Left then sit down and shut up?

  46. These people do not seem to understand basic biology. If we rid the planet of livestock and make everyone vegan, they are ignoring the fact that some land is just not worth cultivating. There is a place for livestock in our ecosystem. Granted our current system needs improvement (not elimination) – check on Alan Savory’s livestock management technique and Gabe Brown’s “Dirt to Soil” for what our family considers good management practices that return carbon to the soil. We live on a farm so we have some experience in this.

  47. AesopFan:

    They will come up with something else.

    Or they will just push the target date into the future.

  48. Regeneration x 2, like the heads of the Hydra.

    Where is Hercules when you need him!

    (Per the Great Foot, the “regeneration” bit is a late embellishment on the original story.)

  49. neo on February 9, 2019 at 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm said:

    They will come up with something else.

    Or they will just push the target date into the future.
    * * *

    A song for you, inspired by one of the pix at PowerLine today:

    Young AOC had a farm – EIEIO
    and on that farm she had a cow – EIEIO.
    With a f*rt f*rt here, a f*rt f*rtthere, here a f*rt, there a f*rt,
    everywhere a f*rt f*rt.
    Young AOC had a farm – EIEI eeuugh.

  50. https://amgreatness.com/2019/02/08/attack-of-the-watermelon-people/

    Supposedly, the “Green New Deal” is “green” because it would help the environment. But a close reading of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s proposed resolution reveals a deal that looks more red than green.

    The freshman congresswoman from New York released more specifics of her sweeping idea this week. In simpler times, we called extreme environmentalists “watermelons,” because they were green (environmentalists) on the outside, but red (socialist or communist) on the inside. Ocasio-Cortez, her Green New Deal, and all her fellow travelers, are watermelons through and through.

    Almost everything about Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is wrong. The premises, the priorities, and the “solutions.” It’s easy, and necessary, to criticize the priorities and the solutions proposed by this very red, outwardly green plan. But to have a completely honest debate, you also have to challenge the premises.

    It isn’t enough to question the economic absurdity of the Green New Deal. A rational response would be to assert that it doesn’t matter how much it costs. For this reason it is necessary as well to reinvigorate the scientific debate over just how serious climate change is likely to be, what the causes are for climate change, and what the cost/benefits are of various strategies.

    One thing is certain: The path of the Watermelon people is a road to poverty and tyranny. There are far better ways to achieve a more universal prosperity, while helping vulnerable communities and vulnerable ecosystems, all over the world.

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