Spambot of the day
A reasonable spambot query:
After reading both of your blogposts I staleness say i pioneer this specific one to generally be top cut. I hold a weblog also and necessity to repost a few snips of your articles on my own blog place. Should it be alright if I use this as retentive I own comment your web journal or create a incoming attach to your article I procured the dress from? If not I realise and could not do it without having your approval . I score fact noticeable this article to twitter and zynga story conscious for reference. Anyway appreciate it either way!
Well, why ever not?
One of the more entertaining ones.
Another word salad. It’s as if they tossed up a bunch of words randomly chosed from a dictionary, and picked the first hundred or so that would create some semi-coherent sentances.
I still cannot figure out for the life of me WHY these comments are generated. The best that I can come up with is that some rogue business enterprise is scamming illicit businesses with promising to give them internet visibility by spamming blogs with the links for their dubious enterprises, thinly disguised by comments in laughably incompetant and off-topic English.
That one is very special. I think.
These are getting so extreme that I think they have “jumped the shark”. I believe that you are being spoofed. I can’t believe that these are real spambots.
Sounds like there is an infinite number of monkeys on the loose with an infinite number of typewriters. Eventually you will get a spambot version of Hamlet.
This is your spambot. And this is your spambot on drugs. Any questions?