Home » Does the president have the legal authority to declare a crisis and build a border wall?


Does the president have the legal authority to declare a crisis and build a border wall? — 14 Comments

  1. We need two questions:
    1) When there was a shutdown under Pres. Obama, did you think it mostly the fault of the President or of Congress?
    2) In this shutdown, do you think it is mostly the fault of Pres. Trump, or of Congress?

    Most Dems will blame: in case 1-Congress, in case 2-President.
    But they won’t think this is inconsistent, because they think the Reps are “evil” in both cases.
    Because they suffer from Dem Derangement Syndrome.

  2. It is evident that the Dems and Progs want open borders because the far greater majority of the immigrants vote Dem when they get to our pols.
    Don’t you think they also voted liberal in their home countries, thus turning them into the s…holes that they now wish to leave because of what those countries have now become?

  3. The time to take your licks, disappoint your core base … create a gratuitous stink to further-excite an already over-excited opponent … is immediately AFTER an election.

    The time to be the Conquoring General, a Henry Clay … to pull an ace out of your sleeve and a rabbit out of a hat … is NOT after an election, but in the lead-up … to the election that counts most. 😉

    The time to see something on the wall, is summer of ’20.

  4. I read that Rubio ask the important question: What will your response be when President Harris declares climate change a national emergency?



    The answer is rather simple.

    Any president can declare anything a national emergency. That’s just words in a speech.

    The real question is what said president proposes to do about it. Is the proposed action legal and constitutional for a president, or not? It’s not the declaration of crisis that’s the problem. Notice the title of the post says “to declare a crisis and build a border wall.” The real issue to be determined would be whether he can build a wall under those circumstances, which depends on how he does it—that is, what law or power of the president governs in such a case, and where the funds will come from. Declaring a crisis does not give any president the authority to do virtually anything and everything.

  6. Neo,

    I think Trump does have a specific mechanism by which the wall will be built; that he had this all researched & lined-out before he declared his candidacy … and that (therefore) it is not linked closely with any crisis declaration or means-choice.

    He has various powers … but the ‘action’ right now is to inflame the Democrats with visions of him abusing power, and them hanging him for it. Remember, he is an accomplished dramatist.

  7. You can read the details of that poll discussed in the Politico piece here. The question about the blame for the shutdown is this:

    POL18: Who would you say is mostly to blame for the government shutdown?

    It was preceded by these two:

    POL16: How familiar would you say you are with the situation in Washington D.C. that caused the government shutdown?

    POL17: How well would you say you understand the situation in Washington D.C. that caused the government shutdown?

    You can read the details on respondent demographics here.

  8. “Does the president have the legal authority to declare a crisis…?



    One would have thought that the Democrats and their apparatchiks in the media declared a crisis the moment Trump was elected.

    (And have been doing so every day since….)

  9. When people or groups fund caravans to overrun our borders we need the walls pronto. We needed the wall before but the crisis is here every so often. Drugs, killers, rapists, freeloaders, and now caravans. We need the wall now.

  10. If Pres. Trump correctly declares America’s lack of control of our southern border to have become a national emergency and directs the US military to construct the wall/barrier, is there any doubt that the lawsuits will erupt?

    If one or more of those lawsuits reach the Supreme Court and the SC rules that Trump has exceeded his authority, what does Trump do?

    Is not such a ruling a declaration that the Constitution is a death pact? That if the majority’s actions are clearly suicidal, the minority must submit to that now shared fate?

    If Trump accepts that ruling is he not also acquiescing to the destruction of America in the not-too-distant future?

    And thus derelict in his duty?

    In the face of such a ruling, would Trump be justified in declaring martial law?

    If Trump balks at such a step and, as a result the Left gains permanent political dominance, upon what basis is there to presume that liberty will survive?

  11. If Trump caves, he is a lame duck.

    The Congress may try to work out the original deal before the 9th Circuit killed it by ruling that DACA cannot be deported. That removed any incentive for Democrats to negotiate. They assume the courts will legislate for them. The 9th Circuit ruling went to the USSC but it was 4 to 4. I assume it will go back and the USSC will now rule 5 to 4 and then we may get a meal.

    I see no solution short of that.

  12. 10 USC §284 gives the President the explicit authority to order the DoD build the Wall, without declaring a national emergency. Invoke and let the Dems die on their hill!

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